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RT by @daniel_freund: Dear Balazs, we all remember your brave heroes of 1956. I wonder what they would think of today’s politics in Hungary. But please, let’s let them rest in peace.


[2023-10-27 19:13 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: "The last reform was in 2009 with the Treaty of Lisbon. However, major design flaws were not resolved. First and foremost: the principle of unanimity," @daniel_freund argues ⬇️


[2023-10-27 08:50 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: "How did it come to this?"
(looks like something to discuss informally today at ...)


[2023-10-26 14:00 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: Infuriating to see this amount of cowardice in addition to nonchalant admission by "EU official" @vonderleyen @EU_Commission is ready to (again) violate Treaty obligations (due to pressure from some EUMS) in respect of suspended 🇭🇺 EU funding for political reasons. Mad


[2023-10-26 12:00 UTC]

"He’s blocking Swedish Nato accession. He’s shaking hands with Putin. He’s comparing the EU to the dictatorship of the Soviet Union. Orbán delivers sufficient evidence in less than a week that he’s unfit to take over the EU presidency."
My statement⤵️


[2023-10-26 10:13 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: Wir haben zwei Jahre sehr viel gemeinsam hinbekommen als Motor der Modernisierung in diesem Land. Doch die Arbeit ist noch nicht erledigt. Deshalb bewerbe ich mich erneut als Bundesvorsitzender der großartigen Partei @Die_Gruenen.


[2023-10-26 07:44 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: More democracy, more citizen participation, more European security, and less blackmailing by autocrats. Negotiators of five groups in the reached an agreement; one that would bring forward treaty changes. @daniel_freund reports 🖋️


[2023-10-25 14:10 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: Die Story zu - wenn Bürgerbeteiligung gegen die Fleischlobby verliert. Die EU-Demokratie hat ein ernsthaftes Problem, wenn sie selbst mit 1,4 Millionen Bürgerunterschiften im Rücken & verbindlicher Zusage der -Kommission vor dem Lobbydruck einknickt. Links im🧵


[2023-10-25 14:23 UTC]

New rule of law report by
is out. Which country ranks worst among EU member states + North America?
Viktor Orban's Hungary.


[2023-10-25 10:25 UTC]

Orban govt on the upcoming Council Presidency:
"We will be an honest broker!"
Orban govt campaign on the upcoming Council Presidency:


[2023-10-25 07:05 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: Surprise surprise: Hungary's government and Orbán's parliamentary majority, for the millionth time, refused to hold a vote on the ratification of Sweden's NATO accession.


[2023-10-24 18:28 UTC]

Hungary is the ONLY country blocking Swedish NATO accession. And they are proud of it.
The Orban government is a serious security risk for Europe.


[2023-10-24 14:37 UTC]

Imagine it's the Soviet Union. But Viktor Orban will become its rotating president.


[2023-10-24 14:38 UTC]

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