Orban government after illegal pushbacks:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/daniel_freund/status/1712386785542644175#m
[2023-10-12 08:36 UTC]
RT by @daniel_freund: [Analysis] These elections are free but not fair. The ruling party (#PiS) has been abusing state-owned public media to push relentless propaganda to boost the government's image and denigrate the opposition. By @J_Jaraczewski (@DemocracyR) https://euobserver.com/rule-of-law/157543
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/euobs/status/1712425384992465019#m
[2023-10-12 11:10 UTC]
As an EU member state, you should prioritize the rule of law.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/daniel_freund/status/1712426066898297104#m
[2023-10-12 11:12 UTC]
RT by @daniel_freund: Hungarian foreign policy at its best:
@POLITICOEurope reports that PM Viktor Orbán might meet Vladimir Putin in Beijing in October.
Meanwhile, the Hungarian PM's political director posts an official endorsement of Poland's Law and Justice party before Sunday's election.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/panyiszabolcs/status/1712427426997813265#m
[2023-10-12 11:18 UTC]
RT by @daniel_freund: Gli attacchi ai #giudici in #Italia? «Vengono criminalizzati perché garantiscono il rispetto delle leggi #Ue, #vonderLeyen intervenga». Inoltre «#Meloni attacca i #media»: è lo stesso schema di #Pis e #Orban. La mia intervista a @daniel_freund. Domani su🗞️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/FrancesDiBi/status/1712532174581203023#m
[2023-10-12 18:14 UTC]
Hungarian MoFA working hard on European security.
In Moscow.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/daniel_freund/status/1712758256949506497#m
[2023-10-13 09:12 UTC]
RT by @daniel_freund: Clear words from German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock in Netivot, Israel:
“Hamas has taken the entire population of Gaza hostage. Its tunnels, arms depots and command centers are deliberately located in homes, supermarkets, universities and perhaps even hospitals.”
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/vonderburchard/status/1712858995491266687#m
[2023-10-13 15:53 UTC]
"We will be watching closely in Brussels to see which direction a newly elected Polish government takes – whether it chooses confrontation or cooperation with its European partners."
My observations from Poland - few days before the elections ⤵️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/daniel_freund/status/1712879927853236230#m
[2023-10-13 17:16 UTC]
RT by @daniel_freund: "In Polen sieht man was passiert, wenn Rechtsextreme an die Macht kommen. Das was aktuell in Deutschland passiert, das darf uns deshalb nicht sprachlos machen", betont @daniel_freund beim #LPR23NRW.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/gruenenrw/status/1713566230785999029#m
[2023-10-15 14:43 UTC]
RT by @daniel_freund: 2019 gab es nach Schließung der Wahllokale in #Polen eine Wahlbeteiligung von 61,74 Prozent. Heute sollten mindestens 70 Prozent drin sein. Ein gutes Zeichen für die polnische Demokratie!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/phil_ipp_fritz/status/1713603587412983965#m
[2023-10-15 17:11 UTC]
RT by @daniel_freund: 231 seats required to form a government.
PO (centre-right) + Trzecia Droga (centre-right) + Lewica (left) = 248
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/JakubKrupa/status/1713631423511384387#m
[2023-10-15 19:02 UTC]
Still early, BUT: looks like opposition in Poland could be forming the next government.
Would be big, big win for rule of law and European democracy.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/daniel_freund/status/1713634203177202168#m
[2023-10-15 19:13 UTC]
RT by @daniel_freund: It sure looks like #Poland has chosen to remain a liberal democracy today.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/stluedke/status/1713634509487288480#m
[2023-10-15 19:14 UTC]
This could turn into a really bad Sunday night for Viktor Orban.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/daniel_freund/status/1713636897229058262#m
[2023-10-15 19:24 UTC]
RT by @daniel_freund: Trotz Rekord-Wahlbeteiligung ist in #Polen das umstrittene Referendum der PiS gescheitert. Die Beteiligungsquote lag bei 40 %, nötig waren 50 %.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/pallokat/status/1713640469941326041#m
[2023-10-15 19:38 UTC]
RT by @daniel_freund: Interesting choice of news source on Polish exit polls for #Hungarian government paper, Magyar Nemzet.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/viktoriaserdult/status/1713642621472583951#m
[2023-10-15 19:46 UTC]
cancel culture
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/daniel_freund/status/1682024790843064322
RT Albrecht Meier
Ein knappes Jahr vor der #Europawahl zeigen Umfragen EU-weite Zugewinne der ultrarechten Parteienfamilie, der auch Giorgia #Meloni angehört. EVP-Chef Weber sieht Möglichkeiten der Kooperation mit der Regierungschefin. Eine gefährliche Partnerschaft:
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MeierAlbrecht/status/1682304750589493248
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