Als nächstes schlägt die CSU dann vor, dass der/die nächste Bundeskanzler*in von der MPK gewählt werden soll. Und nicht vom Bundestag.
RT @knut_krohn: #CSU will Abkehr vom Spitzenkandidaten-Prinzip bei der Europawahl - Ein überraschender Vorschlag von Alexander #Dobrindt sorgt für großen Unmut im #Europaparlament. @RadtkeMdEP @caspary @daniel_freund @micha_bloss
On today's Labour Day let's all remember that the Orban government wants to further crack down on Hungarian teachers.
Because they dared to protest against the Don.
RT @GrueneKreisME: Heute auf unserer GRÜNEN #KMV in #Mettmann. Zu Gast: @daniel_freund (MdEP). Vielen Dank für deinen Besuch und Bericht aus der #Europa-Politik. 🙏 Delegierte für BDK, LDK u LPR haben wir auch gewählt. ☑️ #gruene #kreismettmann #kreisME
@SolveighZieger @GrueneKreisME Freue mich drauf!
RT @onethuthree: Unsere Studie zum EU-Rechtsstaatsmechanismus im Auftrag des @Europarl_DE kommt demnächst raus. Im Vorfeld der Veröffentlichung habe ich mit @Matthias_Reiche von @ARDBruessel über die Studie gesprochen, mit Kommentaren von @daniel_freund und @MHohlmeier:
RT @hhc_helsinki: Tomorrow our client Abouzar Soltani is meeting @Pontifex in Budapest.
Abouzar fled persecution for his Christian faith. In Hungary, he and his young son were detained for 553 days in a transit zone until the EU Court of Justice found this unlawful.
Crystal clear verdict by democracy experts in Hungary: Orban government DOES NOT comply with necessary conditions to access EU funds.
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RT @hhc_helsinki: 🇭🇺 Gov fails to comply with over half of the #ruleoflaw conditions of accessing EU funds; RRF super milestones & conditionality measures are yet to be fulfilled. We show with fellow local anti-corruption and human rights watchdogs what's missing:
According to @bloomberg EU-Commissioner Hahn says unlocking of 13bln Euros to Hungary is imminent.
Due to alleged progress in their "judicial reform".
Big mistake!
@vonderleyen must not fall for Hungarian sham reforms!
How long will Viktor Orban be able to withhold EU money from Hungarian citizens?!
RT @eublogo: 🛎️@JHahnEU sounds the alarm: if the Hungarian government fails to take soon the necessary measures under the #RuleOfLaw conditionality procedure, the participation of students in the #Erasmus scholarship programme will be at risk, @nepszava writes.
No more veto for Orban!
RT @eublogo: ‼️@sweden2023eu plans to hold a hearing about the #RuleOfLaw situation in #Hungary and #Poland under the #Article7 procedure at the end of May, EU sources informed @nepszava At the same time MEPs urge the @EUCouncil to step up the process and adopt recommendations for HUN
RT @eublogo: ‼️@sweden2023eu plans to hold a hearing about the #RuleOfLaw situation in #Hungary and #Poland under the #Article7 procedure at the end of May, EU sources informed @nepszava At the same time MEPs urge the @EUCouncil to step up the process and adopt recommendations for HUN
@rodballester aren't you a think-tanker as well? but funded by the govt, right?
Orban government can claim that they did their homework as much as they want. They did not.
This leaves only one option for the EU-Commission.
EU funds to Hungary must remain frozen.
@Kurfurst4 that your twitter bio?
"Out of the 4 areas of concern identified in relation to the operational programmes and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, none have been addressed."
➡️ no access to frozen EU funds under Common Provisions Regulation
"Out of the 20 “ordinary” milestones and targets that were due by the end of the first quarter of 2023 the latest, 8 have been achieved, 9 have been achieved only partly, and 3 have not been achieved."
➡️ no access to 6.3bln Euros frozen under rule of law conditionality
"Out of the 27 super milestones, 13 have been achieved, 7 have been achieved only partly, and 7 have not been achieved."
➡️ no access to frozen recovery funds.
Crystal clear verdict by democracy experts in Hungary: Orban government DOES NOT comply with necessary conditions to access EU funds.
In detail: /1
RT @hhc_helsinki: 🇭🇺 Gov fails to comply with over half of the #ruleoflaw conditions of accessing EU funds; RRF super milestones & conditionality measures are yet to be fulfilled. We show with fellow local anti-corruption and human rights watchdogs what's missing:
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