The rule of law.
The EU-Commission forgot to say that the dispute with the Hungarian government is about the rule of law.
The lack thereof in Hungary.
RT @JHahnEU: We continue to be in close touch at all levels with #Hungary about substantially resolving our budgetary concerns under the #conditionality regulation.
I look forward to further productive discussions with @TNavracsicsEU on this matter.
RT @GoodLobbyProfs: @SophieintVeld @JHahnEU @vonderleyen @katka_cseh @moritzkoerner @GuyVerhofstadt Mr @JHahnEU misspelled "systemic rule of law deficiencies", "systemic misappropriation of EU funding" & "systemic inaction regarding high-level corruption cases". Perhaps he has not even realised that Hungary is no longer a democracy...
RT @meme_ec: Just one year ago...
“Budgetary concerns”? I believe you misspelled “rule of law concerns”. No horsetrading over the rule of law. @JHahnEU. @vonderleyen @katka_cseh @moritzkoerner @GuyVerhofstadt
RT @JHahnEU: We continue to be in close touch at all levels with #Hungary about substantially resolving our budgetary concerns under the #conditionality regulation.
I look forward to further productive discussions with @TNavracsicsEU on this matter.
The rule of law.
The EU-Commission forgot to say that the dispute with the Hungarian government is about the rule of law.
The lack thereof in Hungary.
RT @JHahnEU: We continue to be in close touch at all levels with #Hungary about substantially resolving our budgetary concerns under the #conditionality regulation.
I look forward to further productive discussions with @TNavracsicsEU on this matter.
Today the anti-corruption Intergroup had a meeting with @EP_President to discuss her 14-point action plan to strengthen integrity, independence, and accountability in the @europarl_en.
We spoke about how the #EP could cooperate more with @EUAntiFraud and the @EUProsecutor.
We need to draw the right lessons from Qatargate and fight corruption in the EU institutions. Good meeting today of the anticorruption intergroup with @EP_President!
No-one should be able to just hire an MEP.
RT @JohnOBrennan2: Powerful piece by @katka_cseh on the silence of the European Commission on Viktor Orban’s outrageous anti EU rhetoric. Drawing the parallel with Brexit, she argues that staying silent is no longer a tenable strategy in the face of extreme disinformation.
Thank you for the warm welcome 💚
RT @Gruene_Europa: Wir streiten für ein feministisches #Europa! 💜🇪🇺💜
Was das für uns bedeutet, seht ihr in dem Video ⬇️
Visiting Hungary's most 'profitable' stone quarry with @hadhazyakos.
It provides building material for EU funded projects and is owned by the Orban family.
RT @eublogo: No end to the Várhelyi saga: @EP_President sent a letter to @OliverVarhelyi to convey the EP’s concerns in relation to the “regrettable incident during the plenary session on 14 February”, @nepszava writes.
In the letter she emphasises the need for mutual respect between…2/1
@istoeaquiloo in Georgia
Hungary is not yet back on the path towards democracy.
Even with billions of Euros at stake the Orban government is not serious about reform.
To the detriment of Hungarian citizens.
Spoke to journalists, politicians and activists in Hungary in the past 2 days who expressed their happiness about the rule of law mechanism being put into action.
'Finally something is done against the Orban corruption.'
@Norbi01475717 I see
Wie die Regierung in #Italien die Pressefreiheit angreift: Polizei in der Redaktion von @DomaniGiornale und #SLAPP gegen Journalisten. Rechtsextremismus fürchtet die freie Presse.
RT @FrancesDiBi: Dopo l'ennesimo attacco alla libertà di informazione - prima #Meloni che porta in tribunale i colleghi, poi #Durigon e i carabinieri in redazione - noi membri del cdr abbiamo reso pubblico questo comunicato. Con una promessa ai lettori di @DomaniGiornale
RT @ProfPech: Very aptly put by @daniel_freund following his recent trip to #Poland: "The PiS government can de facto no longer lose court proceedings"
Yet still refusal to fully acknowledge this at EU level, incl. ECJ, in particular to maintain functioning of "mutual-trust" based mechanisms
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Green Member of the European Parliament 🌻 fighting against corruption and for a European Federal Republic 🇪🇺