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There are provisions, which would affect the professional life of the teachers. They could be
- permanently redirected to other schools
- ordered to teach different subjects other than their professions
- forced to go back to study and get another degree. 5/7


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Their salaries will be based on a rating system and it can be raised by 20% if they will comply with a certain "performance evaluation". This will be subjectively evaluated and includes criterias like "communicational style" and "civilized behaviour". (4/7)


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Teachers will be banned to criticize the Hungarian education system or Christian values both offline and online, inside and outside of the school. In case they do so, their salaries can be cut and they can even be fired. Phones and laptops can be regularly inspected. (3/7)


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The "Status Law" would create a completely new legal status for the teachers. They will be excluded from the scope of the Civil Servant Law and also the Labour Law. (2/7)


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‼️Orban government attacks Hungarian teachers‼️

According to new draft law, teachers will be muzzled. With harsh consequences in case of non-compliance.

It's what happens if you protest against Orban: The Don is going to haunt you. /1


RT @RasmusAndresen: Die alarmierende Normalisierung des Faschismus in Europa ist eine ernstzunehmende Gefahr für unsere Demokratie. In Mitgliedsstaaten entstehen Bündnisse mit faschistischen und nationalistischen Parteien. Die Brandmauer gegen Rechts wackelt. Wir
müssen verhindern, dass sie fällt.


Es gibt deutsche EU-Abgeordnete, die finden dass es eine tolle Idee ist, einen Zaun um die EU zu bauen. Und die EU dafür bezahlen zu lassen.

Und es gibt deutsche EU-Abgeordnete, die das komplett bescheuert finden.
RT @Gruene_Europa: 💶 Das EU-Parlament hat im Zuge des EU-Haushalts über die Finanzierung von Grenzzäunen und -mauern an den EU-Außengrenzen abgestimmt - durch EU-Gelder. Zäune lösen keine Probleme, sie schaffen neue. Und dennoch:


They can cry on Tucker all-night-long and spread their lies.

But as long as they don't comply with the rule of law we will cut their EU money!


RT @JeanComte: Back in December, I argued that the transparency rules of the EU institutions are good, but that their implementation is problematic, and that this could undermine their credibility. Here is one example from this week ⬇️


Good to see it still hurts them.

The rule of law mechanism is working✅
RT @zoltanspox: .@dajcstomi: Fidesz-KDNP @FideszEP MEPs have posed the @EU_Commission a "tough" question, because we expect a " no-holds-barred" answer from Brussels on how it has colluded with the Hungarian dollar left in order to use the instrument of political pressure against Hungary. 1/5


RT @chantal_kopf: Lest dieses Buch. Es lief noch dreister, gefährlicher, erschreckender ab als gedacht. 🧵 (1)


@zoltanspox Not on the map: Greater Hungary.

RT @daniel_freund: Orban government says, they "stand by Ukraine's territorial integrity"

Happening at the same time:
Map of Greater Hungary is shown at a campaign event - including large chunks of Ukraine.

You cannot trust them A SINGLE WORD!

(Seen first @kropka_hu)


Orban government says, they "stand by Ukraine's territorial integrity"

Happening at the same time:
Map of Greater Hungary is shown at a campaign event - including large chunks of Ukraine.

You cannot trust them A SINGLE WORD!

(Seen first @kropka_hu)


Accepting paid trips from "law firms, consulting companies and industry groups" is a dance on the verge of corruption for the EU-Commission.

It's time to finally install independent control of EU ethics rules!


Chinese Communist Party has a new chief propagandist in Europe.

Who also happens to be a Member of the European Parliament.



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