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RT @eublogo: still has to to meet a number of conditions to access the €6.3 billion suspended under the # conditionality procedure, @nepszava reports. Still fails to meet expectations regarding asset declarations and judicial review of certain prosecutorial decisions 2/1


"Solange Orbán komplette Wirtschaftssektoren auf rechtswidrige Weise in sein Oligarchensystem eingemeinden will, dürfen keine EU-Gelder nach Budapest fließen."

Jeder Satz in diesem Kommentar.
Jeder Satz.


RT @balazsgulyas: Freedom of the press In Hungary. This is how the police protect the Prime Minister's Office to prevent journalists from asking ⁦@PM_ViktorOrban⁩ and his ministers questions.


RT @EddyWax: Like some weird EU treasure hunter, I gained entry to the room in the European Parliament where all the diplomatic gifts handed over by MEPs are stored ...

Now rules on would-be bribes could be revised post-Qatargate.

Read more only in @POLITICOEurope newspaper out today


"Having surprised us all with massive suspensions of EU funds to the rogue states, the Commission now needs to bar the door on the flow of funds and not unlock the money until the rule of law is restored."

Fully agree with @KimLaneLaw & @JMorijn


RT @ProfPech: From the same autocratic regime telling @EU_Commission that of course there is no systemic corruption in Hungary, that they can be trusted to fully implement the EU recovery “super milestones”, etc


RT @TerryReintke: Yesterday, I started my Greens in Government tour.

First stop: IRELAND 💚💚💚

So many important challenges like climate change, the cost of living crisis, attack on fundamental rights are ahead of us.

Greens across Europe know:

We can only solve them together.


German prosecutor:
"search warrant"

police "visit"
RT @EPP: The European People’s Party confirms that representatives from the Belgian and German police authorities visited the party headquarters in Brussels today. The visit is connected to an ongoing inquiry in Thuringia, Germany.


According to Nézőpont, orange slices on pizza are popular in Hungary.
RT @KimLaneLaw: According to Nézőpont, Hungary is the most democratic country in Europe!


RT @wahl_beobachter: In Italien 🇮🇹 wollen die Postfaschisten alles Fremdsprachige aus der öffentlichen Verwaltung entfernen.

Nach der erfolgreichen Wahl haben sie ihr Entwicklungsministerium "Made in Italy" genannt.

Keine Pointe.


RT @robinwagener: Ein mutiger Politiker, der früh erkannt hat was nötig gewesen wäre - und es gegen Widerstand benannt hat. Der ohnehin Menschen ernst nimmt und Dinge anspricht. Und jetzt den Wiederaufbau in die EU hinein unterstützt. Robert . Ein Freund der .


RT @USAmbHungary: The Foreign Minister of Hungary, Péter Szijjártó, a few weeks ago: “We show our respect by not interfering in the internal politics of other countries, by not expressing our opinions or trying to influence them.”


Orban government claims they did most of their homework to unfreeze EU funds.

Well, they did not.

Corruption is still thriving.
Rule of law is still broken.


@zoltanspox @AmChamHungary Except, when the Prime Minister or his oligarchs have interest in your business. Then your investments are... risky.

RT @daniel_freund: ‼️‼️
European companies are being blackmailed in Hungary. By people close to the Orban government who are acting like mobsters. So that nepotism can thrive.

Unbelievable. Unacceptable!

Must-read investigation by @derspiegel (in 🇬🇧):


RT @bueti: The "one and only" MEP who consistently acts as a PRC mouthpiece in the European Parliament, while explicitly claiming he does not support "any" government, goes to Beijing to be rewarded for his activities.


Very curious to know who paid for this trip.
RT @Jingjing_Li: Check out who I've met in Beijing today!
The one and only @wallacemick and @ClareDalyMEP!
So great to have discussions with them in person.
Friends from all over the world are coming to China!


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