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RT @bpkaracsonyg: The republic was banished from the name of our country and was also banished from the functioning of the state. But the republic is there in free municipalities, in the work of the civil society, and in the local communities. is a republic, and it remains so. 🇭🇺🇪🇺


Richtig starke Rede von @katdro heute im Bundestag!
RT @GrueneBundestag: Putin hat versucht, die europäische Union zu spalten. Es ist ihm nicht gelungen.
Weil wir alle gemeinsam Stärke in der Geschlossenheit und Solidarität mit der Ukraine, aber auch untereinander gezeigt haben.


RT @J_Jaraczewski: The deterioration of the Polish judiciary is not just about judges getting chased around for following EU law or speaking up, it's also about loyalists and allies getting promoted and rewarded. This creates a climate of clientelism that's damaging the entire profession. 5/


RT @J_Jaraczewski: Thus it's absolutely not surprising that a judge who ruled in line with an aggressively anti-abortion line of the government found themselves instantly bumped up. Play nice? Get a bump up. Criticize the ruling camp? Face the wrath of the disciplinary system. 3/


The state of media freedom in Hungary is desolate. No improvement in sight.

6.3 billion Euros of frozen EU funds is still way too low.

The Orban government deserves a 100% suspension of ALL payments from Brussels!
RT @eublogo: After the mission, the large majority of the members of the @EPCulture delegation still have serious concerns about the state of media freedom and pluralism, academic freedom, the rule of law and fundamental rights in , says the re…


The European Parliament

"deplores the 13 February 2023 visit to Minsk by the Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, which contradicts the EU policy on Belarus and on Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine"

Nothing to add.


RT @Telexhu: Several thousand gathered at protest in downtown Budapest on 🇭🇺 national holiday for "Walk of Liberty". Mayor of Budapest: "We haven't yet done enough for freedom!" Students: "We've protested for a year and all they've done is ignore us!"


RT @martapardavi: 53% of Hungarians are ‘fully supportive’ of EU membership and a further 31% are ‘rather supportive’, finds @hvg_hu poll carried out by pollster Medián


The funniest day at Origo, Orban’s nastiest propaganda mouthpiece.

They first gushed over ‘beautiful actress’ Hunter Schafer posing at the Oscars— then quickly corrected themselves once they found out she was trans 🏳️‍⚧️

Tough to be a propagandist 🤭


The European Parliament

"deplores the 13 February 2023 visit to Minsk by the Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, which contradicts the EU policy on Belarus and on Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine"

Nothing to add.


RT @liliebayer: “What the Hungarian nation wants.

Let there be peace, liberty and concord.

1. We demand the freedom of the press, the abolition of censorship.”



"This campaign against a respected independent outlet, known for breaking important stories on corruption, is disturbing in and of itself. But it’s also a disquieting reminder of how far Hungary’s rollback of press freedom has gone."


RT @Tineke_Strik: Polish abortion activist Justyna Wydrzyńska has been sentenced to 8 months community service for helping a woman access abortion.

I stand with Justyna, and call on Poland to drop all charges against human rights defenders.


If you are already worried about the EU is moving to the right, keep in mind that next year Hungary will take over the Council Presidency.


Polish Minister of Justice Ziobro - one of the architects of the anti-rule-of-law reforms in Poland - walks around with a gun in his belt.

What the hell is wrong with him?!?!


@bkalnoky @TichysEinblick Man kann sich ausführlich über die vermeintliche "Einseitigkeit" "westlicher" Jornalist*innen beklagen. Man kann sich aber auch fragen, warum Mitglieder der Orban-Regierung einfach nicht auf Presseanfragen reagieren.


The Polish activist Justyna Wydrzyńska was convicted today.

She was convicted because she helped others access abortion.
She was convicted because she cared.
She was convicted because she stood up for our rights.

We are all at your side.

Solidarity with Justyna 🖤


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