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RT @a_watch: Nach versucht das EU-Parlament, neuen Bestechungsskandalen vorzubeugen - mit moderaten Auflagen für Ex-Abgeordnete, die als Lobbyist:in arbeiten. Forderungen nach härteren Schritten stoßen auf Ablehnung.


RT @a_watch: Der deutsche EU-Abgeordnete @daniel_freund kritisierte, die Abkühlphase sei mit sechs Monaten zu kurz. Und keine derartige Regelung werde Ex-Abgeordnete davon abhalten können, direkt nach dem Ende ihres Mandats als Lobbyist:in zu arbeiten.


Austrian EPP member calls for an alliance with ECR for the next European elections. Because of shared values.

"Shared values."

Keep in mind: PiS(!) is a member of ECR.
RT @MarkusBecker: 🇦🇹 EU-Ministerin @k_edtstadler will im @EUparliament Allianz von EVP (u.a. @CDU_CSU_EP) und EKR (u.a. @AfD, Italiens @FratellidItalia und Polens Anti-Rechtsstaats-Partei ). Man teile "ähnliche Werte bei Menschenrechten und Demokratie". Im Ernst. 👇


RT @berios: Polish court convicts activist of providing abortion pills in landmark case: “They will not succeed in this because we are not afraid of them.”

This is happening in Europe now.


Orban: if you want to join NATO, make sure that I get my EU money.

This is blackmail!
RT @eublogo: At the same time in a letter to MPs, Orbán’s deputy admits that negotiations with the @EU_Commission (on and budgetary issues) have been protracted


RT @FrancesDiBi: Jüngste Fälle von Verleumdungsklagen gegen italienische Medien stehen in einer langen Tradition. Bei der RAI ist eher Unterwürfigkeit das Problem. via @tazgezwitscher


"Die Mehrheit in der EVP hat in der Vergangenheit immer wieder bessere Regeln gegen Korruption und für mehr Transparenz verhindert. Jetzt, wo es Zeit wäre zu liefern, stellen sie zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement unter Generalverdacht."


130 billion Euros frozen: What's next in the budget row between the EU and Poland and Hungary?

Register here for the press briefing on Friday, March 17th at 10am.


Putin says köszönöm.
RT @panyiszabolcs: ‼️Orbán’s government postpones the ratification on the 🇫🇮🇸🇪 NATO accession treaties again.

Vote was schedule for next week but Orbán’s deputy cancels the parliamentary session altogether.

Now it could happen late March/early April the earliest. Source:


The Hungarian government knows what to do to get full access to EU funds:
1⃣ stop stealing EU funds
2⃣ stop demolishing the rule of law

Viktor Orban has to make a choice. Does he want absolute power. Or does he want EU money for Hungarian citizens.


Polish Minister of Justice Ziobro - one of the architects of the anti-rule-of-law reforms in Poland - walks around with a gun in his belt.

What the hell is wrong with him?!?!


No cooling-off period is gonna keep former MEPs from Lobbying. But this makes access to the European Parliament a lot more difficult during a time when danger of conflicts of interests is the highest.


‼️THIS is remarkable‼️

The Orban governments spends millions of Euros on anti-Brussels propaganda.

And still, Hungarians have more trust in the European Parliament. Like A LOT more trust.

Source: Eurobarometer.


RT @_europecalling: 🇪🇺 Europa in the Primetime!

Zum Jahresende hört @annewill auf. Wir finden: Aus sollte werden. Eine politische Talkshow mit mehr Europa 🇪🇺 - zur besten Sendezeit.
Mit @moritzkoerner haben wir daher eine Petition gestartet:

Mehr im 🧵


"But at home, (Orbans) power rests on a far more basic concept: patronage. (...) Keeping such a system running, requires vast resources. And for years, EU funds played a key role in sustaining it."

@liliebayer on point in this must-read piece:


Orban government:
Hungarian media is freer than in Western Europe.

Hungarian media:
RT @zoltanspox: 1/3 Minister Gulyás: Hungary is significantly freer than Western European countries, with media relations being clear evidence of this. In 🇭🇺, everyone has a forum and an opportunity to participate in public debates, resulting in fuller and freer debates than in Western Europe.


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