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RT @Zieloni: @daniel_freund „W Polsce i na Węgrzech obywatele zaczną się niedługo orientować, że w ich krajach brakuje środków europejskich na remonty i inwestycje. Kto jest temu winny? Orban i Kaczyński” @europeangreens @GreensEFA


The myth - according to @zoltanspox:
Hungarian economy would collapse without EU funds.

The truth:
Orbans corrupt system of nepotism and authoritarianism would collapse without EU funds.


RT @phil_ipp_fritz: : Wenig überraschend zeigt genau das, dass die ungarische Regierung, bzw. die Regierungsmehrheit im Parlament hier die , also die Sicherheit des Bündnisses, mit Politik in der vermengt, dem Streit zwischen und der EU-Kommission zum Thema Rechtsstaat.


European politicians are treating Hungary with “unnecessary slick correctness”, says EU Commission’s Vice-President Věra Jourová.

She's right!


When talking about frozen EU funds, the Orban government likes to say that they are "entitled" to it.

What they forget to say: It's their unwillingness to end corruption that keeps these funds from being paid out to Hungarian citizens.


Da Schwarzer/Wagenknecht die gleichen Positionen wie die Orban-Regierung in Ungarn vertreten, verläuft die Querfront leider auch quer durch Europa.


RT @bpkaracsonyg: Our iconic Fisherman's Bastion lit up in the colours of the Ukrainian flag during the weekend. As before, remains a city of solidarity, and we will keep supporting our local counterparts in . 🇺🇦🇭🇺


RT @GAL_Muenster: Nach der Eröffnung der starten wir mit einer Rede von @daniel_freund in die Tagesordnung: „Ich freue mich mit euch gemeinsam in Münster, in Deutschland und in ganz Europa für das beste GRÜNE Ergebnis zu streiten.“


RT @eublogo: EU foreign ministers have sent a video message to Ukrainian people to mark the first anniversary of the war. Out of 27 only 1 minister was too busy to make the recording. Guess who 🤔


RT @viktoriaserdult: @EP_PegaInquiry "I am convinced that the rule of law and basic democratic standards have been seriously breached in Hungary, and its situation is among the worst in the EU", said head of delegation @jeroen_lenaers


RT @viktoriaserdult: Everything indicates that Pegasus spyware has been grossly abused in Hungary, and the authorities' explanation citing national security is very unconvincing, conclude MEPs of the @EP_PegaInquiry after a 2 day visit to .


5 years ago, Slovak investigative journalist & fiancée Martina Kušnírová were murdered.

Today we pay tribute to them and all journalists whose lives are put at risk for doing their job. 🤍

EU must !


RT @GDelbosCorfield: This week, I am in participating in @EP_PegaInquiry mission about 🇭🇺.

Worries remain re. the use of spyware against opponents & lack of accountability of the govt.

Even more concerning, none of the govt officials have accepted our meeting requests.


Orban: why should the EU look into foreign interference after

Also Orban:
👉 billion dollars investment deal w China
👉 against sanctions for Russia

Corruption-prone governments will always be our weakest link


RT @romeofranz1: Schockierend, wie @MikeMohring und die @cdu_thueringen provokant das Wort "Zigeuner" benutzen. Mit diesem Begriff werden Menschen mit Romanes-Hintergrund seit Jahrhunderten abgewertet und diskriminiert. Es hat einen guten Grund, warum dieser Begriff kritisch zu sehen ist!


RT @jacopobarigazzi: “We have the access to the Commission president’s office and IT but not to MEPs,” the OLAF chief bemoaned in an interview with POLITICO. “The Parliament doesn’t let us have this access.”


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