Show me how many flags you've got and I'll tell you what form of government you have.
@juliaineurope @BSIFE_coe @collegeofeurope Thank you!
Hungarian Foreign Policy:
Taking money from EU taxpayers and shaking hands with dictatorships.
RT @EUWatchBrussels: In the wake of the #Qatargate corruption scandal, the @europarl_en has adopted reform proposals to tackle the institution's lack of transparency and rule enforcement.
What does the @GreensEFA MEP @daniel_freund think? Read our interview with him here ⤵️
RT @Thaidigsmann: Reformdiskussion im Europaparlament: "Wenn die jetzt beschlossenen Veränderungen alle so umgesetzt werden, dann wäre das eine echte Veränderung", meint @daniel_freund im @EUWatchBrussels-Interview.
What happens when you put NGOs under general suspicion?
The Orban government will happily take the same line.
RT @BartekKowalski1: Wang Yi met with Viktor Orbán "Together with Hungary, China wants to [...] actively promote the democratization of international relations and mulitpolarization of the world."
🇨🇳 messaging towards 🇭🇺 is increasingly similar to 🇨🇳🇷🇺 narratives against the liberal world order.
RT @verogantenberg: "Die ungarische Regierung hält die Behauptung nicht für realistisch, dass Russland eine Bedrohung für die Sicherheit Ungarns oder Europas ist", sagt Viktor Orbán - beinah ein Jahr nach Beginn von Putins Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine.
Orban government showing full disrespect for democratically elected European institutions.
RT @viktoriaserdult: @JuditVarga_EU will not meet the @EP_PegaInquiry delegation in Budapest „to protect the rule of law”. According to her statement, she considers the visit a “farce” and “does not wish to assist in the performance of the #Hungarian and European left, funded by Soros dollars”.
RT @eublogo: If you are interested in some of the business deals of @PM_ViktorOrban oligarchs supported by German business interests, this article is a good insight
Which EU member state has increased its imports of Russian nuclear fuel by 50% in the past year?
The answer will not surprise you.
It's Hungary.
He drove Hungary into isolation. Billions of EU funds at stake. Economy in a downward spiral
And everything Orban has to offer in this crisis is Brussels bashing
What a disappointment to everyone who thought he'd be the leader of the New European Right
RT @BSIFE_coe: About to start our sixth workshop on institutional reform. This time, MEP @daniel_freund joins us to discuss the state of play and main challenges of the #RuleofLaw crisis in the #EU.
No EU funds must finance Viktor Orbans centralization of authoritarian powers!
“Von der Leyen verschleppt den Kampf gegen Korruption."
Wäre schön, wenn die @CSU jetzt mal alle Lobbytreffen der letzten Wochen offenlegen würde.
RT @CSU: 👉🏼 👈🏼
Wir sagen Ja zum #Auto und Nein zu Verboten! Das generelle #Verbrennerverbot der EU ab 2035 schadet dem Industriestandort #Bayern. Auch in Zukunft müssen Neufahrzeuge mit CO2-neutralem Kraftstoff zugelassen werden können. Jetzt eintragen!
RT @EuroSandor: Political scientist Ivan Krastev told @Euronews differring policies on the war killed Visegrad 4 group: "As a result of this war, basically the Visegrad Group does not exist anymore. Visegrad four became, to be honest, two plus one plus one." Interview coming soon.
RT @GreensEFA: MEPs voted for an Ethics Body to tackle issues of integrity, transparency & accountability in the EU institutions.👏👏
"This is the only way to rebuild trust. It's unacceptable that Commission hasn't come forward with a proposal for almost a year and a half" @daniel_freund
BIG majority in European Parliament says: We want independent control of anti-corruption & lobbying rules ASAP.
EU-Commission must speed up its work and send us their proposal. We cannot lose more time.
RT @OlileBussy: Le commissaire européen à l'Elargissement Oliver #Varhelyi traite les députés européens d'idiots en plénière (ignorant que son micro est ouvert) puis présente des excuses mal tournées qui n'apaisent rien du tout.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Green Member of the European Parliament 🌻 fighting against corruption and for a European Federal Republic 🇪🇺