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RT @EUWatchBrussels: In the wake of the corruption scandal, the @europarl_en has adopted reform proposals to tackle the institution's lack of transparency and rule enforcement.

What does the @GreensEFA MEP @daniel_freund think? Read our interview with him here ⤵️


RT @Thaidigsmann: Reformdiskussion im Europaparlament: "Wenn die jetzt beschlossenen Veränderungen alle so umgesetzt werden, dann wäre das eine echte Veränderung", meint @daniel_freund im @EUWatchBrussels-Interview.


What happens when you put NGOs under general suspicion?

The Orban government will happily take the same line.


RT @BartekKowalski1: Wang Yi met with Viktor Orbán "Together with Hungary, China wants to [...] actively promote the democratization of international relations and mulitpolarization of the world."
🇨🇳 messaging towards 🇭🇺 is increasingly similar to 🇨🇳🇷🇺 narratives against the liberal world order.


RT @verogantenberg: "Die ungarische Regierung hält die Behauptung nicht für realistisch, dass Russland eine Bedrohung für die Sicherheit Ungarns oder Europas ist", sagt Viktor Orbán - beinah ein Jahr nach Beginn von Putins Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine.


Orban government showing full disrespect for democratically elected European institutions.
RT @viktoriaserdult: @JuditVarga_EU will not meet the @EP_PegaInquiry delegation in Budapest „to protect the rule of law”. According to her statement, she considers the visit a “farce” and “does not wish to assist in the performance of the and European left, funded by Soros dollars”.


RT @eublogo: If you are interested in some of the business deals of ⁦@PM_ViktorOrban⁩ oligarchs supported by German business interests, this article is a good insight


Which EU member state has increased its imports of Russian nuclear fuel by 50% in the past year?

The answer will not surprise you.

It's Hungary.


He drove Hungary into isolation. Billions of EU funds at stake. Economy in a downward spiral

And everything Orban has to offer in this crisis is Brussels bashing

What a disappointment to everyone who thought he'd be the leader of the New European Right


RT @BSIFE_coe: About to start our sixth workshop on institutional reform. This time, MEP @daniel_freund joins us to discuss the state of play and main challenges of the crisis in the .


Wäre schön, wenn die @CSU jetzt mal alle Lobbytreffen der letzten Wochen offenlegen würde.
RT @CSU: 👉🏼 👈🏼
Wir sagen Ja zum und Nein zu Verboten! Das generelle der EU ab 2035 schadet dem Industriestandort . Auch in Zukunft müssen Neufahrzeuge mit CO2-neutralem Kraftstoff zugelassen werden können. Jetzt eintragen!


RT @EuroSandor: Political scientist Ivan Krastev told @Euronews differring policies on the war killed Visegrad 4 group: "As a result of this war, basically the Visegrad Group does not exist anymore. Visegrad four became, to be honest, two plus one plus one." Interview coming soon.


RT @GreensEFA: MEPs voted for an Ethics Body to tackle issues of integrity, transparency & accountability in the EU institutions.👏👏

"This is the only way to rebuild trust. It's unacceptable that Commission hasn't come forward with a proposal for almost a year and a half" @daniel_freund


BIG majority in European Parliament says: We want independent control of anti-corruption & lobbying rules ASAP.

EU-Commission must speed up its work and send us their proposal. We cannot lose more time.


RT @OlileBussy: Le commissaire européen à l'Elargissement Oliver traite les députés européens d'idiots en plénière (ignorant que son micro est ouvert) puis présente des excuses mal tournées qui n'apaisent rien du tout.


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