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The madness of it all, if not Independence then what?
RT @BruceReuters: 💥Moody's sees UK house prices falling about 10% over the next two years.

It reckons a more severe fall (of around 20%) would push the UK into recession for a year and a half.

Handy international comparison on mortgage composition 👇


@Douglas4Moray Let me remind you of your own words:
“I take no pleasure in saying this, but the case for separation is now being made more effectively in London than it ever could in Edinburgh.”
Douglas Ross’s speech to Conservative Party Conference 2020


Kids are taking over Marischal College and it looks great!
RT @robbie_boyle: A “jungle of colour” is being created by school children in Aberdeen’s Marischal College. The chalk mural is part of the Nuart Festival, which returns tomorrow. Artist KMG will lead more than 400 pupils creating the art. I’ve spotted a lot of monsters and Ronaldo references.


Brexit is good, Conservative and Labour are united on this, scraped off the mould, cut a bit of it off and if it curdles throw your tea away.
I have applied the sniff test to this new Labour/Tory policy and it smells ….


@RangersJim The fact remains that you are choosing to ignore that the 20% poorest in the UK are now poorer that the 20% poorest in Poland.
The United Kingdom is the sick man of Europe with nowhere to go.


@RangersJim You believed that staying in the United Kingdom was the answer. We know now that it wasn’t.
The 20% poorest in the UK are now poorer that the 20% poorest in Poland, if not Independence then what?


@RangersJim Tax hikes are not for the 20% poorest.
This is what a Conservative and Unionist grandee is saying:
“The poorest 20% in Britain are poorer than the poorest 20% in Poland. That is not the sign of a community, of a country, which has things going for it.”
Do you agree with him?


@RangersJim This is the answer we got after voting no to Independence, it is time to review our decision.
Scotland in this union is not working for us, the Tories know it, I know it and you will soon.


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