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Chinese elektrische auto’s zijn rijdende computers die camera’s, microfoons, je mobiele telefoon en biometrische gegevens gebruiken om te navigeren. Verstandig dat Minister @markharbers de risico’s daarvan onderkent gezien de forse spionage door de Chinese staat en zijn bedrijven
RT @WNLVandaag: Volgens verkeersminister @markharbers zijn er extra maatregelen nodig tegen Chinese auto's. "Dat zal wel moeten, want je wil niet TikTok verbieden en dan via de auto dezel…


Te gast bij @BNRdewereld over de oorlog, hoe die te beëindigen en de toekomstige veiligheidsarchitectuur van Europa. Ook via uw favoriete podcast-app te beluisteren👇


RT @KooyJan: “The European Parliament placed certain members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard on a blacklist. However, they shouldn’t be picking individuals but instead placing the whole body on the list."

- @bgroothuis


Some of my thoughts on how Europe should deal with adversarial nation states in the digital domain. Thanks @josephmenn for mentioning it in Washington Post cyber 202
RT @Jason_Healey: Exceptional interview @bgroothuis at @TheRecord_Media @AlexMartin! Has it all: subject matter knowledge, process, details, and unique insights.

Thanks to @josephmenn for the tip in the WaPo Cyber 202


Some of my thoughts on how Europe should deal with adversarial nation states in the digital domain. Thanks @josephmenn for mentioning it in Washington Post cyber 202
RT @Jason_Healey: Exceptional interview @bgroothuis at @TheRecord_Media @AlexMartin! Has it all: subject matter knowledge, process, details, and unique insights.

Thanks to @josephmenn for the tip in the WaPo Cyber 202


RT @TheRecord_Media: "If you want to make a fist on the world stage, you at least have to know who's behind these [cyber] campaigns." The European Parliament's @bgroothuis spoke to @AlexMartin about intelligence gathering, tech policy, and combatting authoritarianism


@ruudkh Geachte heer Klein Hofmeijer, de wet zoals die is voorgesteld is onacceptabel want het zet woningbouw, industrie, klimaatplannen en vergroening in Nederland op slot. Afgelopen week in Straatsburg heb ik me er dan ook actief tegen verzet en dat blijf ik doen


Outperforming Russia’s war economy is the best way to help Ukraine win. Europe aims to produce 1 million (!) artillery shells per year, but we should do more: produce more infantry vehicles, air defence interceptors, tanks and combat support etc. too!


Outperforming Russia’s war economy is the best way to help Ukraine win. Europe aims to produce 1 million (!) artillery shells per year, but we should do more: produce more infantry vehicles, air defence interceptors, tanks and combat support etc. too!


Thousands of Ukrainian children are being deported to Belarus, sanctioned by Belarusian leadership. Documentation of this war crime is of utmost importance, as it should be used in a case before @IntlCrimCourt. The Hague welcomes war criminals such as president Luchashenko


Iranian threat groups have turned to bold cyber-enabled information operations, with a corresponding decline in Iran’s use of ransomware or wiper attacks (5/5)


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‘Everybody got better at hacking, but China got way better’. Alarming report of @Mandiant on how advanced and stealthy Chinese hackers have become (4/5)


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Russian military intelligence conducted multiple hacking campaigns against energy sector organizations in Eastern Europe. Caspian pipeline organisation was targeted with the aim of possible sabotage (2/5)


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Russia, China and Iran have recently expanded their malign behaviour in the digital domain; targeting our welfare, democracies and vital infrastructure. Some trends: (1/5)


This is either done in cooperation with the Chinese mother company Tencent (deliberately delivering malicious software updates to a selected number of users), or by hacking into telecom operators infrastructure and serving targets the malicious software update on their devices


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Why are Chinese apps like TikTok a threat? Well, check here how Chinese state backed hackers use software updates of the immense popular Chinese app QQ to deliver malware to some app-users, and hack them


@MichielSteltman @cryptoron Boetes op basis van de NIS2 zijn pas aan de orde bij herhaaldelijke en aantoonbare verwaarlozing van de structurele digitale veiligheid van een instelling, en nadat alle andere middelen zijn uitgeput.


China zet Rusland een lelijke hak: Russische steden die ooit van China waren, moeten weer bij hun Chinese naam worden genoemd. Impliciete boodschap: als Rusland verder verzwakt, pakt China dat land terug van Rusland.


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