RT by @bgroothuis: 146 door de EU in beslag genomen pantservoertuigen staan te verstoffen in een Franse opslag. Doneer aan Oekraïne, zegt europarlementariër @bgroothuis https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/nieuws/buitenland/artikel/5414606/nederlandse-rederij-verdacht-van-schenden-sancties-wapenembargo
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/rubenkoops/status/1717086274845081608#m
[2023-10-25 07:50 UTC]
Cyber security regels horen computers veiliger te maken, niet Amerikaanse bedrijven buiten te sluiten uit de Europese cloud markt. De Europese Commissie gaat zijn boekje te buiten en werd vanochtend tot de orde geroepen op mijn initiatief
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/bgroothuis/status/1717116270640832537#m
[2023-10-25 09:49 UTC]
R to @bgroothuis: Interview met Handelsblatt maakt het probleem verder inzichtelijk (Nederlandse pers is druk met andere dingen): https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/cybersicherheit-eu-staaten-wollen-restriktionen-fuer-auslaendische-cloud-anbieter-verhindern/29462980.html
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/bgroothuis/status/1717116291490689144#m
[2023-10-25 09:50 UTC]
R to @bgroothuis: Of een artikel in het Engels:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/bgroothuis/status/1717116294237974561#m
[2023-10-25 09:50 UTC]
R to @bgroothuis: En voor de liefhebber, hier kunt u de amendementen lezen
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/bgroothuis/status/1717118028360331729#m
[2023-10-25 09:56 UTC]
Geef het Oekraïense leger de wapens die de EU in Libië in beslag nam, stel ik voor in een brief aan het EU Politiek en Veiligheid Comité👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/bgroothuis/status/1717053922118934793#m
[2023-10-25 05:42 UTC]
RT by @bgroothuis: @bgroothuis' amendment to turn cybersecurity certification schemes from implementing to delegated acts gathered the support of all main political groups in the EU Parliament. The text is to be adopted in @EP_Industry on Wed & might not need a plenary vote.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/BertuzLuca/status/1716479626015293659#m
[2023-10-23 15:40 UTC]
R to @bgroothuis:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/bgroothuis/status/1715649417242448051#m
[2023-10-21 08:41 UTC]
Precisely because Europe and the United States share security concerns over Chips, we must act together on export controls. The fact that the US is unilaterally putting pressure on ASML and keeping its own industry out of harm's way (e.g. etching) must be addressed ASAP
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/bgroothuis/status/1715637558086881531#m
[2023-10-21 07:54 UTC]
RT by @bgroothuis: ابراز نگرانی نماینده پارلمان اروپا از سلامت آرمیتا گراوند ضمن تبریک به مردم ایران برای جایزه ساخاروف: «با ادامه روند رژیم ایران، مهسا امینیهای دیگری در راه است»
گفتوگوی یورونیوز با بارت گروتِس @bgroothuis را بخوانید: https://bit.ly/3s74w6O
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/euronews_pe/status/1714993757509108032#m
[2023-10-19 13:15 UTC]
RT by @bgroothuis: گفتوگوی یورونیوز با نماینده هلند در پارلمان اروپا؛
بارت گروتِس: اگر درباره تحصیل بستگان نیروهای سپاه و دایره اطراف خامنهای
در اروپا اطلاعی دارید با ما در تماس باشید
بیشتر بخوانید: https://bitly.ws/URNk
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/euronews_pe/status/1702969901864939967#m
[2023-09-16 08:57 UTC]
RT by @bgroothuis: De jaarlijkse State of the Union van president Von der Leyen ontleed voor wat betreft geopolitiek: te gast bij Boekestijn en De Wijk, luister het hier of op uw favoriete podcast app 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/bgroothuis/status/1703064020138250465#m
[2023-09-16 15:11 UTC]
I welcomed
CEO Peter Wennink at the European Parliament to discuss semiconductor and geopolitics with lawmakers, industry and think tanks. Indispensable technology and strategic industrial policy is at the heart of European prosperity and security
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/bgroothuis/status/1704007881207513577#m
[2023-09-19 05:41 UTC]
The Dutch government will protect and support its strategic hightech industries against unwanted takeovers, by creating a new fund. In the current geopolitical battle for strategic technologies and assets this is a great move. Brava 👏
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/bgroothuis/status/1704533453092364545#m
[2023-09-20 16:30 UTC]
Wat is nu precies het probleem van ongewenste beïnvloeding door China in Europa en Nederland? Ik ging erover in debat bij
in Amsterdam, hieronder terug te kijken. Het was een scherp debat!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/bgroothuis/status/1704850833374855449#m
[2023-09-21 13:31 UTC]
R to @bgroothuis: Ook via deze YouTube link terug te kijken: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5an35d0UkU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/bgroothuis/status/1704877153211367738#m
[2023-09-21 15:16 UTC]
RT by @bgroothuis: About to join @POLITICOEurope together with my colleague @bgroothuis to speak about Europe’s #digital transformation
🔴 Watch our session LIVE at the link below 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EvaMaydell/status/1706275406016352389#m
[2023-09-25 11:52 UTC]
Iranian killer-drones are build with European components 🤦♂️. Obviously not the way Europe wants to go forward. So I gave 3 solutions to
what to do about it: an EU headquarter coordinating sanctions (like OFAC in the USA), intelligence on sanction evasions and European public prosecutors enforcing the law. In today’s newspaper 📰
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/bgroothuis/status/1706925093467599110#m
[2023-09-27 06:53 UTC]
RT by @bgroothuis: On BBC News to explain how Europe should avoid being the main supplier of components to Iranian drones used in Ukraine: use our intelligence agencies, prosecute deliberate sanction circumventions and professionalise our sanctions policy framework in Brussels 📺
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/bgroothuis/status/1707799647559864385#m
[2023-09-29 16:49 UTC]
Europe’s technology/ICT standard setting body
has been hacked. Looks like the work of a nation state in the context of the Tech Cold War: technology standards can enable freedom but also censorship. China/Russia/Iran want the latter (1/3)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/bgroothuis/status/1708404723403866176#m
[2023-10-01 08:53 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ 🇳🇱 Europarlementariër MEP / Rapporteur Cyber Security / Chips Act / disinformation / H2 / 🎼Gregorian