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The @europarl_en just voted today in favour of Moldova's application for EU & called on other EU institutions to grant it candidate country status ASAP. 🇲🇩

We, in the European Parliament, are using all tools to offer full support to in such turbulent times.


RT @RenewEurope: 🚨 BREAKING: The European Parliament has just adopted our demand for the creation of transnational lists!

One of our key priorities in this mandate. This is a huge step in favour of a real 🇪🇺democracy and more democratic European elections


After one year ends with 325 proposals to bring the Union closer to its citizens. What a milestone for European democracy!

I'm extremely glad to have been part of this exercise. We are now obliged to implement these conclusions & not shy away even from Treaty changes.


17 years since Romania signed the treaty to join the EU. We've come a long way ever since:
- €70 bn in EU funds
- economy more than doubled
- GDP/capita went from 38% to 72% of EU average

Joining the EU is undeniably the best thing that happened to Romania in recent history.


In less than one year, the @EUProsecutor has been working on 515 investigations for an estimated damage of €5.4 bn of EU taxpayers money.

Good to hear the EU chief prosecutor Laura Kovesi present its activity in @europarl_en today. We must support EPPO to continue its work.


Excited to be the @RenewEurope rapporteur on the . I will strive for a framework in which data empowers our and helps our grow.


RT @RenewEurope: The plenary session of the Conference on the is taking place to discuss the recommendations put forward by citizens.

Our MEPs & Members of national parliaments from our political family met to discuss ‘s priorities.

Let’s renew 🇪🇺 together! 💪


Bombing innocent people in a train station is terrorism and is abominable. Putin’s Russia clearly became a rogue state. We have the duty to apply further sanctions and isolate it. All responsible for these horrible crimes need to pay.


Russia has been suspended from the UN Council by a large majority. Putin’s Russia has no place at the table after the horrible massacre. Shame on the countries who voted against.


RT @USRPLUS_EU: Europarlamentarii USR PLUS au susținut și au votat rezoluția care cere un embargo total și imediat asupra importurilor de petrol, cărbune, combustibil nuclear și gaze din Rusia.

Crimele rușilor împotriva civililor nu mai pot fi finanțate de Uniunea Europeană.


Together with 206 MEPs, we call for urgent EU action after massacre.

Emergency meeting has to decide:
⛽Full oil, gas&coal embargo;
⛴️The closure of all ports to 🇷🇺 vessels;
🏦Disconnection of all 🇷🇺 banks from SWIFT;
🪖Extra military support.


Hungary deserves much better than Orban. Europe deserves much better than Orban. It’s time to 🇭🇺🇪🇺
RT @katka_cseh: Every oppressive regime falls one day. Let today be the day for us.


[2022-04-03 10:43 UTC]


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