Danas je u Splitu najavljen 62. Splitski festival. Ove godine će trajati čak 10 dana, a glavni festivalski dani održat će se od 1. do 3. srpnja.
Zadovoljstvo mi je što ću uskoro u @europarl_en ugostiti izaslanstvo festivala i predstaviti #Splitskifestival 🇪🇺 publici.
RT @StevenRuksj: Bravo proud of your effort Marin!
A good meeting with 🇲🇪 President Milo Đukanović @predsjednik_cg. We welcomed Montenegro’s continued commitment to EU integration, especially its 100% alignment with EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy. 🇪🇺 should take next steps with the new pro-European minority government.
RT @EP_ForeignAff: Ending an intensive visit to Albania and Montenegro by inaugurating the new Europe House in Podgorica
@EP_ForeignAff Delegation 23-26 May
@davidmcallister @ZovkoEU @hildebentele @thomaswaitz @djambazki
ZOVKO: Ide se na to da se ono što se nije moglo postići ratom postigne putem izlobiranih ljudi u Sarajevu - Hrvatski Medijski Servis https://hms.ba/zovko-ide-se-na-to-da-se-ono-sto-se-nije-moglo-postici-ratom-postigne-putem-izlobiranih-ljudi-u-sarajevu/
‼️Večeras od 2️⃣0️⃣:1️⃣0️⃣ gostujem u 📺 emisiji "1 na 1" kod Romana Bolkovića na #HRT1. ⤵️
🎥: @mojHRT
RT @EP_ForeignAff: .@EP_ForeignAff in Montengro
With @predsjednik_cg discussing 🇲🇪 Euro-Atlantic integration, the need to advance on key reforms, as well as regional stability & security and malign foreign interference
@djambazki, @hildebentele, AFET Chair @davidmcallister, @ZovkoEU, @thomaswaitz
At the border crossing between 🇦🇱 and 🇲🇪, new facilities were built with funds from the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance #IPA.
Coordinated border management in the Western Balkans is crucial to halt trafficking of goods, weapons and people and to ensure a stable region.
Yesterday we concluded our mission in Albania 🇦🇱.
🔹Great meetings in Tirana, discussing EU accession and the required reforms.
🔹Good to see the successful use of #IPA funds throughout the country and at the border.
Now in Montenegro 🇲🇪.
RT @EP_ForeignAff: AFET Delegation in Montenegro, led by the Chair @davidmcallister
With Deputy PM @JoMarovic discussing the need to advance on EU-related reforms, accession negotiations, political dialogue and efficient use of EU funds.
@ZovkoEU @thomaswaitz @djambazki
❗️Za 1️⃣5️⃣ minuta na #Jutarnjikolegij Dobro jutro Hrvatska @mojHRT o Izbornom zakonu 🇧🇦 i službenoj misiji izaslanstva Odbora za vanjske poslove @EP_ForeignAff u 🇦🇱 i 🇲🇪.
During the @EP_ForeignAff mission in Albania 🇦🇱, I visited the school “Sherif Dervishi”, reconstructed with 🇪🇺 funds under the #EU4Schools programme.
We had a look at the new facilities and discussed the school’s energy savings programme and other future plans.
RT @EP_ForeignAff: 🇪🇺-🇦🇱
Visiting Sherif Dervishi School in Budull, municipality of Kruja, reconstructed under the EU4schools programme, to help areas most affected by the 2019 earthquake.
@EP_ForeignAff delegation in Albania @davidmcallister @ZovkoEU @thomaswaitz @djambazki
RT @EP_ForeignAff: With the President of Albania @ilirmetazyrtar @EP_ForeignAff delegation discussed the need to enhance the EU-related reforms. MEPs expressed strong support to opening accession negotiations🇪🇺 with 🇦🇱.
@thomaswaitz @djambazki @davidmcallister @ZovkoEU
‼️U srijedu od 2️⃣0️⃣:1️⃣0️⃣ gostujem u 📺 emisiji "1 na 1" kod Romana Bolkovića na #HRT1 @mojHRT.
Nagrada publike Lux podržava kulturni i kreativni sektor 🇪🇺 te promiče našu jezičnu i kulturnu raznolikost. @EPCulture
🎥 Do 25. svibnja možete dati svoj glas 🗳️ za jedan od tri nominirana filma za ovogodišnje izdanje @luxaward.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Zastupnica u @europarl_en/ MEP (@HDZ_HR/@EPP)
Potpredsjednica Odbora za vanjske poslove/Vice-Chair @EP_ForeignAff
Potpredsjednica/Vice-Chair @EPPGroup