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RT by @WorkersEESC: Quelles sont les priorités de la Présidence belge du @EUCouncil ?

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Le vice-Premier ministre belge, @DavidClarinval , est notre invité ce .

🇧🇪 @EU2024BE


[2024-01-18 08:17 UTC]

RT by @WorkersEESC: Många ledamöter vill ställa frågor och ha synpunkter på det belgiska ordförandeskapet.


[2024-01-18 08:35 UTC]

R to @WorkersEESC: Worker's Group Vice President, @UlensMira, shares insights at :

"We urge the Belgian presidency to ensure that the current austerity measures on the table will not pose challenges to European democracy. It is crucial to invest in citizens and workers"


[2024-01-18 08:37 UTC]

R to @WorkersEESC: Worker's Group Member, @angelpagliara highlights at :

"It would be shortsighted to believe that countries can work alone. We must collaborate on our industrial policy, as we did during the pandemic."


[2024-01-18 08:40 UTC]

R to @WorkersEESC: 💬@jamorenod, member of the Worker's Group, emphasizes at :

"The agreed asylum and migration pact is anything but; it's merely a border control agreement. What perspectives does the Belgian presidency have to address this?"


[2024-01-18 08:53 UTC]

RT by @WorkersEESC: Comment pouvons-nous forger un avenir qui soit non seulement social et durable, mais qui respecte également les principes de l’État de droit, des droits de l’homme, de l’égalité des sexes, de la solidarité et de la diversité ?

Découvrez nos priorités :…


[2024-01-18 09:16 UTC]

🇧🇪 Minister of Energy
is discussing cross-border energy infrastructure planning:
"Interconnected grids are of geopolitical importance & contribute to energy independence. Cross-border infrastructure enhances the stability & security of our energy supply.


[2024-01-18 09:25 UTC]

RT by @WorkersEESC: Ministern påminde också om att EU skapades först som Kol & Stålunionen med en dröm om fred i Europa. Nu har vi krig i Europa, men måste arbeta vidare för fred.


[2024-01-18 09:35 UTC]

RT by @WorkersEESC: Diskussionen pågår just nu om yttrandet stom @ThomasKattnig förtjänstfullt har arbetat fram tillsammans med studiegruppen. @EU_EESC


[2024-01-18 09:37 UTC]

R to @WorkersEESC: Member of the Workers' Group @MariaNikolo
addresses the :

"Some families and businesses can't pay their bills, while major companies are simultaneously reaping huge profits. This situation calls for a deeper reform of the energy market"


[2024-01-18 09:46 UTC]

R to @WorkersEESC: Insights from Marco Wagener, member of the Workers' Group at the :

"Member States should not face restrictions in making necessary investments to secure critical infrastructures, including renewables. Therefore, establishing a golden rule should be a priority."


[2024-01-18 09:48 UTC]

RT by @WorkersEESC: A abbiamo chiesto al vice premier belga, che avrà la presidenza di turno UE alcune cose semplici per la UIL : riprendere dossier su fondo sovrano di politica industriale e sviluppare meccanismi che incentivino le aziende che rispettano la responsabilità sociale


[2024-01-18 09:51 UTC]

R to @WorkersEESC: Isabel Caño Aguilar, member of the Workers' Group highlights:

"The energy transition must leave nobody behind, & this is linked to ensuring quality employment prospects. I hope the Belgian presidency will prioritise this element at the heart of all its work. "


[2024-01-18 09:57 UTC]

R to @WorkersEESC: Workers' Group Member @ferre_wyckmans weighs in at the :

"The golden rule should be applied; what we want is to make investment in infrastructure possible."


[2024-01-18 10:00 UTC]

R to @WorkersEESC: The has adopted >@EESC_TEN's opinion on 'Cross-border energy infrastructure planning' by @ThomasKattnig

Read more:!YXg378

Follow the debate


[2024-01-18 10:05 UTC]

RT by @WorkersEESC: 💬 @jamorenod, en el pleno del CESE interpela a la @EU2024BE
"El pacto de asilo y migración acordado es cualquier cosa menos eso; es un mero acuerdo de control de fronteras. ¿Qué perspectivas tiene la Presidencia belga para abordar esto?"
@WorkersEESC @CCOO


[2024-01-18 10:51 UTC]

RT by @WorkersEESC: El pleno del CESE ha discutido y aprobado el dictamen @EESC_INT sobre corrupción en la contratación pública/mercado interior, del que es ponente @jamorenod, consejero de @CCOO

Negociación colectiva y diálogo social son instrumentos clave para combatir la corrupción


[2024-01-18 10:57 UTC]

R to @WorkersEESC: Ferre Wyckmans on @EU2024BE's priorities at :

"The fight against poverty is a cross-cutting issue that will require significant attention, social dialogue, the use of collective agreements, and the greening of the economy."


[2024-01-17 17:05 UTC]

R to @WorkersEESC: Rudy de Leeuw on @EU2024BE's priorities at :

"Regarding the proposed fiscal rules, we don't want another social graveyard. We need to strike a balance between restrictive fiscal policies and investments towards a social and green Europe"


[2024-01-17 17:13 UTC]

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