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RT @ltvzinas: Jaunākās makroekonomiskās prognozes Eiropas Savienībā kļuvušas cerīgākas, šodien pēc tikšanās ar Latvijas Ministru prezidentu Krišjāni Kariņu norādīja Eiropas Komisijas priekšsēdētājas izpildvietnieks @VDombrovskis.


Well done Malta: it has met milestones and targets in recovery plan.
♻️recycling construction waste
🖥️digitalise justice system
⚖️boost rule of law, judicial independence, fight against fraud and corruption
It paves way for €52.3 mln as 1st payment.!4T9VWt


Good meeting with @RFERL team in Riga.

📍A free and independent media is a pillar of our European value system.

EU 🇪🇺 strongly supports independent media, including media broadcasting from EU in the Russian language, especially in context of Russia’s brutal war in .


Ar 🇱🇻 premjeru @krisjaniskarins pārrunājām Eiropas un Latvijas ekonomikas aktualitātes, tai skaitā Krievijas kara ietekmi un ES atbalstu Ukrainai.

📍Latvijai būtiski izmantot 🇪🇺 pieejamo finansējumu ekonomikas stimulēšanai.



Strengthening EU competitiveness is a shared responsibility. My thanks to @BusinessEurope for insights on how we get there. We agree we need open and fair trade, fewer regulatory burdens & access to funding.

Our upcoming Green Deal Industrial Plan will tackle all these aspects.


Good to meet @etuc_ces @IndustriALL_EU to discuss Green Deal Industrial Plan & their ideas to strengthen apprenticeships and reskilling to meet 🇪🇺 green industrial ambitions.

It's important to have social partners’ strong commitment to success of EU industry & green transition.


Glad to host 🇹🇭Deputy PM Jurin to discuss possible relaunch of EU- trade talks.

The news is good: both sides want a comprehensive, high-quality agreement, with ambitious sustainability provisions.

We'll now start consultations with a view to relaunching talks ASAP.


Social dialogue is a key element of 🇪🇺 social market economy. It must stay strong & flexible to ensure high-quality industrial relations.

Today’s @EU_Commission package will strengthen social dialogue + use its full potential for fair transitions in the changing world of work.


RT @N1infoZG: Dombrovskis ekskluzivno za N1: "Vlada se hvata u koštac s problemima, ali…" Cijeli razgovor na:


Pridruživanje eurozoni💶 i korištenje 🇪🇺 fondova za oporavak za reforme i ulaganja odvest će Hrvatsku na višu razinu.

Hrvatska 🇭🇷 sada ima sve što je potrebno za stabilne i snažne gospodarske rezultate - baš kao što to kao njena nacionalna reprezentacija čini u nogometu!


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Hrvatska je u kratkom vremenu prešla impresivno dug put - od rata 1990-ih, pristupanja EU-u 2013. - a sad i pristupanja eurozoni i schengenskom području 2023.

Snažan je ovo temelj za izgradnju prosperitetnog, uključivog i društva okrenutog budućnosti.👏🏻

🇪🇺 🇭🇷


Good exchange with @EP_Trade MEPs on agenda + wider issue of EU competitiveness.

My strong belief: EU draws its competitive & political strength from being a trade superpower.

Shutting ourselves off from the world is not the answer.




Good work by @HNB_HR and Governor Boris Vujčić to manage complex euro cash changeover successfully.

Now: Croatia needs to make the best of its membership of euro area.

Focus on reforms & investments in recovery plan to boost competitiveness, economic growth.


RT @andrejplenkovic: Sastanak s izvršnim potpredsjednikom @EU_Commission @VDombrovskis. Članstvom u 🇭🇷 gospodarstvo bit će otpornije na krize i konkurentnije. Razgovaramo o daljnjoj borbi protiv energetske krize i inflacije, kao i provedbi . Koristeći 🇪🇺 sredstva postižemo brži rast.


Happy to be in Zagreb to congratulate Croatian government and people on entry into the euro + Schengen areas 👏🏻

This double achievement will:

- boost trade and tourism

- make 🇭🇷 more attractive for investors

- raise competitiveness of Croatia's economy


Busy and productive few days at , always good to exchange ideas about ensuring economic growth.

And particularly at such a pivotal time in geopolitics and for the global economy - by working together.


Important discussion on how Russia is becoming a pariah state due to the war that its own leaders began against Ukraine:

➡️effect of international sanctions

➡️impact on Russia’s worsening economy

➡️its increasing isolation around the world


RT @NOIweala: An important marker for Trade as part of the solution to Climate Change. At the Launch of the Coalition of Trade Ministers for Climate coordinated by @WTO Members - EU, Kenya, Ecuador & New Zealand. Looking towards concrete actions from the trade front. @VDombrovskis


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