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“Right when solidarity and partnerships with the Global South are needed more than ever, all Europe seems to be able to dig deep for is migration.” It’s not only a moral shame, it’s shortsighted. Many reasons for the EU to take leadership in solving global crises.


[2023-12-15 12:50 UTC]

Orban sold one veto for 10 billion euros. His vetoes severely hamper support to Ukraine, worldwide leadership, a sound EU budget, but they also expose a lack of credibility on rule of law. Council: deprive him of his voting rights. Commission: don’t allow blackmails ever again.


[2023-12-15 13:13 UTC]

BREAK: The European Parliament just adopted a resolution urging Frontex to suspend operational activities in Greece because of pushbacks and violence against migrants and refugees.
The EP resolution is a follow-up of the Frontex investigation I led two years ago. 🧵


[2023-12-14 11:41 UTC]

R to @Tineke_Strik: Although progress has been made under the new Frontex management, the European Parliament stresses that the agency urgently needs to further improve its respect for fundamental rights.

And to implement the 2021 key recommendations of Parliament. 2/


[2023-12-14 11:41 UTC]

R to @Tineke_Strik: The EP urges Frontex to be more proactive in protecting fundamental rights, and recommends:

- An immediate suspension of return activities of migrants in Hungary
- Impact assessments prior to third-country negotiations
- Full cooperation with the Ombudsman inquiry into Pylos


[2023-12-14 11:41 UTC]

Unblocking more than10 billion EU funding to Hungary, as a reward for improving judicial independence, is a slap in the face of all Hungarians fighting for a true and effective restoration of democracy and rule of law. No appeasement but enforcement!


[2023-12-13 17:45 UTC]

De rechtsstaat in Hongarije is nog niet hersteld. Dat betekent simpelweg dat EU-fondsen voor het land bevroren moeten blijven, ook als Orbán dreigt met veto's rondom EU-steun aan Oekraïne.
We mogen nooit onze oren laten hangen naar autocraten.


[2023-12-13 16:18 UTC]

Poland's new Minister of Justice will be
, an excellent choice. Having shown to be a strong defender of the rule of law and human rights as Polish Ombudsman, I have full faith in his abilities to restore the rule of law in Poland.
Good luck Adam!


[2023-12-12 15:10 UTC]

Jina Masha Amini, whose death triggered a massive ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ Movement, is being awarded the Sacharov Prize. The Iranian regime denied her family the right to travel to Brussels. But the movement is much broader and unstoppable. We need to remain at their side.


[2023-12-12 10:52 UTC]

RT by @Tineke_Strik: Together with 23 MEPs, we called last week @JosepBorrellF to introduce targeted sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes, against violent settlers involved in attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank. Good that he decided to propose it to EU foreign ministers today.


[2023-12-12 11:08 UTC]

A decision to release EU funds for Hungary would be a grave mistake by Commission president
. Giving in to Orbán’s Kremlin-agenda and blackmail means compromising European values and the security of the EU and Ukraine. COM and EU26: stop appeasing him!


[2023-12-12 09:20 UTC]

Het Iraanse regime heeft de paspoorten van de familie Amini ingenomen om te voorkomen dat zij afreizen naar Straatsburg voor de Sacharovprijs. Het toont opnieuw hoe wreed en systematisch de Iraanse bevolking wordt onderdrukt.


[2023-12-11 13:19 UTC]

just published evidence that
and Malta actively cooperate with the Tariq Bin Zeyad Brigade (TBZ).  This Libyan militia is owned by Khalifa Haftar's son, who was found liable by a US court for war crimes and has confirmed ties to the Wagner group. 1/


[2023-12-11 09:50 UTC]

R to @Tineke_Strik: The TBZB is notorious for its gross human rights violations, which include torture, sexual violence, hostage-taking, human trafficking, murder, forced displacement and pillage. They cannot be a partner for migration cooperation. 2/


[2023-12-11 09:51 UTC]

R to @Tineke_Strik: We already knew the morally flawed EU migration policy, but this is absolutely a new low. Not only is this detrimental to the human rights of migrants, but it also affects the credibility of our whole foreign policy - also given the Wagner links. 3/


[2023-12-11 09:51 UTC]

R to @Tineke_Strik: I have sent a request to LIBE coordinators, urging the Frontex Director and Commission to come to the European Parliament to provide an explanation. We need to know how this could have happened and whether this concerns incidents or a more structural approach. 4/


[2023-12-11 09:51 UTC]

Well done Kim and other colleagues! Our human rights and values must be leading in addressing increasingly intrusive technologies.


[2023-12-09 12:40 UTC]

Next week I will join
, taking stock of the commitment 5 years ago to take common responsibility for refugees world wide. Now, there is only less preparedness to resettle refugees; refugees hosted in poor countries suffer from lack of support. We must and can do better!


[2023-12-08 11:09 UTC]

Vannacht bereikten we enkele compromissen over het Asielpact. Toch blijven de meest principiële tegenstellingen open. De komende weken gaan de onderhandelingen door, evenals onze strijd voor een eerlijk, humaan en effectief asielsysteem.


[2023-12-08 11:19 UTC]

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