BREAKING: Ons voorstel om middels een resolutie formeel bezwaar aan te tekenen tegen €150 miljoen steun aan Saied's regime, kon rekenen op een ruime meerderheid.
Het is nu aan de plenaire van het Europees Parlement om een oordeel te vellen over Rutte's EU-Tunesie deal.
[2024-01-25 09:15 UTC]
RT by @Tineke_Strik: Hartverwarmend en inspirerend. Bij onze oosterburen gaan mensen massaal de straat op om te demonstreren tegen fascisme en extreemrechts.
Nee tegen haat. Ja tegen verdraagzaamheid.
[2024-01-20 15:25 UTC]
RT by @Tineke_Strik: 📢 Exciting panel alert! Meet @Tineke_Strik, MEP for Greens/EFA Group and Professor at Radboud University. Join this talk on migration narratives and European elections on Feb 1st, 15:00-17:00 (CET) in Brussels. 🌍🗳️ Register 👉 #MigrationPanel #EUelections
[2024-01-22 09:30 UTC]
Geweldig dat
onze gezamenlijke Europese lijst gaat trekken. De beste garantie voor een groen, sociaal en rechtsstatelijk Europa. Op naar een krachtige campagne en een prachtig team!
[2024-01-22 11:19 UTC]
We need to stand up against Orbán's blackmailing, instead of bowing down to it. It threatens our fundamental values and credibility.
We need to be decisive: a lawsuit against the Commission for unfreezing 10b euros and a suspension of Hungary's voting rights.
[2024-01-17 16:02 UTC]
met het interim voorzitterschap van de liberale fractie Renew! Ik wens je veel succes, en hoop dat je het principe van je voorganger Sejourne omarmt: een alliantie met democratische partijen, dus niet met extreem rechts.
[2024-01-15 18:18 UTC]
initiative, the LIBE chair sent a formal letter about Frontex cooperation with the Tariq bin Ziyad brigade.
Working with Wagner-connected Libyan militia is clearly incompliant with EU law and harms the EU's strategic interest.
We need written answers and a debate.
[2024-01-09 10:42 UTC]
RT by @Tineke_Strik: ✨Revolutions instead of New Year's resolutions!✨
Fair tax system, end of fossil fuels, a good income and a home for everyone, equal rights and the freedom to be who you are.
What is the revolution you want to see in 2024?
[2023-12-31 08:00 UTC]
Is er nog plaats voor vluchtelingen in de Europese herberg? Luister op kerstavond naar Pointer: een gesprek over het Europese vluchtelingenbeleid.
[2023-12-22 10:57 UTC]
Enorm teleurgesteld met dit resultaat. Deze voorstellen pakken het solidariteitsprobleem niet aan en zorgen voor meer repressie, meer detentie, en meer criminalisering van mensen op de vlucht.
[2023-12-20 10:00 UTC]
BREAK: The European Parliament just adopted a resolution urging Frontex to suspend operational activities in Greece because of pushbacks and violence against migrants and refugees.
The EP resolution is a follow-up of the Frontex investigation I led two years ago. 🧵
[2023-12-14 11:41 UTC]
Unblocking more than10 billion EU funding to Hungary, as a reward for improving judicial independence, is a slap in the face of all Hungarians fighting for a true and effective restoration of democracy and rule of law. No appeasement but enforcement!
[2023-12-13 17:45 UTC]
Jina Masha Amini, whose death triggered a massive ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ Movement, is being awarded the Sacharov Prize. The Iranian regime denied her family the right to travel to Brussels. But the movement is much broader and unstoppable. We need to remain at their side.
[2023-12-12 10:52 UTC]
RT by @Tineke_Strik: Together with 23 MEPs, we called last week @JosepBorrellF to introduce targeted sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes, against violent settlers involved in attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank. Good that he decided to propose it to EU foreign ministers today.
[2023-12-12 11:08 UTC]
RT by @Tineke_Strik: After talks with Putin, Orban is now trying to undermine European security in Washington. Will @JosepBorrellF react in line with obligations in the EU Treaty? Still no answer to question by @Tineke_Strik
[2023-12-11 08:57 UTC]
Vannacht bereikten we enkele compromissen over het Asielpact. Toch blijven de meest principiële tegenstellingen open. De komende weken gaan de onderhandelingen door, evenals onze strijd voor een eerlijk, humaan en effectief asielsysteem.
[2023-12-08 11:19 UTC]
For 6 months already,
refuses to answer our Written Question.
The crux is simple: Can the Commission entirely exclude EU funding contributing to human rights violations in Libya?
It’s pretty telling that he remains silent despite 5 official reminders.
[2023-12-05 08:40 UTC]
RT by @Tineke_Strik: 🚨TOMORROW, alongside @privacyint and MEPs @Tineke_Strik and @saskiabricmont we will be launching our investigative report on "Balkandac" and the interoperability of biometric data collection systems in the Western Balkans with the EURODAC system in EU Member States.
[2023-12-04 13:30 UTC]
Yesterday, we presented the study “Beyond Borders, Beyond Boundaries” that
and I commissioned on the human rights impact of EU border management funding in Libya and Tunisia. 🧵
[2023-11-30 12:02 UTC]
R to @Tineke_Strik: We need your help in calling upon the European Commission to stop the funding of human rights violations at and beyond our borders.
Sign the petition:
[2023-11-30 12:02 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Member European Parliament @GroenLinks @GreensEFA • Asylum, Migration, Rule of Law, Human Rights • Professor Citizenship and Migration Law Radboud University