I’m enjoying chilled @TimmermansEU taking journalists’ questions while leaning casually on the wall after the Environment Council today 😎
I’m also liking his message 🧵
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1671193618877493255
Re “I’m a politician. I’m willing to campaign about anything. But I’d rather not do that at the expense of my children and grandchildren, frankly.
So let’s try and keep issues about climate and biodiversity depoliticised. They should transcend party political differences…”
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1671193622283165697
Re “For almost 4 years this was the consensus… these are issues that are of such existential importance that we don’t create a left-right political dynamic on this…”
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1671193624829214720
Re “I hope we can go back to that situation because thankfully, for that, we got #FitFor55 across the line which was quite an achievement.”
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1671193627664457730
RT European Sustainable Energy Week
Good morning, energy enthusiasts! Day 2 at #EUSEW2023 has begun https://interactive.eusew.eu/eusew-2023/live 🌞
Today's agenda will focus on the affordability and inclusion in the energy transition. 💡
Don’t forget to explore the Energy Fair, fun and knowledge exchange are guaranteed! https://t.co/vQNo0HnpJC
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/euenergyweek/status/1671417312409182208
Our planet, our countries and our cities are warming #Brussels
If you want to #ShowYourStripes and visualise what this means for the place you live, then this is a very handy website.
https://showyourstripes.info/ https://t.co/H6dZ6AK8HK
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1671438625530081281
RT Frans Timmermans
❕Starting at 15:30❕
My conversation with @ClimateEnvoy @JohnKerry @NATO Secretary-General @jensstoltenberg and @eu_eeas High Representative / Vice-President @JosepBorrellF on the #climatecrisis and security.
▶️ Follow it live on @EC_AVService https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/ebs/2/20230621 https://t.co/U9yc5MSlvD
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimmermansEU/status/1671457438367723520
La Commission européenne @UEfrance sera bien representée au Sommet pour un nouveau pacte financier mondial, à Paris demain.
@vonderleyen @TimmermansEU @JuttaUrpilainen https://t.co/j58142LCcM
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1671463065382969344
📣 Join us tomorrow 2️⃣2️⃣ June at #GlobalFinancePactSummit for a discussion on #HowToMakePolluters pay!
🟠 We will talk about holding polluters accountable & establishing a new public finance for the loss & damage fund.
👉https://bit.ly/446BQbI https://t.co/G9i7dLGwUQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CANEurope/status/1671468167099457536
Full house @gmfus to hear @jensstoltenberg @JohnKerry @TimmermansEU @JosepBorrellF discuss the climate change and security ‘nexus’
Hats off to Stoltenberg for acknowledging the panel is 4 men of a certain age in his opening words 🫣 https://t.co/glHjYUfwFM
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1671513184027459587
Re People have many motivations to fight climate change, says @TimmermansEU.
Often we hear of business or environmental concerns, but it is less common to discuss security reasons for tackling climate change, he says.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1671515230499663875
More EU investment in the green transition 💚
This time for sustainable, efficient and resilient transport
@Ad4EU https://t.co/Tv4FsP2Jby
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1671814476658622464
Up on the roof of the @EU_Commission Berlaymont HQ, we now have solar panels
🇪🇺 ☀️😉👷♂️💚 https://t.co/oS3pPpWz3V
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1672167624023654401
Re @NKurmayer @EU_Commission @balazs_iravju is your man for the technical details!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1672168750911569920
RT @EUinBarbados: A warm welcome to Executive Vice President of the @EU_Commission @TimmermansEU on his 1st visit to Barbados and 2nd visit to the Eastern Caribbean region! Great start of the mission discussing the roadmap to COP28, including Paris and EU-CELAC Summits, with PM @miaamormottley🇧🇧🇪🇺 https://t.co/pLnoAePU3S
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1668619515167674374
👋 les amis Ixellois
Questionnaire sur le dérèglement climatique à l'échelle locale 👇 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeEHqR8ldNtrU9MHMto0PFS-FkTENnE8rf4DFJR7Nvo9cxe4Q/viewform
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1668345060742553630
🌱VP @TimmermansEU calls upon our responsibility to become good ancestors.
He urges us to listen and take action for nature and #climatechange. With younger generations increasingly involved in these matters, the future could be promising, but only if we act now.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCYPRUS/status/1667467344837488640
RT @earthjournalism: Interested in attending and covering #COP28 this November in Dubai? EJN and @StanleyConnect's #CCMP Fellowship will offer 20 journalists from low- and middle-income countries the opportunity to cover the summit in-person. Apply by June 30: https://earthjournalism.net/opportunities/climate-change-media-partnership-reporting-fellowships-to-cop28 https://t.co/Fnnlj2xQqm
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1667255441099837446
RT @bedini_giulia: Some news today on the next steps in the EU joint purchasing of gas 👇🗣️ https://t.co/7qYlp3YEzg
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1667116680839933952
Without this mass mobilisation of young people we might not have had a European Green Deal
👏 to @GretaThunberg and the millions who are part of @Fridays4future, listening to the science on climate change, and keeping this critical challenge high on the political agenda
RT @GretaThunberg: School strike week 251. Today, I graduate from school, which means I’ll no longer be able to school strike for the climate. This is then the last school strike for me, so I guess…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1667099283470917633
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ European Commission Spokesperson for Climate Action and Energy