Watch the new version of „Im Westen nichts Neues“.
The book is also definitely worth a read.
It describes the last months of the war telling the story of a young German soldier who is stationed at the Western front.
The German Empire attacked France, Luxembourg and Belgium in 1914.
After early advances, the Western front line barely moved until 1918.
3 million soldiers died there fighting for some 100 meters of ground.
More than 17 million people died in WW I.
Never again.
The German Parliament has just decided to lower the voting age for the European elections to 16 years.
This is a great step for European democracy.
RT @Gruene_Europa: Heute haben wir im Europäischen Parlament unseres Freundes, Kollegen und Wegbegleiters Werner Schulz gedacht. Sein überraschender Tod macht uns tief betroffen. In diesen Zeiten sind unsere Gedanken bei seiner Familie und seinen Freund*innen. Wir werden ihn schmerzlich vermissen.
@SebastienTULLER @MarcAngel_lu @assoOUTrans @amnestyfrance Definitely. I have the best reason to come 😘😘😘
@khugendubel @LGBTIintergroup @ILGAEurope @GreensEFA Danke 😘
RT @the3million: Thank you to the @eudelegationUK for bringing us together and enabling us to connect to colleagues from all across the UK. Strengthening our community is crucial and we are all united in standing up for EU citizens' rights in the UK.
A vice minister of the new Far Right government in Italy with a swastika armband.
This is no joke. This is serious.
Especially to the conservatives: Do not repeat the mistakes of the past.
We have to stand up to the Far Right in Europe.
RT @MattEcke: Ich bin sehr traurig vom Tod von Werner #Schulz zu erfahren, ausgerechnet am 9. November. @TerryReintke würdigt ihn im #Europaparlament als "Freiheitskämpfer und großen Europäer". Dem kann ich mich nur anschließen. Er wird uns in guter Erinnerung bleiben.
RT @ippf: 🇺🇸 Incredible news from the US midterm elections - Vermont, Michigan, and California secure a constitutional right to abortion care💚
Abortion care is a human right, and we will fight to protect it!
RT @POTUS: We lost fewer seats in the House of Representatives than any Democratic president’s first midterm election in at least 40 years.
And we had the best midterms for Governors since 1986.
The American people spoke.
RT @TagesschauVor20: [9.11.02] Der 9. November sollte zum zentralen nationalen Gedenktag werden, fordert der frühere DDR-Bürgerrechtler Schulz. Als Jahrestag des Mauerfalls, der Reichspogromnacht und der Ausrufung der Republik 1918 sei es faktisch der Schicksalstag der Deutschen.
We are one family.
United in our (often very different) struggles for love, freedom, equality and diversity.
No matter where I will be or what I will do, I will continue to fight for this wonderful community.
So much LOVE 💕💗💖✨
And most of all, I would like to thank this beautiful, diverse, rich, warm, kind, energetic, all-the-good-things-in-the-world community.
Whether you are out or not.
Whichever part of our community you are from.
Whichever part of Europe or the world you call home:
@MarcAngel_lu, @MalinBjork_EU, @FMCastaldo, @MariaWalshEU, @Pierre_Ka, but also @miguelchambel and @BastiFietkau and so many others😘😘😘
All the wonderful activists, NGOs and civil society representatives.
You inspire and motivate me EVERY SINGLE DAY. Keep going.
But now - as I have been recently elected as co-chair of @GreensEFA - I would like to pass on the incredible task of chairing this Intergroup.
First and foremost, I would like to thank the wonderful people who I had the privilege to work with:
We have moved so many important things forward.
Declaring the EU an LGBTIQ freedom zone.
Fighting for better laws.
Supporting Prides, working with activists, the community.
And so much more.
Today is a very special day for me.
We are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the @LGBTIintergroup. This fills me with so much pride, joy and energy. 🌈❤️
But today I also announced that I will step down as co-chair of the Intergroup.
The last years have been FANTASTIC.
RT @Gruene_Europa: Wir sind geschockt und tief betroffen über den Tod unseres Freundes und Weggefährten Werner Schulz. Sein großes bürgerrechtliches Engagement, seine Verdienste um unsere grüne Partei und sein starkes Wirken als Europaabgeordneter werden wir nie vergessen. Ruhe in Frieden, Werner.
RT @dieNagashi: "Der Nationalsozialismus hat sich vorsichtig, in kleinen Dosen, durchgesetzt – man hat immer ein bisschen gewartet, bis das Gewissen der Welt die nächste Dosis vertrug" - Stefan Zweig
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Feminism. Social justice. Fundamental Rights. Co-President of @GreensEFA in the European Parliament (she/her). 🌈🇪🇺✨