RT @berivan_aymaz: Bis zum 9.Mai können in Deutschland Wahlberechtigte für die #Türkeiwahl noch ihre Stimme abgeben.
Gib‘ Deine Stimme für die Achtung der Menschenwürde, für Demokratie und für die Freiheit ab.
Mein Herz schlägt für unsere Schwesterpartei #YeşilSolParti 💚
@YesillerSol https://t.co/QdF0zGhy6F
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1654909573839351809
Biggest congrats to our fantastic friends from @TheGreenParty with their record results in these local elections 💚💚💚
You are continuing the GREEN WAVE and all of Europe applauds your fantastic results.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1654763617030483970
The outcomes of the local elections in England give so much hope.
It appears something is really changing.
Politics based on hate and lies are losing.
This is really good news.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1654763265094832128
RT @LewesGreenParty: Extraordinary results for local Greens today, as we became the biggest party on Lewes District council with 17 councillors!
Conservatives reduced from largest party to zero councillors.
Looking forward to working hard for local people.
#LocalElections2023 @TheGreenParty https://t.co/GNk24DiofO
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1654562105536684032
RT @carla_denyer: First outright council majority for the Greens not just in the UK but in the entire Northern Hemisphere. Today is an historic day for @TheGreenParty @europeangreens @globalgreens 💚🌻
Very, very, very well done @MidSuffolkGreen
#GetGreensElected #LocalElections2023 https://t.co/FTD6hL7f2P
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1654550706676801544
The EPP's campaign in favour of #Pesticides and against the nature restoration law is an attack against their own Ursula von der Leyen, and this inner-party power struggle is fought on the back of farmers & nature.
Stop this nonsense!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ph_lamberts/status/1654451812752138240
RT @NetzwerkEBD: #EBD @PegahEdalatian, stv. Bundesvorsitzende @Die_Gruenen lädt anlässlich des #Europatags heute zum Webinar "Klima, Soziales, Transformation – GRÜNE europapolitische Erfolge und Visionen" ein. #EBDpraesidentin @linn_la_s ist zu Gast und diskutiert zur 🇪🇺 #Klimapolitik https://t.co/OXiF2Lv3zQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1654545670282289153
RT @simbosan: Ron DeSantis:
- Frauenfeindliches Abtreibungsverbot
- Don't-Say-Gay-Gesetz
- Anti-Woke-Gesetz
- Todesstrafe erleichtern
- Wahlrecht einschränken
- Bücher verbieten
- Geil, lass mal quatschen! https://t.co/laKH4fFMBR
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1654491592957255682
RT @Lowdown_Pod: 📢 Next Guest: MEP @TerryReintke!💪
We're delighted that MEP Terry Reintke will be our next guest on The Lowdown! Terry and @ebowman0606 will discuss the Future of Europe, exactly one year out from the #2024EuropeanParliamentElections🇪🇺
🎙️Episode out May 9th - link in bio!🔗 https://t.co/j2nZCZqPTM
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1654189403919511553
RT @gruenenrw: In keinem anderen Bundesland sind zuletzt so viele neue #Solaranlagen installiert worden wie in NRW! Von Januar bis April 2023 wurden in NRW 55.725 neue Solaranlagen errichtet. Das sind mehr als doppelt so viele wie vor einem Jahr! (1/4) https://t.co/TLBzG34oDP
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1654152127365750785
RT @juttapaulusrlp: Machtspiele von @ManfredWeber + @_FriedrichMerz bedrohen EU #GreenDeal! Parteitagsantrag für @EPP & jüngste Äußerungen sollen @vonderleyen zwingen, bedeutende Teile des Green Deals zu streichen. Ein Machtkampf zu Lasten ganz Europas! 1/ https://t.co/PnrMsaDt2y
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1654143285479329793
Keeping all my fingers crossed for @TheGreenParty in the local elections today 💚💚💚
Fighting for greener, fairer communities. Climate protection, social justice and participatory democracy.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1654037521540567041
What it comes down to again and again:
Nobody had a real plan for Brexit.
Unbearable lies were told.
Impossible promises were made.
And now the people in the UK are paying a high price for these irresponsible politicians.
Economically and politically.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1654011539714711552
RT @mikegalsworthy: Wow - that’s huge!! https://t.co/CxkEjfscuL
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1653984081409982465
My heart and thoughts go to the families and friends of the students and school staff killed in the shooting in #Belgrade today.
We have to do everything in our power to prevent shootings like this.
It is our duty to make sure that gun laws are effective and enforced.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1653765469277487106
Dankedankedanke für die breite Unterstützung aus dem Ruhrbezirk 💚💚💚
Wir wollen das Ruhrgebiet im Herzens Europas zum Spitzenreiter für Grüne Transformation weltweit machen.
Starke Grüne im Europaparlament werden dafür zentral sein.
Let’s go.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1653676934625107968
RT @MarvinRuebhagen: Heute beim Ruhrbezirk in Gelsenkirchen – u.a. mit Wahlen des neuen Bezirksvorstands, spannenden Berichten aus Ruhrparlament, Land, Bund & Europa und dem Thema Vielfalt. Zudem gab es starken Rückenwind für die Kandidatur von @TerryReintke für 2024. You rock! 🇪🇺💚🌍 https://t.co/HAEGY2sWmo
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1653607373271867393
Capital gains are one of the main sources of inequality in our economy and they go largely untaxed.
The potential of an EU tax on capital to fight inequality is huge.
Today, we sent a letter to @vonderleyen, @ElisabethSvan and @CharlesMichel with our proposal of bringing…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ernesturtasun/status/1653343006982799363
Greens out in the streets for the 1st May 💚💪🏼
In Cologne and all across Europe we fight for fair wages and good work.
For justice. For equality. For solidarity.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1653027099307851776
RT @GreensEFA: Decent pay without delay!
Millions of people in Europe work full-time without a decent pay.
We made the EU minimum wage directive happen. Now we call on EU countries to protect low-wage workers.
On #LabourDay, fight for #WorkersRights & get a poster: https://act.greens-efa.eu/decent-pay-without-delay?source=gg_twitter_social_2023-05-01 https://t.co/NLiRDNJks4
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1652960030340141057
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Feminism. Social justice. Fundamental Rights. Co-President of @GreensEFA in the European Parliament (she/her). 🌈🇪🇺✨