RT by @SophieintVeld: Politiek verweesd en op zoek naar een democratisch alternatief?
Vorige zondag deed @SophieintVeld onze lijsttrekker voor EU verkiezingen, een aanbod bij De Zevende Dag: Volt brengt een vernieuwend, duurzaam en Europees alternatief.
Steun onze missie via http://voltbelgie.org/sign4volt
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/VoltBelgium/status/1751565274673823768#m
[2024-01-28 11:17 UTC]
RT by @SophieintVeld: We look forward to seeing you tomorrow !
Registration is closed - we are fully booked.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Versus_brussels/status/1751599140725743871#m
[2024-01-28 13:32 UTC]
No. And
should be abolished or at the very least be drastically reformed
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SophieintVeld/status/1750990556266934759#m
[2024-01-26 21:14 UTC]
There are already two legislative chambers: the Europarliament and the Council, representing the citizens and the states respectively.
is a UGO: Unidentified Governing Object. Not a legislator, not an executive and not accountable to anyone. Abolish or reform!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SophieintVeld/status/1750993009020137913#m
[2024-01-26 21:23 UTC]
Rake open brief in
over de dringende noodzaak om de partijfinanciering drastisch te hervormen in het belang van de democratie. 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SophieintVeld/status/1751007680821448939#m
[2024-01-26 22:22 UTC]
That saves the government leaders a few headaches. But this move does little to improve the credibility of
. If anything, it exposes its weakness
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SophieintVeld/status/1750948463158628468#m
[2024-01-26 18:26 UTC]
RT by @SophieintVeld: Greece has rejected EU prosecutor’s call for action against 2 ex-ministers after 🚂 rail crash. 🇬🇷Parliament brushed off @EUprosecutor’s suspicions related to Greece’s worst train smash, which killed 57 people, writes @nstamouli.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/criticalvas/status/1750799156572991852#m
[2024-01-26 08:33 UTC]
The battle of Patriarchy vs Liberation visualised. An often overlooked driver of populism. Patriarchy comes disguised as “traditional family values” or “identity”, but it is really a battle against emancipation and equality. Privilige and power are just too good to let go
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SophieintVeld/status/1750803960791761209#m
[2024-01-26 08:52 UTC]
Power and privilige are rarely given up lightly
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SophieintVeld/status/1750814834558374317#m
[2024-01-26 09:35 UTC]
Kennelijk kunnen we vrouwen wèl de verantwoordelijkheid geven om kinderen groot te brengen, maar de keuze om een zwagerschap af te breken kunnen we niet aan hun overlaten. Alsof vrouwen met een latere grens ineens massaal abortus laten plegen. Kletskoek
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SophieintVeld/status/1750828344310976709#m
[2024-01-26 10:29 UTC]
Opvallend stuk in
: jonge mannen steeds conservatievr, vrouwen progressiever. Het Patriarchaat vertrekt niet zonder slag of stoot. Dit schreef ik in “Een Europees ID” (2017)👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SophieintVeld/status/1750829982748688849#m
[2024-01-26 10:36 UTC]
Leesvoer voor
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SophieintVeld/status/1750830707457347863#m
[2024-01-26 10:39 UTC]
RT by @SophieintVeld: What are the limits of democracy in🇧🇪?
Et oui, Volt Belgique est en pleine récolte de signatures pour se présenter aux élections. Mais la plateforme électronique prévue pour ceci bégaie! 😫
Lisez plus dans cet article de @lavenir_net de @pabloment
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/VoltBelgium/status/1750637681967530196#m
[2024-01-25 21:52 UTC]
RT by @SophieintVeld: Join here for a weird small party ⚡️💜🤓:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/VoltBelgium/status/1750573600585707525#m
[2024-01-25 17:37 UTC]
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SophieintVeld/status/1750544809977061872#m
[2024-01-25 15:43 UTC]
Le bon réflexe du Ministère devrait être de faciliter au maximum le processus démocratique, et d’éliminer chaque obstacle éventuel. La réponse plutôt technocrate de
à notre requête ne reflète pas cet esprit
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SophieintVeld/status/1750474175565721630#m
[2024-01-25 11:02 UTC]
RT by @SophieintVeld: 🇬🇷⚖️#Greece: Today, Greek media & journalists will be in court to fight a major #SLAPP filed by nephew of the PM, who filed a defamation lawsuit over spyware revelations. IPI & our global network call for the lawsuit to be withdrawn or rejected in court👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/globalfreemedia/status/1750420740493439364#m
[2024-01-25 07:30 UTC]
In court tomorrow: the disgraceful SLAPP cases launched by the nephew and former SecGen of the Prime Minister’s office against several journalists and media outlets, for their reporting on the
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SophieintVeld/status/1750205412983427094#m
[2024-01-24 17:14 UTC]
RT by @SophieintVeld: Vandaag ontvingen we het antwoord van Minister Verlinden op onze klacht inzake het functioneren van het digitale platform voor het registreren van steunverklaringen.
Lees meer op onze website https://voltbelgie.org/nieuws/klacht-ii
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/VoltBelgium/status/1750206797586047365#m
[2024-01-24 17:19 UTC]
RT by @SophieintVeld: En Grèce, des journalistes ayant révélé des écoutes illégales mis en accusation devant la justice https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2024/01/24/en-grece-des-journalistes-ayant-revele-des-ecoutes-illegales-mis-en-accusation-devant-la-justice_6212759_3210.html
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nasoskook/status/1750252344451739843#m
[2024-01-24 20:20 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Europarlementariër voor @D66. Voor een sterk en solidair Europa. Instagram: sophie.intveld 🦣 @sophieintveld@eupolicy.social