Le racisme est un véritable problème M. Bouchez, et non pas “notre culture”. La lutte contre le racisme est une lutte profondément libérale.
RT @GLBouchez: Les dérives wokistes amènent à une société où seule la stupidité et une éventuelle culpabilité triomphent.
Respectons les traditions, réglons les véritables problèmes et cessons de détruire notre culture, également sous ses aspects populaires. #PresidenceMR #fierdetreliberal
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1580439306056871936
RT @jsrailton: PROGRESS! The Biden admin's National Security Strategy is out.
Lots of note but something *really* stands out in our area: commits gov to stand against digital authoritarianism.
Directly mentions commercial spyware abuse.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1580310513011281920
RT @FrankSchoonbeek: Wat is het nou @VVD ?
Statushouders mogen niet werken, maar mogen ook hun baan niet opzeggen?
#catch22 in optima forma en je verhaal is al diverse malen gedebunked @ThierryAartsen
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1579954240835158017
Dat is waar, maar het punt is de gapende kloof tussen de met veel fanfare toegezegde steun, en de tot nu toe daadwerkelijk geleverde steun
RT @CarolineGruyter: Klopt, maar Europese landen betalen een enorm hoge prijs die de VS niet betalen: ec verliezen door sancties, energiecrisis, miljoenen vluchtelingen, enz. Geen excuus maar moet je wel verdisconteren.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1579862638481539073
RT @ZuzanaCaputova: I might consider a state visit. Or not.
Well done our #Czech friends for de-masking the absurdity of #Russia’s fictitious referendums in #Ukraine
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1578081281400868866
So will @JHahnEU include this excellent analysis in his evaluation of whether HU fulfills the criteria for receiving EU funds? Or will he simply rely on Orban’s word? @EU_Commission @vonderleyen @moritzkoerner @katka_cseh
RT @Verfassungsblog: "Far from being a fierce watchdog, the Integrity Authority is nothing but smoke and mirrors."
It is crunch time for the rule of law in Hungary.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1577974292746215424
RT @ECHR_CEDH: Judgment Juszczyszyn v. Poland - Disciplinary Chamber not a lawful tribunal, suspension of civil-court judge for issuing judicial decision violated his rights
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1577952578100510724
RT @EP_PegaInquiry: 🔴Starting at 09.00 CEST:
Discussion with MEPs who were targeted with spyware
@DianaRibaGiner @androulakisnick @jordisolef @toni_comin @KRLS
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1577906356505436160
RT @katka_cseh: 🚨 Happening now. 🚨 Thousands on the streets in Budapest. Outrage against the Orban government’s neglect of public education & solidarity with teachers who have been fired in retaliation for striking has really reached a boiling point.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1577706867941318658
Bulgaria and Romania have met the criteria to join the Schengen zone. The only reason why they are not yet part of Schengen is because of domestic political reasons in other countries. It is shameful. Let them join. Now.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1577668980768120834
Further interesting turns in the #spyware saga. @nasoskook takes #Intellexa to court. @EP_PegaInquiry
RT @nasoskook: (Thread) Μετά τη μήνυση κατά παντός υπευθύνου που είχαμε υποβάλει στις 10/6/2022 προκειμένου να διαπιστωθεί ποια πρόσωπα παραβίασαν το τηλεφωνικό μου απόρρητο, σήμερα 5/9/2022 καταθέσαμε με τον δικηγόρο μου @ZacKesses μήνυση κατά των μετόχων και εκπροσώπων της Intellexa.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1577553515727273984
RT @Ensemble_UE: 🇮🇷 Tant que les femmes iraniennes ne seront pas libres, nous les soutiendrons !
✂️ Geste extrêmement fort d’@abiralsahlani, députée de notre groupe @RenewEurope qui se coupe les cheveux dans l'hémicycle.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1577366233611132928
Kunnen we erop vertrouwen dat de Europese Commissie er strikt op toeziet dat Hongarije de vereisten van de EU-rechtsstaatcriteria naleeft? Ik ben er niet gerust op, als ik kijk naar de staat van dienst van deze Commissie.
Dus @EU_Commission, “prove me wrong”.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1577330635013849088
Can we trust the @EU_Commission to be tough in its assessment of Hungary’s compliance with the rule of law criteria? I am not entirely reassured, looking at the track record of the Commission.
Dear Commission, please, prove me wrong.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1577327693133135884
RT @RenewEurope: 🇭🇺 @EUCouncil & @EU_Commission, don't be fooled by empty promises!
No funds should be unblocked for Orbán until a restoration of the #RuleofLaw is demonstrated.
Give the money directly to civil society meanwhile!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1577323340724846592
RT @eteronOrg: “Αυτή είναι η στιγμή του δικού μας Watergate”
H Ολλανδή πολιτικός, @SophieintVeld, μέλος του @europarl_en & εισηγήτρια στη @EP_PegaInquiry που διερευνά το #Pegasus & άλλα #spywares στην Ευρώπη, γράφει στο #Εteron.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1576914789263372289
Europe's Watergate: mercenary #spyware is a key tool in the toolkit of governments for monitoring, gathering "Kompromat", blackmailing, discrediting, intimidating, manipulating, and even planting fabricated evidence on opponents and critics. My OpEd 👇in @eteronOrg
RT @d_maragoudaki: "The spyware scandal is an attack on European democracy, not a mere national issue. This is our Watergate moment", says @SophieintVeld from @EP_Pega…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1576909554427699200
RT @EP_PegaInquiry: ‼️ @EP_PegaInquiry MEPs sent a letter to @Europol Executive Director Catherine de Bolle asking the agency to propose investigations into spyware abuses in 🇪🇺.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1576861122178609152
RT @katka_cseh: Illiberals learn from each other: Netanyahu’s new ad is an exact ripoff of Orban’s smear campaign for the 2014 elections.
I wonder if they sue for infringement, or it’s a friendly exchange of hatemongerig best practices.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1576619738611867648
RT @SophieintVeld: Mijn kijk op de datahonger van overheden en het risico op een bijna onomkeerbare (digitale) machtsoverdracht van burgers naar de staat.
Binnenkort online te lezen, maar nu al wat flarden van het gesprek dat ik met @rvanrijsewijk had voor DSCP - https://dcsp.nl/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1576559064632373248
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Europarlementariër voor @D66. Voor een sterk en solidair Europa. Instagram: sophie.intveld 🦣 @sophieintveld@eupolicy.social