RT by @RobertaMetsola: Gemeinsamer Gastbeitrag von @EP_President @RobertaMetsola und @Tsihanouskaya in @welt:
Ein freies, demokratisches und unabhängiges Belarus ist Voraussetzung für dauerhaften
Frieden und Sicherheit in ganz Europa. https://www.welt.de/debatte/kommentare/article248929912/Gastbeitrag-Europa-braucht-ein-demokratisches-Belarus.html?cid=socialmedia.twitter.shared.web via @welt
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jurilaas/status/1734128353458741275#m
[2023-12-11 08:29 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: Hoy en @elconfidencial tribuna conjunta de @EP_President @RobertaMetsola y @Tsihanouskaya : “No podemos olvidar al pueblo bielorruso. Su lucha por la libertad y la democracia encarna los valores en los que se basa la Unión Europea” https://blogs.elconfidencial.com/mundo/tribuna-internacional/2023-12-10/para-que-europa-pueda-desarrollar-potencial-bielorrusia_3788565/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=BotoneraWeb
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jurilaas/status/1734144569787195874#m
[2023-12-11 09:34 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: No @publico, artigo de opinião conjunto de @EP_President @RobertaMetsola e @Tsihanouskaya : “Combater a ditadura”: “Não podemos esquecer o povo da Bielorrússia. A sua luta pela liberdade e pela democracia personifica os valores em que se alicerça a UE.”
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/RaquelPatrcioG1/status/1734146336574853370#m
[2023-12-11 09:41 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: ”Vapaa, demokraattinen ja riippumaton Valko-Venäjä on ensiarvoisen tärkeä Euroopan turvallisuudelle”, kirjoittavat @Tsihanouskaya ja @EP_President @RobertaMetsola Helsingin Sanomissa https://www.hs.fi/mielipide/art-2000010044363.html
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/AnttiTimonen/status/1734092855474286903#m
[2023-12-11 06:08 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: « Le Parlement européen appelle à un soutien sans faille aux forces démocratiques et à la société civile biélorusses » tribune par @EP_President @RobertaMetsola Svetlana Tsikhanovskaïa, via @lemondefr https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2023/12/10/le-parlement-europeen-appelle-a-un-soutien-sans-faille-aux-forces-democratiques-et-a-la-societe-civile-bielorusses_6204982_3232.html?lmd_medium=al&lmd_campaign=envoye-par-appli&lmd_creation=ios&lmd_source=twitter
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/isabelleCoustet/status/1733877862665535561#m
[2023-12-10 15:54 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: Aujourd’hui dans Le Monde @EP_President@RobertaMetsola et Svetlana Tsikhanovskaïa s’élèvent contre la dictature et apportent leur soutien au combat du peuple biélorusse pour la liberté. https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2023/12/10/le-parlement-europeen-appelle-a-un-soutien-sans-faille-aux-forces-democratiques-et-a-la-societe-civile-bielorusses_6204982_3232.html
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jurilaas/status/1733915907628364112#m
[2023-12-10 18:25 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: Joint op-ed by @EP_President @RobertaMetsola and @Tsihanouskaya
Belarus: In its contempt for democracy, the regime clings to power by every possible means (via @thejournal_ie) https://jrnl.ie/6244042
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jurilaas/status/1733925153199808714#m
[2023-12-10 19:02 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: Today marks Jimmy Lai’s 76th birthday - another birthday spent in prison in Hong Kong.
He faces life in prison for his journalism and pro-democracy campaigning. We are in Brussels continuing to call for his immediate and unconditional release #FreeJimmyLai @SupportJimmyLai
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/suigenerisjen/status/1733089334062956737#m
[2023-12-08 11:41 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: "These reforms will allow the European Parliament to be on a much stronger footing.”
@EP_President Metsola welcomes the Conference of Presidents' adoption of a comprehensive package aiming to make the institution more modern and efficient.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jduch/status/1732845977357226191#m
[2023-12-07 19:34 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: “Modernisation of @europarl_en is one of my main goals. Once implemented, these reforms will allow Parliament to be on a much stronger footing from the next mandate”, said @EP_President @RobertaMetsola on the adopted reforms package https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20231207IPR15729/ep-leaders-engage-in-a-reform-for-a-more-modern-and-efficient-parliament
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/AnttiTimonen/status/1732855017466372434#m
[2023-12-07 20:10 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: L’Europa che appartiene anche a tutti i Calabresi.
Grazie Catanzaro, guardiamo al futuro! 🇪🇺🇮🇹
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EP_President/status/1731997225008447871#m
[2023-12-05 11:21 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: A #Catanzaro inaugurata centrale operativa del 112. Impegno 🇮🇹 a rafforzare il Meccanismo 🇪🇺 di Protezione Civile cui partecipa attivamente anche la #Farnesina. La Calabria, dove ho deciso di tenere il G7 Commercio nel 2024, è cruciale nella strategia della crescita del Governo.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Antonio_Tajani/status/1732000948350795876#m
[2023-12-05 11:36 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: La presidente del Parlamento europeo @RobertaMetsola è in visita nel sud Italia. Ieri in #Puglia, oggi in #Calabria e in #Sicilia
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tg2rai/status/1731885102685168023#m
[2023-12-05 03:56 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: Today @RobertaMetsola arrives in Italy🇪🇺🇮🇹
@EP_President will start her visit to the south of Italy in Caserta this afternoon.
In the next days, she will also visit Lecce, Catanzaro and Palermo.
Full programme: https://europa.eu/!k6CdFK
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jurilaas/status/1731282588348690639#m
[2023-12-03 12:01 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: "John goes to the cemetery at least once daily. It is a ritual he has not missed since the funeral. Every Sunday he drives to the Kordin site and stares at the spot where his son was killed."
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/cschwaigermt/status/1731207279175717065#m
[2023-12-03 07:02 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: Thank you so much President @EP_President 🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ZulficarSilva3/status/1730700065629446612#m
[2023-12-01 21:27 UTC]
! 🇪🇺 🇵🇹
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/RobertaMetsola/status/1730934993621254323#m
[2023-12-02 13:00 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: A presidente do Parlamento Europeu Roberta Metsola está em Lisboa para a entrevista «Jovens e Política Não é Assim Tão Simples» e um encontro com jovens sobre a participação eleitoral no MAAT Central. @RobertaMetsola ; @EP_President
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ffms_pordata/status/1730644728431960428#m
[2023-12-01 17:47 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: Em Portugal 🇵🇹, uma nova vez, para promover a 🇪🇺! @Europarl_PT @EP_President @RaquelPatrcioG1
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/JoaoCBSilveira/status/1730657419733123264#m
[2023-12-01 18:37 UTC]
RT by @RobertaMetsola: #EPRS Book Talk with @RobertaMetsola on the new book ‚Capitalism Reconnected‘ by @jpbalkenende in the EP Library.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/TimPeEU/status/1730246347251466283#m
[2023-11-30 15:24 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ President of the European Parliament 🇪🇺 Personal Account. See also @EP_President