RT @vonderleyen: 🇨🇿 Glad to be in majestic Litomyšl for the start of @EU2022_CZ
Dear @P_Fiala, you have Europe at heart.
I know that your European passion and the commitment and hard work of your government will make @EU2022_CZ a success.
RT @MattiMaasikas: Moving to tears - the EU flag is been brought to the plenary hall of @ua_parliament. To stay.
RT @vonderleyen: The world needs right now a clear signal that democracies – like ours – deliver for people.
This is why the EU is working to strengthen its partnerships with like-minded partners.
And dear @JacindaArdern, New Zealand is a close like-minded partner for us.
RT @vonderleyen: Thank you President @ZelenskyyUA for inviting me to address this special session of @ua_parliament.
Ukrainians are fighting back bravely.
Europe will do everything in our power to help Ukraine win this war.
And we will not rest until you prevail.
RT @CHIRIACRamona1: Dragă @laurenceauer, la finalul #EU2022FR, îți mulțumesc ție și întregii echipe a @FranceRomania pentru toate progresele înregistrate în ultimele 6 luni și pentru un bilanț care, așa cum spune și președinta CE @vonderleyen, onorează Franța 🇫🇷 și întreaga Europă.
RT @vonderleyen: 🇪🇺🇳🇿 The EU and New Zealand may be on the other side of the world to each other.
But we are so close, in our values and in our goals.
And today, we are making our partnership stronger than ever concluding the negotiations of our Free Trade Agreement.
RT @EU_Commission: The EU and New Zealand may be on the other side of the world to each other. But we are so close, in our values and in our goals.
Follow the press statement by President @vonderleyen with Prime Minister @jacindaardern on a free trade agreement.
RT @vonderleyen: Cher @EmmanuelMacron, la bilan de la présidence @Europe2022FR honore la France et l'Europe entière.
Ensemble nous avons agi avec force pour soutenir l’Ukraine, avancer vers nos objectifs climatiques, mettre de l'ordre dans le monde numérique et tant d'autres examples.
RT @EUProsecutor: Statement from European Chief Prosecutor Laura Kövesi regarding the protection of whistleblowers in Romania 🇷🇴: https://www.eppo.europa.eu/en/news/statement-european-chief-prosecutor-laura-kovesi-regarding-protection-whistleblowers-romania
RT @EU_Commission: "The accession of Finland and Sweden makes NATO larger, more European and stronger.
Putin wanted to divide us. What he got is a stronger alignment between EU and NATO."
Doorstep by President @vonderleyen at the #NATOSummit in Madrid ↓
RT @JosepBorrellF: Leaders at @NATO took a historic decision today that will strengthen the security of Europe, with the invitation of Sweden and Finland to become members of the Alliance.
We now have 23 common members - this will reinforce EU-NATO cooperation and the transatlantic bond.
RT @vonderleyen: I welcome the agreement reached in the Environment Council on key planks of #Fitfor55:
- ETS extension;
- Climate Social Fund;
- Phase-out of combustion engines by 2035
We now need a swift & ambitious agreement between @europarl_en @EUCouncil on these.
RT @EU_Commission: EU-NATO cooperation is crucial to continue to strengthen Europe’s defence, from increased interoperability to military mobility.
President @vonderleyen will take part in the #NATOSummit starting today in Madrid.
Măsura va fi accesibilă pentru toate întreprinderi, indiferent de mărime, care își desfășoară activitatea în domeniul transportului rutier de mărfuri și persoane, care dețin o licență comunitară valabilă și care sunt afectate de criza actuală.
.@VeraJourova: Am participat la o masă rotundă utilă cu jurnaliști🇷🇴 pe tema preocupărilor legate de situația libertății presei în🇷🇴&🇪🇺. Mă bucur să o întâlnesc pe @emiliasercan. Avem nevoie de jurnaliști bine pregătiți&independenți ptr. a menține sănătatea democrațiilor noastre.
RT @VeraJourova: Enriching roundtable with 🇷🇴 journalists on concerns relating to the situation of media freedom in #Romania and #EU. Great to meet @emilia…
.@VeraJourova: „I-am mulțumit ministrului Lucian Bode ptr. coordonarea de la frontiera 🇺🇦-🇷🇴 și pentru activitatea desfășurată de autoritățile 🇷🇴 și de cetățeni. Aceasta este foarte apreciată în 🇪🇺.
Contez pe el și ptr. sporirea siguranței jurnaliștilor & sprijinirea #EPPO.”
RT @VeraJourova: I thanked Minister Bode @MAIRomania for the coordination at 🇺🇦 🇷🇴 border and for the work of Romanian authorities and people. It is greatly …
RT @VeraJourova: Meeting of minds with the 🇷🇴 President of the Constitutional Court Marian Enache on need for substantive and significant dialogue between #ECJ and Constitutional Courts in Member States to support #EU integration.
.@VeraJourova: Sunt onorată să discut cu Parlamentul României 🇷🇴 despre reformele justiției, libertatea presei și democrație. Pentru a propune închiderea MCV, va trebui să fiu convinsă de reformele în vigoare.
RT @VeraJourova: Honoured to discuss w/ 🇷🇴 Parliament #justice reforms, media freedom & democracy. For me to propose to close the #CVM I will need to be convinced of the reforms in place. I see momentum & encourage RO commitme…
.@VeraJourova: „Am avut o discuție utilă și detaliată cu Ministrul Justiției, Cătălin Predoiu, pe tema reformelor în domeniul justiției. Am venit aici pentru a sprijini reformele."
RT @VeraJourova: Good and detailed discussion with 🇷🇴 Justice Minister @CatalinPredoiu on #justice reforms. I came here to support reforms. Now it’s time to deliver on #CVM objectives, glad to see strong commitment. 👉 https://www.just.ro/visit-of-ms-vera-…
RT @Energy4Europe: Eastern Cohesion Region/Velenje 🇸🇮 & Jiu Valley 🇷🇴 have concluded their #exchangeEU visit to Upper Nitra Region/ Prievidza 🇸🇰. The #coalregions agreed: to achieve their #justtransition goals, policymakers must consider miners as people, not as a sum of competencies.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Reprezentanţa Comisiei Europene în România. European Commission Representation in Romania