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Informative two days in 🇦🇹 spanning Vienna, Styria and Burgenland, bringing 🇪🇺 to the regions.
Lots of interesting discussions on affordable housing, fighting poverty and the important role of SMEs.
And it’s always energising having lively exchanges with young people!


[2023-10-13 13:35 UTC]

R to @NicolasSchmitEU: Informative zwei Tage in 🇦🇹 von Wien bis Steiermark und Burgenland. 🇪🇺 in die Regionen bringen, viele Ideen zurück bringen.

Diskussionen zu erschwinglichem Wohnen, Armutsbekämpfung und der wichtigen Rolle von KMU.

Und anregender Austausch mit jungen Berufsschülern!


[2023-10-13 13:35 UTC]

RT Advocacy | SOS Children's Villages International
Let's keep celebrating !
Supporting young people's pathway to self-reliance is key to their empowerment.
With , @sos_children offers skills training to young people growing up without parental care or in families at risk.


RT EU Social 🇪🇺
Today we published a 🆕 report on the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers (EGF) for 2021-2022.
🤝 The EU allocated €51.8 million from the EGF to help over 13,000 displaced workers and self-employed people retrain and find a job.
More ↓


Re @AntoineGuery2 J’ai énormément apprécié Madame Trillet -Lenoir pour son travail engagé,sa gentillesse,ses compétences.Elle va nous manquer.Mes condoléances les plus attristées


Re @LudovicVoet @thomas_miessen @vestager @lecho Incredible! This is certainly not my view !Not as an economist nor as a membre of the EU Commission.How is ist possible to ignore that the economic and political realities are quite different from a certain textbook economic theory?


Re @M_Rudolph_KS @FaireMobilitaet @AtemaEdwin @DGBHeTh Die Kommission muss prüfen inwiefern EU Recht nicht respektiert wird,insbesonders die Regeln des 2022 in Kraft getretenen Mobility Package.Es geht um Sozialdumping ,Einhaltung fundamentaler Arbeitsrechte wie unfairen Wettbewerb .Aufgabe für Labour Authority!


Re @dgb_news @FaireMobilitaet @DGBHeTh @M_Rudolph_KS @SKoerzell @AtemaEdwin There is a lack of 500000truckdrivers in the next years in the EU and nevertheless working conditions deteriorate and third country nationals are particularly affected by social dumping.All truck drivers deserve benefitting fair wages and social rights.The EU policy has to commit


RT Mariya Gabriel
📣 Applications for a 5-month paid starting in March 2024 are open until 31/08 🗓!
If you are looking to:
🔸gain knowledge, experience & contacts
🔸start a career in the international field
➡️ this is your opportunity. Apply here 👉


RT Jeanne Bot
L’intervention de @NicolasSchmitEU lors de l’Université d’été de Territoires @ZeroChomeurLD est un signal fort adressé à tous les acteurs du droit à l’emploi en France et en Europe. L’innovation sociale française inspire bien au-delà de nos frontières !
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Territoires zéro chômeur de longue durée:  // Zoom sur un nouvel invité de notre Université d'été 🤩
@NicolasSchmitEU, commissaire européen à l'emploi et aux droits sociaux, et fervent soutien de TZCLD, interviendra lors de notre événement pour évoquer la construction du droit à l'emploi en Europe 🇪🇺


L’extrême droite renie le changement climatique et combat les politiques du Green deal quand l’Europe et le monde sont en feu et les ressources d’eau s’xn--puisent-9xa.Ses politiques mèneraient une fois de plus au cataclysme.Il lui faut faire barrage comme en 🇪🇸


RT DGB - Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund
Volle Solidarität mit den LKW-Fahrern, die seit letzter Woche wieder in protestieren, und die Zahlungen einfordern, die sie mit der Firma verabredet haben.✊
@FaireMobilitaet @DGBHeTh @M_Rudolph_KS @skoerzell @AtemaEdwin


RT International Labour Organization
Child labour steals childhoods and denies children their rights.
Together, we can create a world where every child has the opportunity to learn, play, and dream. ✨


Euro intelligence recently points to a climate fatigue benefiting the extreme right “unless the distributional issues are fully addressed climate change deniers will win the battle.”Therefore Just Transition including strong social policies are absolutely necessary


At @G20India 🇮🇳 labour ministers meeting I made clear Russia’s criminal war against Ukraine is a denial of international law, the UN Charter’s principles, and human &amp; social values.
It puts at risk our common contract against climate change and the implementation of the .


Re The @g20org labour ministers meeting in 🇮🇳 has clearly stated the need to create a framework guaranteeing social protection, labour rights and decent work for platform workers. Now it is up to the 🇪🇺 to swiftly adopt the directive on fair working conditions for .


RT Luca Bertuzzi
While the Act is at the final stage of the legislative process, the Commission is already thinking about what to do next, preparing the groundwork for rules on algorithmic management in the workplace for the next mandate. Here is what to expect 👇


RT Siobhán Millbright
Re @NicolasSchmitEU speaks to @BertuzLuca for @EURACTIV about how the EU is addressing the digital skills gap in Europe, and why we should make the most of AI in the world of work.


Very fruitful discussions on second day of informal EPSCO in 🇪🇸
Social investment plays a key role in social cohesion as well as for the competitiveness and resilience of the 🇪🇺 economy.
The pandemic underlined the importance of having good social protection systems in place.


Good first day at informal EPSCO. Excellent exchanges on the pivotal role of social dialogue to ensure adequate working conditions and economic progress as we adapt to new challenges. Wide support to social partners to reach agreement on telework and right to disconnect


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