I am pleased that today we have launched the next phase of negotiations on the new CCD. In light of the current energy crisis, which is likely to spill over into an economic crisis, it is extremely important that we negotiate a proposal that protects vulnerable consumers.
Together with my colleague MEP @istvan_ujhelyi and #IPOPI, I am happy to co-host an important event taking place tomorrow, “Medicine shortages in the EU: the case of #immunoglobulin and #PIDs”.
RT @kimvsparrentak: With one click, anyone can find every single picture of you online. These tools seriously threaten fundamental rights and privacy. Besides, it facilitates cyberviolence, e.g. against women and the queer community. This must stop.
Our questions to the @EU_Commission 👇
RT @Left_EU: 💳Consumer credit report adopted!
Our MEP @Konecna_K says: "Modern day loan sharks don't hang around on street corners, they are often just a few clicks away. They prey on vulnerable consumers and made a killing during the pandemic."
Next step vote in plenary after summer.
Dnes na výboru IMCO @EP_SingleMarket úspěšně odhlasována má zpráva k reformě směrnice o spotřebitelském úvěru. Byla to trnitá cesta trvající tři čtvrtě roku, ale podařilo se vyjednat dokument, který spotřebitele ochrání v nadcházejícím velmi těžkém krizovém období. 1/2
RT @Left_EU: Overturning #RoevWade is an attack on women's rights.
In Europe we are seeing a similar trend.
Abortion, whatever the circumstances, whatever the reasons, is a personal choice.
Denying abortion is violence against women.
While we are approaching finish line with the new EU Deforestation law we must have in mind that it's finally time for the European Parliament to deliver the ambitious law demanded by 1.2 million people and almost 200 NGOs.
We need a strong EU Deforestation law!
RT @VTrillet_Lenoir: WE HAVE A DEAL!
After months of negotiations, agreement in trialogue on my report for a European health emergency plan, lessons learned from the pandemic
This is THE health text of the #PFUE2022🇪🇺🇫🇷
The #HealthUnion is moving forward!
My press release:https://trillet-lenoir.eu/posts/6A06vqKbo3gnXgRRf6N2y3/agreement-in-trilogue-for-a-european-health-emergency-plan
Dnes dohoda - společné nabíječky - usnadnění každodenního života občanů EU a zároveň snížení elektronického odpadu všude kolem nás 👍
RT @Europe2022FR: ‼DEAL‼
Provisional agreement with @europarl_en on the Directive on a Common Charger.
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