A fruitful exchange with UN RC
and her team in Tashkent to conclude a travel throughout Ouzbekistan with belgian friends. Exchange on Right2Development and opportunity to let discover to non usual visitors what UN is doing in the ground. 🙏
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Isabelle_Durant/status/1701269206807834919#m
[2023-09-11 16:19 UTC]
RT by @Isabelle_Durant: Glad that several @UN_SPExperts joined this call to states to strengthen human rights protection to tackle the sustainable development crisis. @victor_madrigal @dalitwomenrock @SREnvironment @MaryLawlorhrds @Isabelle_Durant @TomObokata @dsolawuyi @smullallylaw @adequatehousing
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/UNSRdevelopment/status/1701535717288182232#m
[2023-09-12 09:58 UTC]
Catastrophes au Maroc et en Lybie, solidarité et urgence climatique, à quoi servent les grandes organisations multilatérales : un peu de tout cela au menu de cette Matinale.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Isabelle_Durant/status/1701945982806556675#m
[2023-09-13 13:08 UTC]
Climate justice, human rights, Africa-Europe partnership in a context of decolonisation
: inspiring conversation with
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Isabelle_Durant/status/1703126937806262691#m
[2023-09-16 19:21 UTC]
Visite de projet à Bukavu et Bunyakiri pour @lesenfantsdepanzi, accompagnement au sein de leur communauté des enfants victimes ou nés du viol @DroitauDeveloppement
Merci à la Monusco pour le transport.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Isabelle_Durant/status/1704925429633626221#m
[2023-09-21 18:27 UTC]
A week in
2 months before election, where @Right2development as an individual & collective right remain a mirage @childrenofPanzi Full respect for the courage of population e.g. Congolese women. Interesting conversation with
’s regional boss.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Isabelle_Durant/status/1705586473150329129#m
[2023-09-23 14:14 UTC]
Après de multiples témoignages sur les guerres du Congo et leurs terribles conséquences au Kivu Sud, visite du
. Histoire, mémoire, émotion @Right2development
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Isabelle_Durant/status/1706352430684713403#m
[2023-09-25 16:58 UTC]
RT by @Isabelle_Durant: There were only 21 women leaders who spoke during the #UNGA78 General Debate, down from 23 last year.
During High-Level Week, I had the privilege of reconvening the Platform of Women Leaders and spoke to many leaders of the need to recognize that women’s voices, aspirations, and rights matter at every level, from the grassroots to the global stage.
And it begins with investing in education, particularly for girls.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/UN_PGA/status/1706792733434683573#m
[2023-09-26 22:07 UTC]
Full room
with 300 students of
from various European countries.
& myself, we introduced their UN modelisation @Monuccle2023. Excellent and + mood despite a dark worldwide context. Boosting effect for us too. You are your future !
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Isabelle_Durant/status/1709539885651046682#m
[2023-10-04 12:04 UTC]
Excellent et mérité. Fais tienne cette maxime de Mandela car elle vaut à tous les étages de l’engagement : « Un gagnant est juste un rêveur qui n'a jamais cédé »
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Isabelle_Durant/status/1710217810608054633#m
[2023-10-06 08:57 UTC]
RT by @Isabelle_Durant: Prix Nobel de la Paix: "Un message d'espoir, qui donne la liberté à chacune de choisir si elle veut porter le voile ou pas. Ici comme ailleurs, la question de la liberté est fondamentale"
➡@Isabelle_Durant est l'invitée politique de +d'Actu, à revoir ici: https://shorturl.at/goxI8
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/BX1_Actu/status/1710309436399796567#m
[2023-10-06 15:02 UTC]
De la nouvelle Prix Nobel de la paix à l’un de ceux qui l’a précédée à l’accueil des demandeurs d’asile en passant par la mobilité et les problèmes de la Liste du bourgmestre a #1030, c’est par ici.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Isabelle_Durant/status/1710326068157063613#m
[2023-10-06 16:08 UTC]
De la nouvelle Prix Nobel de la Paix à celui qui l’a précédée en 2018 a l’accueil des demandeurs d’asile en passant par la mobilité et les problèmes de la Liste du Bourgmestre #1030, c’est par ici
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Isabelle_Durant/status/1710328648060862787#m
[2023-10-06 16:18 UTC]
One day… en hébreu, arabe, anglais
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Isabelle_Durant/status/1711661414153072883#m
[2023-10-10 08:34 UTC]
Re @aruyssen @lapremiere En parcourant Le Monde https://redaction.lemonde.fr/optiext/optiextension.dll?ID=9FE9Co4kBap1alviIfuKpKjBRGe5oqHCetEFsrTuPkan1XVnvugJ86bxUveAVp3QJc98lVtN17_WkY9Y4LPNNdB7fY1uE70zQxb19IDi : parfait écho du @leTournant consacre à l’interview du Pdt du MR…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Isabelle_Durant/status/1690635038189060096
If EU wants to have an influence on digital regulation, there are certain conditions, including total independence from those who abuse their dominant position. Fiona Scott Morton recognizes this by giving up. What has bitten the leader of the Greens in the EP who supported her?
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Isabelle_Durant/status/1681634910010744833
When you are a young diplomat, working for your developing country, mandated on socio-eco & sustainable development 4 your country & willing build multilateral agreement, which are the main challenges in GVA based UN bodies. That’s my contribution to @UNITAR training today. https://t.co/XUjtfprS0b
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Isabelle_Durant/status/1678802196580663300
Spécial dedication to my friends and former colleagues living in Geneva @bainsdespaquis https://t.co/Rvjm8ncJjl
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Isabelle_Durant/status/1678456437419175936
Last discussion of #HRC53 on right to development in LDCs regarding the multitude of engagement from international community not yet reached and in particular these of the recent Paris Forum. It will require coalitions, political will & permanent following. https://t.co/3ruCQyIFxX
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Isabelle_Durant/status/1677731276214657025
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Experte pour l’Europe sur Droit au Développement au Conseil des Droits de l’Homme @CDH Ex-Sec Générale adjointe #CNUCED#UNCTAD #commerce #développement @ONU_fr