En riktig skandal! Att riskera hela Östersjöns ekosystem för ytterligare ett års foderfiske som ger vinster till några få människor.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IsabellaLovin/status/1716804846601281989#m
[2023-10-24 13:12 UTC]
RT by @IsabellaLovin: Bra att fler driver på för att stoppa industritrålningen av Östersjön! Bara så kan vi rädda havet och det kustnära fisket. (Man kan ju samtidigt fråga sig vad som hindrade S att ta detta steg alla år som de hade landsbygdsministerposten och därmed ansvar för fiske i regeringen?)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/bolund/status/1715864520952787342#m
[2023-10-21 22:55 UTC]
RT by @IsabellaLovin: Om sill/strömming försvinner är det den största miljökatastrofen någonsin ii Östersjön. Privatiseringen av det svenska fisket ledde till att industrifisket tog över, vilket S stod bakom. Vidare SLU via ICES höjde sillkvoten I Bottniska viken 2021 med 80%.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/HSvedang/status/1715958391598690728#m
[2023-10-22 05:08 UTC]
Välformulerat om misstänkliggörande av klimatforskare.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IsabellaLovin/status/1715699707136131566#m
[2023-10-21 12:01 UTC]
Då inväntar vi hela historien.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IsabellaLovin/status/1714301656307769849#m
[2023-10-17 15:25 UTC]
Hur man skapar mesta möjliga oreda i klimatpolitiken på kortast tänkbara tid: Tillsätt en enmansutredare som vill riva upp klimatlagen och skrota riksdagens brett förankrade arbete. Altinget avslöjar: ”Hassler vill slopa alla befintliga klimatmål”
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IsabellaLovin/status/1714257096235962461#m
[2023-10-17 12:28 UTC]
In this dark world some keep fighting for a brighter, more juste and sustainable future. HRH Crown princess Victoria is one,
is another. Glad to see this good match!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IsabellaLovin/status/1714245139332272346#m
[2023-10-17 11:41 UTC]
Mitt i prick! 👇🏻Rockström, Wijkman, Svedling och Kåberger: Tänk om, regeringen! - Aktuell Hållbarhet
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IsabellaLovin/status/1713918147919561087#m
[2023-10-16 14:01 UTC]
RT by @IsabellaLovin: Engaged in a profound discussion at #TheOceanRace Summit at the United Nations last night: Can oceans and rivers hold legal rights?
World leaders, marine experts and policy makers are reshaping the way we view our blue planet 🌊🌎🇺🇳
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/LewisPugh/status/1704107606996848907#m
[2023-09-19 12:18 UTC]
Participated in this brilliant Summit at the UN yesterday. Big support for
to be recognised by the UN. Do watch, great speakers including Dr Sylvia Earle and swimmer Lewis Pugh! | UN Web TV
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IsabellaLovin/status/1704247577833603231#m
[2023-09-19 21:34 UTC]
Det enda som är effektivt med den här regeringens klimatpolitik är att den ökar utsläppen i rasande takt. Till en skyhög kostnad i form av minskade skatteintäkter dessutom. På vilket sätt gynnar det ”vanliga människor”? Skandal.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IsabellaLovin/status/1704476107217543503#m
[2023-09-20 12:42 UTC]
Glad to be welcoming new friends to this important community of ocean action!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IsabellaLovin/status/1704628917548490945#m
[2023-09-20 22:49 UTC]
Such a joy meeting
and learning that the support Sweden gave to the UNDP Ocean Innovation Challenge when I was a minister has helped giving sea turtles legal rights in Panama. And that the news made it to the cover of Washington Post!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IsabellaLovin/status/1704831394940060089#m
[2023-09-21 12:14 UTC]
Ten years ago I was the rapporteur in the
of the reform of EU:s external fishing fleets. Now the result according to an independent evaluation is no more “pay, fish and go”. But other DWFN’s need to follow suit. Writing in the
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IsabellaLovin/status/1706339317763760397#m
[2023-09-25 16:06 UTC]
RT by @IsabellaLovin: "In the #CFP there are provisions for prioritising giving fishing access to those that fish in the most responsible way, more selectively, emitting less CO2 [...], and that instrument should be used"
by @IsabellaLovin
>@EU_MARE @LDAC_eu @PolicyPECH @EuropecheOrg @VSinkevicius
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/capecffa/status/1706653634845417722#m
[2023-09-26 12:55 UTC]
Happy to attend the award ceremony with the winners of Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris 2023! Professors Jacob Carstensen and Daniel Conley (
) received the prestigious prize for their research on Baltic Sea eutrophication by H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria in Stockholm.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IsabellaLovin/status/1706744773795565845#m
[2023-09-26 18:57 UTC]
RT by @IsabellaLovin: Great op-ed by @IsabellaLovin on EU's global fishing fleet. There is a need for more transparency from the coastal states, to ensure that the standards imposed on EU vessels extend to other fishing fleets and on joint ventures - especially when the true owner is an EU national.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/VVulperhorst/status/1706746629045600279#m
[2023-09-26 19:04 UTC]
RT by @IsabellaLovin: BREAKING! The UK govt under @RishiSunak has just approved the Rosebank oil field.
Every new field pushes us beyond catastrophic 1.5°C warming.
Renewable energy is cleaner, cheaper, & more reliable We don't need oil & gas! Pledge to #StopRosebank now
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/CANIntl/status/1706948444060070290#m
[2023-09-27 08:26 UTC]
Fantastisk genomgång av Brors & Elvis om Storbritanniens stora reality check efter Brexit. Självbestämmandet om migration, klimat, handel och avskaffandet av ”klåfingriga” EU-regler - vad blev det av det?
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IsabellaLovin/status/1707045294259499367#m
[2023-09-27 14:51 UTC]
RT by @IsabellaLovin: Shocking news from the #Amazon where more than 120 endangered river dolphins have died in the last few days - as severe #drought intensifies
Highlights the need for urgent action & the importance of the upcoming Global Declaration on River Dolphins
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/WWFLeadWater/status/1707695281687396432#m
[2023-09-29 09:54 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Author, speaker. Oceankänslan (N&K). Friends of Ocean Action. Former Deputy Prime Minister/Minister for Climate&Environment