RT by @IsabellaLovin: Danmark bygger en konstgjord vindkrafts-ö med 600 gigantiska vindsnurror, som kommer att försörja hela landet med förnybar el. Danmarks mål är att minska koldioxidutsläppen med 70 procent till 2030
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/olaspannar/status/1711694395357962740#m
[2023-10-10 10:45 UTC]
Viktigt veta vad man talar om när man vill stoppa biståndet till Palestina. Här 👇🏻en tydlig lista över Sidas insatser. Anti-korruption, MR, våldsutsatta kvinnor, psykosocialt stöd, småföretagande m m. Hit går Sidas bistånd i Palestina | Sida
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/IsabellaLovin/status/1711768311845847121#m
[2023-10-10 15:39 UTC]
RT Kristian Teleki: Shameful!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/kristianteleki/status/1685215857683689473
RT dan andersson
#Provinsiell en regering som inte vill bygga järnväg till kontinenten. Bakåtsträvare, bra av @IsabellaLovin @ @miljopartiet #svpolitik @svenssonsmith @svenericliedman @jennymaria @AsaLindhagen @BylineBelife @MatsErikson @UlfBergstrom https://t.co/wYkfHiUUAJ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DanUtredaren/status/1678480883995537423
Congratulations! https://n.respublicae.eu/kristianteleki/status/1675972809397338117
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Kristian Teleki: Today is a new chapter as I step into the role of CEO at @FaunaFloraInt. I am immensely honoured to lead this incredible organisation. We are all indebted to Mark Rose for the amazing legacy we will build on and to David Attenborough for his continued and unwavering support! https://t.co/usixAQRbuC
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IsabellaLovin/status/1676245880851120128
Welcome to the open program day 1 of the ClimateExistence conference with Isabella Lövin @IsabellaLovin and Mikael Kurkiala!
Aug 16 at the Sigtuna Foundation, read more and register here: http://www.climateexistence.se/2023/07/01/open-program-with-isabella-lovin-on-the-oceanic-feeling-mikael-kurkiala-the-responsibility-is-always-mine/ https://t.co/MKidR9Y1wN
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CEMUSUPPSALA/status/1675782512583356416
Broken promises from rich countries on climate, environment and development is undermining global trust. Strong statement from old colleague stepping down. https://n.respublicae.eu/zacgoldsmith/status/1674687701834932227
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Zac Goldsmith: It has been a privilege to have been able to make a difference to a cause I have been committed to for as long as I remember. But this govt’s apathy in the face of the greatest challenge we face makes continuing in my role untenable. Reluctantly I am therefore stepping down https://t.co/KDJKN3i6ER
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IsabellaLovin/status/1674796472263667721
RT Friends of Ocean Action
“Restoring #ocean health enables people everywhere to thrive & ensures we leave a liveable #planet for generations to come. I sincerely hope #China's support for @WTO Agreement on #FisheriesSubsidies will now open the flood gates for other countries..." 🐟 https://www.weforum.org/press/2023/06/china-world-s-largest-seafood-producer-ratifies-wto-deal-on-fisheries-subsidies https://t.co/cP1JHluMkV
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/FriendsofOcean/status/1674008144354091008
RT Leo Hickman
*Mind-blowing* new NASA video showing CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels...
...as if they were visible to the human eye
h/t @ClimateOfGavin https://t.co/4vLZlvBZGM
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LeoHickman/status/1670038914487164929
RT United Nations
UN adopts historic agreement aimed at ensuring the conservation & sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas covering more than 2/3 of the ocean.
Find out what this means for efforts to #SaveOurOcean: https://www.un.org/sg/en/content/sg/note-correspondents/2023-06-19/note-correspondents-press-release-historic-agreement-adopted-for-conservation-and-sustainable-use-of-biodiversity-over-two-thirds-of-the-ocean https…
Indeed a historic day! 🌊 Now important to keep up the pace and ratify so mechanisms to protect the ocean can be implemented! #SaveOurOcean https://n.respublicae.eu/andersen_inger/status/1670825750755254274
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Inger Andersen: Historic day as @UN adopts the agreement on conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdictions #BBNJ.
Now it's time to get down to work. To ra…
RT We Don't Have Time
What is the Ocean Race? And how is this unique sailing competition a platform for ocean protection and ocean rights? 🌊⛵
Listen to Johan Strid, @theoceanrace at the @UN #SDG Lounge at #CannesLions2023 🌍
Watch more: https://app.wedonthavetime.org/posts/189e4b42-71f7-415e-a9fb-8efbbe70ef14?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sdglounge-live https://t.co/8cdKEhyUV2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WeDontHaveTime/status/1671094914887856128
RT Gustaf Lind
God nyhet att EUs miljöministrar har givit sitt stöd till EUs restaureringsförordning.
Smolk i bägaren att det är ett urvattnat förslag.
Pinsamt att Sverige såsom EU ordförande har röstat nej. https://n.respublicae.eu/WWFEU/status/1671110363532722176
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WWF EU: 🚨 BREAKING: Member States in favour of the #RestoreNature law!
EU countries, who will be in charge of implementing the law, send a strong…
RT Åsa Persson
New assignment - I am very honoured to take on the role as Chair of the Swedish Climate Policy Council @KlimatRadet from 1 July. Look forward to work with the council and secretariat to evaluate and help inform climate policy towards our targets. https://n.respublicae.eu/SEIresearch/status/1671849533481926656
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SEI Research: We are delighted to share that @Perssonasa, our Head of Research and Dep…
Ja, nu finns #Oceankänslan även i pocket! https://n.respublicae.eu/magnuscarlbring/status/1671986772845133826
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Magnus Carlbring: Bra sommarläsning! Oceankänslan av @IsabellaLovin. Ren folkbildning om tillståndet i biosfär och värld. 🌍🌱 På pocket! https://www.bokus.com/bok/9789127183971/oceankanslan-om-behovet-av-en-ny-berattelse/ https://t.co/WSTmT27HeP
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IsabellaLovin/status/1672164575301566466
Indeed, interesting discussion on future of international development cooperation. Great also to meet a dear former colleague!
RT @AnnLinde: Gate-foundation & ECFR organises discussions on challenges for development cooperation in London, Berlin, Paris and now Stockholm. Great to take part w fm Minister-colleague @IsabellaLovin https://t.co/hc34zmJ3Hw
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IsabellaLovin/status/1666844806776012801
RT @FriendsofOcean: There is a swelling tide of momentum for #ocean health. 🌊 But leaders must ratify & implement recent global agreements for the benefit of the ocean & those who depend on it. Join our call for bold steps to finish the unfinished business of #OceanAction! 🌊 #WorldOceanDay #SDG14+ https://t.co/VIZElKbNGq
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IsabellaLovin/status/1666715042132230147
Lets celebrate #WorldOceanDay with that feeling of awe and interconnectedness that the Oceans horizon brings to us. Telling us to cooperate worldwide to #SaveOurOcean! #TheOceanicFeeling 🌊
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IsabellaLovin/status/1666709884585365505
RT @NWSNewYorkNY: Check out this almost unbelievable time-lapse of wildfire smoke consuming the World Trade Center and the New York City skyline.
Those vulnerable to poor air quality, including seniors and young children, should limit time outdoors if possible.
More: https://www.airnow.gov/ https://t.co/mtKtLun8lN
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IsabellaLovin/status/1666556701179277313
RT @MikeHudema: Due to hundreds of uncontrolled wildfires across Canada, New York City looks like a post-apocalyptic hellscape.
If you want a prelude of what the world is going to look like if we do not address man-made climate change — this is it.
#ActOnClimate https://t.co/cimHQkDwkZ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IsabellaLovin/status/1666556574146461696
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Author, speaker. Oceankänslan (N&K). Friends of Ocean Action. Former Deputy Prime Minister/Minister for Climate&Environment