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RT by @HelgaTruepel:
Lieber spät als nie. Fischer: "Solange wir einen Nachbarn Russland haben, der der imperialen Ideologie Putins folgt, können wir nicht darauf verzichten, dieses Russland abzuschrecken."


[2023-12-03 13:22 UTC]

RT by @HelgaTruepel: To everyone who wants this war to end sooner rather than later, the right call is not “Ceasefire Now” but “Bring Them Home Now.”

To our non-Jewish friends, we don’t need to know if you would hide us in your attics. We don’t need people to hide us. We need you to come out of hiding and stand with us.

We can take pride, we have come together to keep alive a vision of a better future.

I’m proud of Israel’s Arab, Bedouin and Druze citizens who were not only victims of Hamas’s attack but fought the terrorists heroically and have stood shoulder to shoulder with Jewish Israelis in its aftermath.

I’m proud of our young Israeli women in the IDF. Around the world, evil regimes from Iran to the Taliban to Hamas rob women of our rights and freedoms. When I see women fighting for our rights, whether in Iran, in Kurdistan or in Israel I am with them. If you’re a “feminist for Gaza” your enemy should be Hamas, not Israel.

I am proud of the young Israeli generation whose time has come. We used to dismiss them as the TikTok generation. When Hamas flooded social media with their livestreams of murder and brutality these young adults saw what was done to our people and they have rallied.

Before the war, many of them were out on the streets of Israel every week, chanting “nafaltem al-hador ha-lo nachon”, you messed with the wrong generation. Now their entire generation is united, ready to serve and ready to fight, and Hamas, let me tell you this: “nafaltem al-hador ha-lo nachon” you messed with the wrong generation!

Am Israel Chai 🇮🇱


[2023-12-03 15:27 UTC]

RT by @HelgaTruepel: Today I lectured to a (wonderful) audience of evacuees from Kibbutz Dan, on the Lebanese border. The whole community spent the past 2 months in Haifa.
During my talk - on the Biblical roots of liberal democracy - their kibbutz was bombed yet again by .
Over 100,000 Israelis are now refugees in their own country.


[2023-12-03 15:52 UTC]

RT by @HelgaTruepel: Die israelische Armee hat nach eigenen Angaben seit Beginn des Gaza-Krieges mehr als 800 Tunnelschächte gefunden. Rund 500 davon seien bereits zerstört worden.


[2023-12-03 16:14 UTC]

RT by @HelgaTruepel: Das stimmt. Die "Strategie der Zögerlichkeit" ist gescheitert.


[2023-12-03 19:07 UTC]

RT by @HelgaTruepel: Israeli media are beginning to publish the stories of returning women hostages.
(Not the children’s stories at this phase. They will need a long time of recovery).
What we are already hearing is horrendous. Forget the “nice captors” myth.


[2023-12-02 21:19 UTC]

RT by @HelgaTruepel: Thank you @Schwarzenegger for meeting with the families of the Israeli hostages being held in Gaza by Hamas terrorists.

You are a true friend.


[2023-12-02 18:10 UTC]

RT by @HelgaTruepel: I had to close this thread to further comments. Haven’t been cursed so many times in my life.
Please block advocates, and keep believing in Israeli-Palestinian peace.


[2023-12-02 18:54 UTC]

RT by @HelgaTruepel: Dozens of rockets found in northern Gaza hidden under @UNRWA boxes


[2023-12-02 14:01 UTC]

RT by @HelgaTruepel: Breaking: returned hostages and families of those still in Gaza demand to meet Netanyahu and the war cabinet *tonight*.


[2023-12-02 15:03 UTC]

RT by @HelgaTruepel: הנסיונות להפיל את אונר״א באמצעות אירוע זה או אחר לא רלבנטיים. אונר״א לא צריך להתקיים גם אם יוכיחו שמורה מאונר״א לא החזיק חטוף, או שציוד שלהם לא שימש את חמאס, וגם אם יפטרו מורים של אונר״א שהתבטאו בעד הטבח. הארגון לא צריך להתקיים, כי כל מהותו לתת לגיטימציה בינלאומית לרעיון החריג וחסר התקדים שמלחמת 1948 עדיין לא הסתיימה, שהפלסטינים לדורותיהם עדיין ״פליטים״ מאותה מלחמה, ושיש להם ״זכות שיבה״ לתוך מדינת ישראל. זה ארגון שכל מהותו לשמר תודעתית את המאבק הפלסטיני במדינה היהודית עד לנצחון עליה. כל השאר זה סימפטומים.


[2023-12-02 16:46 UTC]

RT by @HelgaTruepel: All these beautiful Israeli women are dead. Massacred on 7/10. Many of them tortured/raped. Since the world & its MSM doesn’t care to honour or remember them let us do it loudly from here.


[2023-12-02 08:18 UTC]

RT by @HelgaTruepel: This is how women are treated in Afghanistan.

Where are all the protests and activists decrying this gender-based violence?

Where are all the ‘Pro-Palestinian’


[2023-12-02 11:19 UTC]

RT by @HelgaTruepel: Seit ein paar Stunden kursiert dieses unbestätigte (!) Video durch die arabischen Telegram-Kanäle. Es könnte sein, dass es sich bei der jungen Frau, um eine israelische Geisel handelt, die von einem Ort zum anderen transportiert wird.

Die Hamas hatte sich geweigert weitere weibliche Geiseln freizulassen (man kann sich nur ausmalen warum sie nicht wollen, dass diese Frauen frei kommen 💔) und dann die Feuerpause mit Raketen auf den Süden Israels gebrochen.

Dieser Krieg, diese Zerstörung in Gaza, liegt komplett in der Verantwortung der Hamas.


[2023-12-02 11:38 UTC]

RT by @HelgaTruepel: Prominent Palestinian peace and civil rights activist @realbassemeid.


[2023-12-02 12:24 UTC]

RT by @HelgaTruepel: Egyptian writer and activist @daliaziada:

“I won’t mention the Israeli elderly who were kidnapped in their pajamas or the women who got raped at the music festival, but can any one logically justify why Hamas captured toddlers and held them for weeks as “prisoners of war”?

Hamas did not only hurt these children, but also thousands of others on the Israeli and the Palestinian sides who had to experience the horrors of war that they ignited.”


[2023-12-02 12:46 UTC]

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