Komission on korkea aika julkaista eläinten hyvinvointia koskevien EU-sääntöjen päivitys. Nykyinen puutteellinen ja vanhentunut lainsäädäntö ei riitä suojelemaan eläimiä Euroopassa.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/HeidiHautala/status/1709614434274910506#m
[2023-10-04 17:00 UTC]
RT by @HeidiHautala: #Cambodia's Gov't shld reverse travel ban on Mother Nature Cambodia activists so they can accept #RightLivelihoodAward in Stockholm
Instead of persecuting activists, the govt shld investigate corrupt officials & tycoons who destroy forests, lakes & rivers
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/LotteLeicht1/status/1709820741414220180#m
[2023-10-05 06:40 UTC]
Minusta tämä oli hyvä ratkaisu vaaditun yksityisyydensuojan turvaamiseksi. Nyt kun aikaa tuostakin on kulunut jo 16 vuotta, voisi jo julkistaa suoraan.
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Matti Nykänen: Palautetaan mieliin. @HeidiHautala oli ehdottanut Stasi-aineiston perkaamiseksi asiantuntijaryhmää jo v2007. Paavo Lipponen ei ollut mielissään. Kolumni #turunsanomat 5.9.2007 #Lustraatio @RusiAlpo @Virkki5 PL saattoi olla tietoinen listan nimistä.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HeidiHautala/status/1689610801189945344
RT European Parliament in ASEAN
"Let’s show the same resolve as all those fighting for democracy in Myanmar" — European Parliament Vice-President @HeidiHautala calls for "tenacity rather than timidity" in the international response to the Myanmar junta's atrocities 👉 https://tinyurl.com/rtherh
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPinASEAN/status/1683110905893076992
RT CRPH Myanmar
Thank you @europarl_en Vice President @HeidiHautala for your strongest and prolong solidarity with us for democracy, human rights and rule of law in #Myanmar.
We need your democratic support in our efforts to end illegitimate military rule and to store civilian government.
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European Parliament in ASEAN: "Let’s show the same resolve as all those fighting for democracy in Myanmar" — European Parliament Vice-President @HeidiHautala calls for "tenacity rather than timidity" in the international response to the Myanmar
junta's atrocities 👉 https://tinyurl.com/rtherh
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CrphMyanmar/status/1685251321870290947
RT Janne Riiheläinen 🇫🇮🏴🇪🇺
Miksi ihmeessä ihan kunnollinen sanomalehti @ksmlfi julkaisee europarlamentaarikko Hakkaraisen tekstiä, joka ei täytä alkeellisimpiakaan asiatekstin vaatimuksia? Siis oikeasti; salaliittoteorioita, nimittelyä, ihmisvihaan asti yltävää ahdasmielisyyttä. Kummallinen julkaisupäätös. https://t.co/OXsbxCmQLh
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/veitera/status/1681639332581343232
Political prisoners Mikola Statkevich, #SakharovPrize laureate, and Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk are held in unbearable conditions in Belarus, subjected to ill-treatment, and denied contact. I call for their immediate and unconditional release. https://t.co/dl2Yl9m5sD
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HeidiHautala/status/1682074821549604864
RT Kaarina Hazard: Virpi Salmi, MeNaiset. 😊 https://t.co/SSS4tvx1LC
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/KaarinaHazard/status/1682273750576779265
RT Jan Kooy
Good News: Putin’s World Is Shrinking.
@hrw's Daily Brief, by @astroehlein⤵️
#JusticeMatters https://t.co/daWTHKgZsU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/KooyJan/status/1682285208794460161
RT Eamon Gilmore
“ I think we have a global recession in human rights”:
Honoured to speak at the opening of this unique conference, together with @volker_turk UN High Commissioner for #HumanRights @UNHumanRights and @HeidiHautala Vice-President of the European Parliament.
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Global Campus of Human Rights: The Third Annual High-level Conference on the Global State of Human Rights just started https://t.co/EW8oYxmemW
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EamonGilmore/status/1680126665320542209
Talking Europe - 'Companies must unlearn bad habits': European Parliament Vice-President Heidi Hautala
➡️ https://go.france24.com/zZx https://t.co/SADgauFT03
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/FRANCE24/status/1679809586952302596
Luonnon ennallistamisasetus etenee! Joulupukkikin iloitsee, kun luonnon tilaa lähdetään parantamaan. EPP:n disinformaatiosta huolimatta hän voi jatkossakin asua Rovaniemellä. https://t.co/IsxFSKzfPz
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Petri Sarvamaa: Herra Timmermans, älkää heittäkö Joulupukkia ulos talostaan! Ennallistamisasetus vaatisi Rovaniemen kuntaa purkamaan kaikki rakennukset alueeltaan ja palauttamaan maan niiden alta luontotilaan - eikä sekään riittäisi.
Hyvä tarkoitus, surkea valmistelu.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HeidiHautala/status/1679090712506245127
RT Antero: Re @AnuVehvilainen @EijaNiskanen1 https://t.co/SlD1Y7EyEg
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/jukkatheboy/status/1678856780946845697
RT Global Campus of Human Rights
The 3rd annual high-level Conference on the Global State of Human Rights begins this weekend!
📆 14-15 July
📍 Venice
Read more about the topics and the speakers: https://gchumanrights.org/news-events/latest-news/news-detail-page/third-annual-high-level-conference-on-the-global-state-of-human-rights.html
In partnership with @rightlivelihood https://t.co/vETB0FesRL
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/gchumanrights/status/1678406753845690369
RT Greta Thunberg
Tomorrow 8AM we’ll protest outside @europarl_en in Strasbourg for a strong Nature Restoration Law.
12/7 MEPs vote on this law. We urge them to not reject it but vote for the strongest law possible. To mitigate the climate crisis and halt biodiversity loss, we must #RestoreNature https://t.co/FqEcuLcAxv
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GretaThunberg/status/1678326725074120704
RT Claudio Francavilla
1/2 After years of pressure by #Uyghurs & other groups, @VW announced an "external audit" in #Xinjiang, where Beijing's crimes against humanity include #ForcedLabor
Problem is #China's tight restrictions make meaningful #DueDiligence de facto impossible: https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/07/09/volkswagen-announces-factory-audit-xinjiang https://t.co/1EXQ8VkTGo
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ClaFrancavilla/status/1678332179422560258
RT Heikki Raappana
#GSP revision is not over. @HeidiHautala and the EP negotiation team considers the extension as a fallback option, but the EP team plans to get back to compromise-building after the summer break.
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Bernd Lange: Sensible for Commission to propose roll-over of current #GSP for 4 years. @EP_Trade will ensure plan B ready if needed. Beneficiary countries need clarity. Yet, we still want to find an agreement on revision but for this we need Council to embrace original purpose of the tool. https://t.co/GyzkcaSKMp
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/hraappan/status/1676264817412194304
RT Euroopan parlamentti Suomessa 🇫🇮
Hei toimittaja!
☕️ #Pressikahvit pe 7.7. klo 9.00 etänä
🇪🇺 Heinäkuun #EPistunto aiheista keskustelemassa @HennaVirkkunen, @miapetrakumpula, @PekkarinenMauri, @nilstorvalds, @HeidiHautala ja @silviamodig.
📧 Ilmottautumiset: ephelsinki@europarl.europa.eu https://t.co/epN7eJpKdF
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_FI/status/1676194555769618432
RT European Coalition for Corporate Justice
People & the planet FIRST🧑🤝🧑🌎
Now that the @eu2023es starts its EU presidency - in which Latin America is one of the priorities - over 100 Latin American organisations urge Spain to focus on Human Rights & #sustainability.
The #DueDiligence EU directive represents a key… https://n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/1675884450884861952 https://t.co/YDInlPZZ9o
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECCJorg/status/1675884450884861952
Re @MartinScheininF värisuora muistuttaa KHO:n presidentti Kari Kuusiniemen v. 2021 puheesta, jossa hän varoitti, että ”jokin tuleva hallitus” saattaisi mm. muuttaa tuomarikunnan kokoonpanoa itselleen lojaaliksi. Selvitystyö meneillään? https://n.respublicae.eu/martinscheininf/status/1674101729246183425
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Martin Scheinin FIN: Alla olevassa listassa ovat suomalaisen oikeusvaltion lähitulevaisuuden sekä perustuslain ja ihmisoikeuksien noudattamisen valvonnan kannalta keskeisimmät poliittiset toimijat. Nyt kaikki ei taida olla kohdallaan. Värisuorat ovat epäterve ilmiö https://t.co/yepgs32O55
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HeidiHautala/status/1675064008351596544
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Vice-President of the European Parliament, MEP, and former Minister for International Development and State Ownership Steering