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Fair votes campaigners @getprdone have produced a fantastic free paper for distribution at festivals this summer
Could you chip in to help fund it?
No issue feels more urgent right now


Re @cannotpleaseall @PaulProudTyke @seanfarrington I had my home insulated but no new pipework; two radiators updated because v old
Just a different piece of kit to heat my hot water
Live in Gloucestershire


'We are proud of our policy of using tax to reduce inequality, support those on lower incomes, and invest in the green transition. Tax is the payment you make to live in a civilised society'
My starter for 10 on @thegreenparty tax policy


UK has made *no progress* on climate
🚍Useless on transport
🏡Useless on insulation and heat pumps
✈️No attempt to change high energy lifestyles
🏭Failure on decarbonisation of industry
🛢New oil and gas
This government is itself a climate emergency


As chat returns to heat pumps I’ll just share this again
And on costs:
My energy bill last month was £25
This is the level for the spring/summer months, rising to £100 for winter months, and £200 for very coldest month
Total for last year less than £1000
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Green💚🌻Molly: UK is Europe’s most gas addicted country
Heat pumps installed:
🇫🇷 3.1m
🇳🇴 1.3m
🇬🇧 280k
If UK had installed as many heat pumps as Estonia, domestic gas prices would be 34% lower than last year
Gas imports 19% lower
💚 Time for a retrofit revolution!


When we’re 1% of the world’s population this troll has successfully demonstrated the extent of our failure
<div class="rsshub-quote">
thorntonspur: @GreenPartyMolly yet we produce less than 3% of the workd emissions Not bad for useless.


It looks like an opportunity to bring water companies back into public ownership could come sooner than we think
To end the profit chasing and ensure water companies work in the interests of the public
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Feargal Sharkey: Thames Water on the brink of bankruptcy?
So we get to the real reason for Sarah (I’m heartbroken about Sewage) Bentley’s sacking.
@thameswater is teetering on the brink of insolvency and it appears they’re not the only water company heading in that direction.
More to follow


Hi @BBCSimonJack
Given evidence of accelerating climate crisis, was shocked to hear your interviewee claiming &amp; are environment-friendly fossil fuels
This sort of disinformation will drive us to destruction
Who will you invite on to balance this?


'Cat child didn’t happen . . . Nor was a Muslim bus driver allowed to throw his passengers out so he could pray'
Ignore the war on the woke and shift your eyes to what matters:
Tory policies have made us poorer and the planet is burning


Re @BBCSimonJack Yes I appreciated that, Simon
But my point is we need somebody who understands what fossil fuels are doing to our climate to balance his attempt to somehow portray them as (even relatively) environmentally friendly
That is part of the denial narrative and it's dangerous


Re @BBCSimonJack Welcome of course
But if you look at what's happening with emissions you see that delay and denial by the fossil industry means runaway climate change is likely now
I don't feel they should be given a platform for that narrative which threatens all our futures


That should read 'starving fossils of finance' - which is exactly what we need to do
Labour's suggestion we will have fossil fuel for 'decades to come' is reckless and dangerous
@thegreenparty would end subsidies and investment in fossils and develop a plan for orderly shutdown


Workcloud describing current state of UK on yesterday
Most popular word was Broken
From NHS waiting lists to potholes to 999 calls, the Tories have broken Britain
We need
And a fair voting system to keep the Tories out of power for a generation


That's great to hear, Joe
A clear majority of Brits want back into the EU
But only @TheGreenParty
is saying this clearly
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Joe Taylor 🃏: @TheGreenParty 100% got my vote with policies like this


I can't believe I'm hearing Lisa Nandy talking about giving power back to communities
They won't even let local parties choose their candidates for Westminster


@GerhardSchnyder @pholmes8 Great to meet you both

It was a really good conference with lots of interesting people actually focused on things that matter!


Chris Bryant @RhonddaBryant is right that Johnson has demonstrated contempt for Parliament

First the illegal prorogation and now his rejection of its privileges committee

He is a threat to democracy - truly ‘Britain Trump’

The Tories must block any risk of his return


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