RT @vonderleyen: Good phone call with PM @DKovachevski
Welcome news that 🇲🇰 and 🇧🇬, with support of France, are close to an agreement which takes into account interests & concerns.
@EU_Commission is ready to start the screening process for 🇲🇰 and 🇦🇱, the next step on their European path.
RT @ESA_EO: .@esa Member and Cooperating States series: #Vienna
Some of the world’s greatest composers called this city home 🎶🎼
RT @vonderleyen: I believe in Ukraine’s European future. It is your future and only you can make it happen.
You can change this country for good and this will be your ultimate victory.
A free and vibrant Ukraine.
A sovereign Ukraine, finally reunited with our European family.
RT @EU_Commission: #OnThisDay in 2013, 🇭🇷 Croatia joined the EU.
Croatia is today the youngest member of the EU family on its way to introducing the euro as of January 2023.
Take a look at the Croatian accession day. ↓
RT @CharlesMichel: @EmmanuelMacron @P_Fiala @EU2022_CZ Thank you, dear President @EmmanuelMacron and the team of #PFUE2022 for the excellent work and great cooperation during these challenging months 🇫🇷 @Europe2022FR
Welcome dear @P_Fiala! Looking forward to working together on advancing the European project during @EU2022_CZ 🇨🇿
RT @vonderleyen: Я вірю в європейське майбутнє України. Це ваше майбутнє, і тільки ви можете його втілити в життя.
Ви можете змінити цю країну на краще, і це буде вашою остаточною перемогою.
Вільна і квітуча Україна.
Суверенна Україна, нарешті возз'єднана з нашою європейською родиною.
RT @JanezLenarcic: Another attack on civilians - another violation of IHL - as 🇷🇺 missiles hit residential area in #Odesa🇺🇦, claiming the lives of 19 people, including children. It is unthinkable that families should fear for their lives when they go to sleep at night.
Civilians are #NotATarget❗️
RT @WFPChief: #Ukraine: We're just kicking the can down the road if we really think that we can transport enough Ukrainian wheat by train and truck alone.
As I explained at @europarl_en today, the Odesa ports must re-open ASAP. Nations around the world depend on this grain.
RT @EU_Commission: "Your resolve. Your passion for Europe. Your desire to live the European dream in your beautiful country."
The EU flag has been brought to the plenary hall of @ua_parliament to stay.
RT @kmathernova: Powerful speech by European Commission President @vonderleyen in Ukrainian Parliament @verkhovna_rad, about bravery of 🇺🇦 and its people, and our common European future.
RT @EU2022_CZ: Today in Madrid, the Czech Republic symbolically took over the Presidency of the Council of the EU from French colleagues. 🤝 Starting from tomorrow we will become the center of the European Union! 🇪🇺
RT @JanLipavsky: 🇪🇺 🇨🇿 In Madrid, we took over the EU Presidency from France and thanked them for the cooperation so far. We will continue to work together within the Presidency Trio 🇫🇷 - 🇨🇿 - 🇸🇪. Thanks @MinColonna. We plan to hit the ground running!
RT @EU2022_CZ: Regions and state institutions also took part in today's #CZPRES opening ceremony. The Czech Republic lit up in European colors tonight. 🇪🇺💙
RT @franceinnyc: #PFUE2022 #EU2022FR 🇫🇷🇪🇺 | With @PESynagogue, we also co-organized the conference « Rising Antisemitism: how does Europe address it? », in the presence of @kschnurbein, @EU_Commission Coordinator on combating Antisemitism and fostering Jewish life @EUAntisemitism.
Replay ⤵️
RT @LaTourEiffel: 🇫🇷 Ce soir à la nuit tombée, vous pourrez m'admirer tout de bleu vêtue pour la dernière nuit de la Présidence française du conseil de l'Union européenne 🇪🇺
#tourEiffel #PFUE2022 @Europe2022FR
RT @MattiMaasikas: Moving to tears - the EU flag is been brought to the plenary hall of @ua_parliament. To stay.
RT @EUCouncil: Welcome to the 🇨🇿 Czech Republic, which just took over the 🇪🇺 Council presidency. It's going to be an exciting 6 months!
👋 Zdravíme Českou republiku, která se právě ujala předsednictví Rady. Čeká ji šest měsíců plných náročné, ale zajímavé práce!
RT @vonderleyen: The reconstruction of the country and your European path and will go hand in hand.
Ukraine will be in the lead.
Massive investments will have to come.
But to maximize their impact and foster business confidence, they will have to be coupled with a new wave of reforms.
RT @vonderleyen: Ukraine now has a clear European perspective and is a candidate to join the EU.
So today is a moment to celebrate this historic milestone.
A victory of determination and resolve.
And a victory for the whole movement that started eight years ago in the Maidan.
RT @vonderleyen: Thank you President @ZelenskyyUA for inviting me to address this special session of @ua_parliament.
Ukrainians are fighting back bravely.
Europe will do everything in our power to help Ukraine win this war.
And we will not rest until you prevail.
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