✨We had the pleasure to welcome students from Landakotsskóli this morning.
They got to meet the Delegation's staff, get to know what the EU is and does, and play a game to learn all about the EU's countries, capitals, flags, and languages.💡
Thank you all for your visit! 🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1717594438707683717#m
[2023-10-26 17:30 UTC]
Today, tens of thousands of women across Iceland joined the
strike just as they did in the historic women's strike in 1975 to address prevailing gender disparities and need for further action. 🧵(1)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1716843747617460372#m
[2023-10-24 15:47 UTC]
R to @EUinICELAND: 2) The EU is committed to achieving a Union of #Equality. To that end, the EU has introduced serious Union-wide measures to tackle gender pay gaps, gender based violence, gender stereotypes and employment imbalances.
➡️Read our Gender Equality Strategy: https://europa.eu/!MQvgFb
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1716843752654819794#m
[2023-10-24 15:47 UTC]
, formaður efnahags- og viðskiptanefndar, kom í heimsókn til sendinefndarinnar í dag og ræddi við ræddi við sendiherra ESB
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1716499876299599948#m
[2023-10-23 17:00 UTC]
Hver er stefna ESB gagnvart Norðurslóðum?❄️
Sérstakur erindreki ESB, Clara Ganslandt, stýrði umræðum um mikilvægi og árangur ESB styrkja og verkefna á Norðurslóðum.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1715743563776966666#m
[2023-10-21 14:55 UTC]
R to @EUinICELAND: 🐻❄️❄️🇪🇺 Kynnið ykkur stefnur ESB gagnvart Norðurslóðum hér: https://www.eeas.europa.eu/eeas/eu-arctic_en
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1715743565903524271#m
[2023-10-21 14:55 UTC]
care about the
and its fragile marine
. That is why the EU took active part in negotiating and signing the Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Agreement.
Only by joint international action, coordination and regulating can we ensure a thriving Arctic
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1715428396597973027#m
[2023-10-20 18:02 UTC]
🤝Einungis með alþjóðlegu samstarfi og skipulagi getum við verndað viðkvæm vistkerfi á Norðurslóðum.
🐟❄️ Þess vegna tók ESB virkan þátt í viðræðum og skrifaði undir samninginn um stjórnun fiskveiða og vísindasamstarfs í Norður íshafi.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1715430259653271616#m
[2023-10-20 18:10 UTC]
Second day of Arctic Circle Assembly!❄️
🇪🇺Today the EU is organising a panel on gender equality in the Arctic focusing on achievements made, current challenges, and LGBT+ rights.
Moderated by EU Special Envoy for Arctic Matters, Ms Clara Ganslandt.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1715394156871217622#m
[2023-10-20 15:46 UTC]
Við erum á Hringborði norðurslóða (ACA 2023)❄️🐻❄️
ESB skipulagði pallborðsumræður um áhyggjur og þarfir ungs fólks á norðurslóðum.
EU panel on Arctic youth at the Arctic Circle Assembly ❄️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1714979734348513785#m
[2023-10-19 12:20 UTC]
At the Arctic Circle Assembly, the European Union organised a panel focusing on the concerns and needs of Arctic youth.
Discussing anything from climate change, employment to embracing Arctic identities.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1715008458905243836#m
[2023-10-19 14:14 UTC]
At the Arctic Circle Assembly 2023 the European Union is represented by the EU Special Envoy for Arctic Matters, Ms Clara Ganslandt and the EU Ambassador to Iceland, H.E. Lucie Samcová-Hall Allen.
The EU believes in a safe, stable sustainable, peaceful and prosperous Arctic.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1715011267792925132#m
[2023-10-19 14:25 UTC]
❄️🐻❄️ This morning, we had the honour of welcoming EU Special Envoy for Arctic Matters
for a fruitful discussion on Arctic issues with EU Ambassadors.
We had the pleasure of also having non-resident Ambassadors from Oslo at the meeting! 🇧🇪🇮🇪🇭🇺
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1714701145749237860#m
[2023-10-18 17:53 UTC]
🚨Á morgun!
🐻❄️Málþing um málefni norðurslóða í Hátíðarsal
Skráið ykkur og takið þátt í áhugaverðum umræðum!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1714320038377763045#m
[2023-10-17 16:38 UTC]
❄️Are you interested in the Arctic? Then join us on Wednesday, 18 October, for an Arctic Circle pre-event with the EU’s Special Envoy for Arctic matters,
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1713891416177365271#m
[2023-10-16 12:15 UTC]
R to @EUinICELAND: Event details:
👉“Arctic Challenges: The Importance of Trans Arctic Collaboration”
⏰When? Wednesday, 18 October, 13.00-17.00
❓Where? Ceremonial Hall, University of Iceland
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1713891861536850310#m
[2023-10-16 12:17 UTC]
R to @EUinICELAND: The events will take place in English and is open to everyone. Please register via https://ams.hi.is/en/news/arctic-challenges-the-importance-of-trans-arctic-collaboration/?fbclid=IwAR0eNgvOu_UYOmx_l0iqvg43V2YAwPrHR6NJXcwy9SWU-jkLRUdVnFAbC8s
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1713893108100776135#m
[2023-10-16 12:22 UTC]
Við kynnum Leonie Mädje til leiks! Leonie Mädje hóf nýlega störf sem starfsnemi í stjórnmála- og upplýsingadeild sendinefndarinnar. Vertu velkomin Leonie!🇪🇺🎉
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1713851855090938260#m
[2023-10-16 09:38 UTC]
R to @EUinICELAND: Samhliða því að veita stuðning við höfum við einnig veitt mannúðaraðstoð um heim allan til þeirra sem þurfa mest á henni að halda.
Skuldbinding okkar til alþjóðlegrar samstöðu er enn mikil - með verulegu fjármagni og aðgerðum til að bregðast við kreppum um allan heim.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1701950368182100442#m
[2023-09-13 13:26 UTC]
Ursula Von der Leyen, forseti Framkvæmdastjórnar ESB, flutti árlegu stefnuræðu sína
eða "Staða Sambandsins".
Kynntu þér markmið og stefnur Evrópusambandsins fyrir komandi ár:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EUinICELAND/status/1701957375266034066#m
[2023-09-13 13:53 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Sendinefnd ESB er fulltrúi ESB á Íslandi. This is the account of the EU Delegation to Iceland. Facebook: https://t.co/43siYd4kMU…. RT/follows ≠ endorsement.