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Eurostat is delighted to welcome the top management team from the German Federal Statistical Office @destatis today. This is a great chance to discuss strategic issues of interest to Destatis and Eurostat as well as to the European Statistical System as a whole.


♂️ ♀️ Who do you think leaves their parents’ home first - women or men? How much less do women earn than men? 🤔

🆕 Find out the answers and test your knowledge with “The life of women and men in Europe – 2022 interactive edition” ❗



🔬💰In the EU, the highest research & development (R&D) expenditure as a percentage of GDP in 2021 was recorded in:
🇸🇪Sweden (3.35%)
🇦🇹Austria (3.22%)
🇧🇪Belgium (3.19%)
Lowest in:
🇷🇴Romania (0.48%)
🇲🇹Malta (0.65%)
🇱🇻Latvia (0.71%)


🆕📝'EU survey on gender-based violence against women and other forms of inter-personal violence (EU-GBV) – first results – 2022 edition'.
Click here ⬇️!MJ3VYh


🌏↔️ Imports of goods from the Indo-Pacific region to the EU increased to €844 billion in 2021. Exports grew to €583 billion. With imports growing more than exports, the EU’s trade deficit with the Indo-Pacific region reached €261 billion


@ContainmentNu Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius are not part of the economic territory of NL, therefore not covered by the NUTS classification (Art. 2(1) NUTS Regulation: This is why they are not shown on the map (and any other NUTS map), related tables or graphs.


RT @EULawDataPubs: Geospatial data help us define, understand & improve the physical world around us. makes much of this data available through harvesting. Learn how it's done tomorrow: ‘Geospatial harvesting on’! Register:


RT @UExDivulga: II curso online “Cómo acceder a los datos de EUROSTAT y cómo utilizarlos”

Organiza el @CdeExtremadura y está dirigido a alumnos e investigadores de la en colaboración con @EU_Eurostat @fundacionyuste e @infouex 

Inscripciones en:


🌎➡️In 2021, the EU exported green energy products (including wind turbines, liquid biofuels and solar panels) worth €6.5 billion to countries outside the EU.
🔸Exports of all 3 products were higher than in 2012 (+13%, +173% and +4%, respectively)


🌎⚡⬅️In 2021, the EU spent €15.2 billion on imports of green energy products (including wind turbines, solar panels and liquid biofuels) from countries outside the EU.


💰🙍In Q2 2022, in EU Member States participating in the quarterly data collection, the share of the population that was able to make ends meet with great difficulty or with difficulty varied between 11.0% in 🇫🇮Finland and 39.8% in 🇧🇬Bulgaria.


🎙️How do we manage waste in the EU❓
♻️🗑️Discover the importance of recycling and its trends, look at the impact of waste production and waste prevention and quite a few more waste-related topics❗
Listen to here👉!JgbvD4


🗑️♻️2 029 million tonnes of waste were treated in the EU in 2020.
High recycling rates in:
🇮🇹Italy (83%)
🇧🇪Belgium (74%)
🇸🇰Slovakia and 🇱🇻Latvia (both 64%)
What about your country❓
Click here to learn more about waste statistics👉!h7MY38


🎙️🆕 Episode 8: How does your region compare to others ❓📊

Why are regional statistics so important❓How is money funnelled to support different regions❓ Which regions in Europe offer the best quality of life❓

Listen here 👉!pjGqdc


🏢🌎In 2018 in the EU, foreign-controlled enterprises were more likely to engage in international sourcing than non-foreign-controlled enterprises (59% compared with 41%). The larger they were, the more they engaged in international sourcing.


🏢🌎In 2018, in the EU, international and domestic sourcing of jobs previously performed domestically within the enterprise were most common for enterprises with more than 250 persons employed (9% and 17% respectively).


To explore the uncharted areas of the world, needs to be harvested.
But how does the process of geo-harvesting work? 🗺️
Find out in our webinar ‘Geospatial harvesting on’ on 29/11!

Register this way🔽


🛂🚸In August 2022, 4 460 unaccompanied minors applied for asylum for the first time in the EU, +32% compared with July 2022
🔹Most came from 🇦🇫Afghanistan (2 140) and 🇸🇾Syria (1 060)
🔹🇦🇹Austria (1 885) and 🇩🇪Germany (585) received the most applications


🛂In August 2022, 77 595 first-time asylum applicants (non-EU citizens) applied for international protection in the EU, 11 050 more than in the previous month (+17%).
🔹There were also 6 100 subsequent applicants, 240 more than in July 2022 (+4%).


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