RT @vonderleyen: Today is the 31st anniversary of Ukraine’s independence.
But we also mark 6 months since the beginning of Russia’s atrocious invasion.
Our financial, humanitarian, military support is unwavering.
Ukrainian people are fighting for our values.
They must and they will prevail.
RT @vonderleyen: Dear citizens of Ukraine, we can never match the sacrifices you are making every day.
But we can and will stand by your side.
The EU has been with you in this fight from the very beginning. And we will be for as long as it takes.
RT @EU_Commission: 🇺🇦 Today is Ukraine’s Independence Day!
31 years of independence. 6 months of an existential fight to preserve it.
Ukraine already belongs in the European family. And Europe is at your side every step of the way.
RT @MartinSelmayr: „Чи підтверджуєте Ви Акт проголошення незалежності України?“ „Unterstützen Sie die Unabhängigkeitserklärung der Ukraine?“ Diese Frage stand am 1.12.1991 zur Volksabstimmung. Mit Ja stimmten 92,3% (Wahlbeteiligung: 84,2%). Es gab eine Mehrheit in allen Landesteilen. 2/8
RT @MartinSelmayr: Heute feiert die Ukraine🇺🇦 ihren Unabhängigkeitstag. Das ukrainische Parlament hat die Ukraine am 24.8.1991 für unabhängig erklärt. Sie ist ein souveränes, gleichberechtigtes Mitglied der Völkergemeinschaft. 1/8
RT @vonderleyen: 🇺🇦 On 24 August, the world celebrates Ukraine Independence Day.
So tonight, the @EU_Commission proudly wears yellow and blue, to show our support to Ukraine.
We proudly stand with our Ukrainian friends in their fight for a free, independent and European future.
RT @EU_Commission: @EU_ScienceHub The effects of climate change are becoming more evident every year.
We work hand in hand with scientists to map and study the current crisis with the best technology available, from space and ground.
🇪🇺 is leading efforts to protect our environment and citizens.
RT @EU_Commission: Have you ever heard about #SOTEU?
If you are following us closely, the answer is probably yes.
If you have never heard about it before: no worries, we have got you covered!
All you need to know in our #EUexplained animation ↓
Gemeinsam sparen wir Energie für einen sicheren Winter. 🤝
👉 Beispielsweise kann durch eine Absenkung der Heiztemperatur zu Hause um nur 1°C eine Gasmenge eingespart werden, die dem Jahresbedarf Österreichs entspricht.
RT @EU_Commission: Together, we save energy for a safe winter. 🤝
A sum of small day-to-day changes and simple acts can have a great impact.
👉 For example, lowering the heating temperature at home by…
RT @vonderleyen: Renewable energy makes us more independent from Russian gas.
Last year 34 GW of renewable energy capacity was added to the EU energy mix, saving about 7 bcm of natural gas
All EU countries should make efforts in this field and seize the investment opportunities of #REPowerEU
Bienen 🐝 sind elementar für den Erhalt unseres Ökosystems. Wie würde die Welt ohne sie & andere Bestäuber aussehen? Was müssen wir tun, um dieses Szenario zu verhindern?
Der Pollinator Park gibt Einblick. Hier geht's zum interaktiven Erlebnis 👇
Welche #Karrieremöglichkeiten gibt es für junge Menschen in der🇪🇺#EU?
Darüber informieren @wbogensberger, @tinaobermoser und eine BlueBook-Praktikantin in unserer dritten🎙#Podcast-Folge „Exkursion EU“.
Welche Aufgaben haben die🇪🇺 #EU-Organe eigentlich und wie genau arbeiten sie Tag für Tag zusammen?
Diesen Fragen gehen Moderatorin Lena und Pascal Günsberg von @poledu_at in der zweiten🎙Podcast-Folge von „Exkursion EU“ nach.
RT @EU_Commission: 30 years ago, European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations began.
Today, in the wake of wide-scale destruction in 🇺🇦 @EU_ECHO is still working hard to provide life-saving assistance to millions of people in need.
Learn more about the EU’s Ukraine response ⬇️
Die #EUSolidarity in Zeiten der Waldbrände ist hoch:
👉Zivilschutzmechanismus 9x aktiviert
👉29 Flugzeuge, 8 Hubschrauber, 370 Feuerwehrleute und 105 Fahrzeuge koordiniert
👉Das Satellitensystem Copernicus fast 50x von 15 Ländern eingesetzt
#StrongerTogether #rescEU #EUCivPro
In unserer ersten 🎙 #Podcast-Folge von „Exkursion EU“ geht es um 🇪🇺📚 #EU-Basiswissen und um das heurige #EuropäischeJahrDerJugend #EYY2022.
Moderatorin Lena nimmt Jugendliche mit auf die Erkundung.
RT @EU_Commission: 📌 Don’t miss the State of the Union speech by President @vonderleyen on 14 September to hear more about our plans for REPowerEU even further. We will be live on Facebook and EbS.
RT @EU_Commission: We need to scale up the domestic production of solar panels.
This will help us achieve our goal of doubling our solar photovoltaic capacity by 2025 & almost quadrupling it by 2030.
Renewables are crucial for #REPowerEU, our plan to phase out Russian fossil fuels.
RT @EU_Commission: Imagine a factory producing solar panels that can cover the annual energy consumption of 2 million households. This is EU-funded Tango project.
The 3sun in Catania 🇮🇹 will be the largest factory in Europe producing a new generation of solar panels.
RT @vonderleyen: The @EU_Commission is saving energy too, under its Greening Strategy.
For example, we are switching off heating and cooling in most buildings 1h earlier than before, saving 3% of our annual energy use.
We also close some buildings for the summer and facilitate remote working.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Das Team der EU-Kommission in Österreich freut sich auf einen Meinungsaustausch! Official account of the @EU_Commission Representation in Austria