#DYK | #ESMA will continue to support strengthening convergence on use of the digital technologies and the use of #SupTech tools → http://europa.eu/!HghpJJ.
Main use cases for SupTech tools: regulatory reporting and market surveillance → http://europa.eu/!XVTWHU.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ESMAComms/status/1651595759156965378
#DYK | @EU_SDFA is a Technical Support Instrument aiming to support financial supervisory authorities coping w/ the risks and opportunities offered by advanced technologies → https://eusdfa.eui.eu/.
🤝 The Academy was established by @EU_Commission, #ESAs and @EUI_FBF_School.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ESMAComms/status/1651595763309244420