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RT @marcomarsilio: Chieti, Processione del Venerdì Santo.
Custodire le religiose significa preservare i nostri valori, è una forma di cultura che fa parte del patrimonio di ciascuno di noi.


RT @ecrgroup: Christians believe that on this day Jesus died for our sins and that we are all redeemed through his sacrifice.

May give you new hope.


RT @jcyl: El vicepresidente de la Junta asistió anoche a la Procesión de Regla, la más importante de las que celebra la @SantaVeraCruz en

@juan_ggallardo participó en el recorrido con las seis tallas más valiosas del patrimonio de la cofradía penitencial decana de la ciudad


📣 The deadline is coming closer!

🙋 Don't miss out on the chance to connect with other from all over Europe and to make your voice heard!

Apply for our Programme for Young Elected Politicians by 10 April 2023:


RT @ILPOHeltimoine1: @ECR_CoR @marcomarsilio Thank you Mr. Chairman. The Finnish people have given a strong mandate to conservative values. The voice of common sense will be heard more strongly in Finland in the future.


RT @marcomarsilio: Come presidente di @ECR_CoR mi congratulo con il tesoriere @ILPOHeltimoine1 per i risultati ottenuti dal suo partito alle elezioni finlandesi: “La crescita dei movimenti conservatori dimostra che molti cittadini condividono la nostra visione per il futuro del nostro continente”


President @marcomarsilio congratulates Treasurer @ILPOHeltimoine1 for the great results achieved by his party in the Finnish national elections: “The growth of conservative movements across Europe shows that many citizens share our vision for the future of our continent”🇫🇮🇪🇺


RT @ecrgroup: Today, on the 74th anniversary of the alliance, the @NATO family is growing.

🇫🇮 We welcome 's accession to , which represents a significant step forward in security for both Finland and the alliance.


RT @S_Lukaszewicz: W Lwowie rozmawialiśmy o @RegioInterreg i potencjalnych wspólnych projektach, które moglibyśmy razem zrealizować w najbliższym czasie. Był też czas na zapalenie zniczy na cmentarzu Łyczakowskim wspólnie z Panią Konsul @elizavieta7.


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