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During today’s Commission meeting Michele Pais presented the @EU_CoR working document on public sector across the EU


📌 Follow live today's Commission meeting where members will exchange views on:

🔹 Public sector interoperability across the EU │ @EU_CoR rapporteur member Michele Pais
🔹 Reform of EU economic governance framework after COVID-19

🗓️ committeeoftheregions.liveblog


RT @ansaeuropa: “La Lombardia, con altre regioni, ha elaborato un position paper trasmesso alla Commissione, in cui si manifestano preoccupazioni". il sindaco di Casalpusterlengo, Elia Delmiglio, a margine della riunione della Commissione Enve del @EU_CoR


RT @juan_ggallardo: Por fin podemos anunciarlo 🙌

Castilla y León ha sido seleccionada por la @ComisionEuropea, de entre todas las regiones de la Unión Europea, como primer “Valle de la Innovación”🔬

Seguimos trabajando para dar un futuro de prosperidad a nuestra tierra.


RT @marcomarsilio: 🇪🇺 Case green, per Italia sarebbe disastro economico.
La sia meno fondamentalista.
Questo è l'appello che ho rivolto alla presidenza di turno, la Svezia, in Commissione europea ambiente del Comitato Europeo delle regioni @ECR_CoR


“Improvement of air quality is important for the health of citizens but reaching near-zero limits is extremely complex and would have huge social and economic impacts on citizens. It is excessively optimistic to aim for these targets"

🗣️@EliaDelmiglio Air Quality Legislation


“The overall objective of saving energy is good but the timing is terrible. Targets should be introduced slowly with each Member State left to decide how to reach them. Italy has a strong cultural heritage, and the standards laid down simply cannot be met”



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In a debate on the priorities of on energy President @marcomarsilio addresses the huge challenge posed by the EU Buildings Directive and the dramatic economic and social impact it will have


The Commission meeting is on today. Amongst the priorities for our members are⤵️

🔹 on energy │President @marcomarsilio
🔹 Air Quality Legislation │@EliaDelmiglio

🔴Follow live


🔑 Short-term rental accommodation changed the way we travel. In an interview with @venetociambetti we explore challenges and opportunities for local authorities, property owners and tourists.

Watch now ⏬


👏👏👏 "Congratulations to @Francescorocca and @FontanaPres on their victory in the regional elections in and 🇮🇹”

An important result with the centre-right coalition now governing in 15 regions out of 20 in Italy

🗣️ President Marco Marsilio
RT @marcomarsilio: 🔵 Complimenti a @Francescorocca e @FontanaPres per la netta vittoria di queste elezioni regionali.
Un importante risultato che conferma la compattezza del centrodestra e rafforza il lavo…


RT @marcomarsilio: 🇮🇹 Oggi ricordiamo i massacri delle delle migliaia di italiani uccisi, e dell'esodo dall'Istria, dalla Dalmazia e dalla Venezia Giulia, di quelli costretti a lasciare l'Italia con l'unica colpa di essere italiani.


RT @Kozlowski_W: 🤝 Wspólnie z Władysławem Ortylem - marszałkiem @GoPodkarpackie spotkałem się dzisiaj z Przewodniczącym @EU_CoR Vasco Alves Cordeiro. Rozmawialiśmy o tegorocznych @eg2023pl oraz zaprosiliśmy Pana Przewodniczącego do Krakowa na ceremonię otwarcia.


RT @PrzybylskiCez: 🇪🇺 W Brukseli wziąłem dzisiaj udział w sesji plenarnej Europejskiego Komitetu Regionów, którego jestem członkiem. Debatowaliśmy przede wszystkim na temat priorytetów Komisji Europejskiej na rok 2023.


In the margins of Marshal @Kozlowski_W & Marshal Władysław Ortyl officially invited @CoR_President to attend the European Olympic Games that will take place in @malopolskaPL & @GoPodkarpackie in 2023 & to involve the CoR in promoting the event🏋️🚴‍♀️🏆



"In 🇨🇿 a new nuclear power plant in Dukovany will be operational in 2036. It will increase security of electricity supply for Czechia & for neighbouring countries, helping the decarbonisation of the energy sector & diversifying the Czech energy mix"

🗣️Oldřich Vlasák


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The goal of building an EU Energy Union should be based on 3⃣ long-established objectives of EU energy policy:


🗣️Oldřich Vlasák


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