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🗣️ “Above all, it shows hypocrisy of the left, which preaches about rule of law while making backdoor deals with autocrats”


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@ECR_CoR President @marcomarsilio commenting on the recent corruption scandal in the European Parliament:

🗣️ “This scandal exposes money laundering in the heart of Brussels at a massive scale”


RT @malopolskaPL: Marszałek Witold Kozłowski wziął udział w debacie "Wspólnie w przyszłość" podczas 15. Europejskiego Forum Gospodarczego w Łodzi. Hasłem tegorocznej jubileuszowej edycji wydarzenia jest "Biznes w erze innowacji". Szczegóły:


RT @efglodzkie: Debata „Wspólnie w przyszłość” z przedstawicielami grupy Europejskich Konserwatystów i Reformatorów w Europejskim Komitecie Regionów tylko podczas . Wiele merytorycznych wskazówek co do kierunku zmian w Europie.


RT @PLPermRepEU: Prime Minister @MorawieckiM holds the summit ahead of the European Council .

The discussion with Prime Ministers of 🇮🇹🇨🇿 @GiorgiaMeloni and @P_Fiala is focused on the Russian aggression against Ukraine and energy issues.


Ádám Karácsony at @efglodzkie fringe event on the importance of export in the regional economic strategies

🗣️ “In Pest county we created an investment friendly environment by helping local businesses & SMEs to reach their goals”


Pavel Branda at fringe event on integration of Ukrainian refugees: “Greater effort and emphasis is needed on rebuilding Ukraine. Cities and regions in the EU have experience and know how they wish to share with Ukrainian partners”


RT @efglodzkie: Rekordowa kwota 2 mld 745 mln euro zasili konto w ramach Funduszy Europejskich dla Łódzkiego 2021–2027. To nie tylko sukces dyplomatyczny, to przede wszystkim ogromna szansa dla rozwoju naszego regionu – mówi Grzegorz Schreiber, Marszałek Województwa Łódzkiego


Concluding remarks from Marshal @gz_schreiber

🗣️ “Help from the European Union was fast and efficient after the outbreak of the pandemic. We however expect more support for regions to deal with consequences of the war”




🗣️ “Ahead of the start of the war in only Poland and the Baltic countires really understood the risks brought by Nord Stream 2. We need to listen more to our neighbours and work together to improve Europe’s strategic autonomy”


Vice-President Oldřich Vlasák

🗣️ “EU Green Deal objectives are not any longer realistic. Green Deal goals should be reviewed by the European Commission and postponed. Priority must be the people and their ability to heat their homes”


President @marcomarsilio

🗣️ “Energy supply remains a problem in and elsewhere in Europe. Energy demand is growing after the pandemic. We need to be more self-sufficient and less depend on third countries. Energy has to be reliable and clean”


.@marioguarente, Mayor of

🗣️ “My advice for subnational authorities is simple: support the SMEs! They are the backbone of local economy. Our policy is to offer to SMEs special discounts for energy supply and tax cuts”



🗣️ “In Castilla y Leon we are a leader in industrial and agricultural production. Our greatest challenge in and in our region is depopulation”


Marshal @Kozlowski_W

🗣️ “In @malopolskaPL innovation is our priority. For that reason we have joined many international networks, such as the Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies @NEREUSaisbl”


Vice-President Anna Magyar

🗣️ “Education is our future. No policy should be designed without input from the youth - neither at EU, national, county nor local level”


Opening remarks from Marshal @gz_schreiber

🗣️ “We are in a very difficult moment in history. Difficult for Europe and difficult for our regions and cities. politicians represent a conservative part of Europe which can helps to revive it”


Today we are organising a panel discussion on the future of Europe at . Our speakers are:

🗣️ @gz_schreiber, @marcomarsilio, Anna Magyar, Oldřich Vlasák, @Kozlowski_W, @bianchimatteo79, @juan_ggallardo, @marioguarente


Our Members are participating today in a study visit organised by the Łódź Metropolitan Railway, a modern, green and reliable commuter and regional rail service operating between the Polish city of Łódź and surrounding towns in the @lodzkiePL region


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