RT @marcomarsilio: Giornata di lavoro oggi a Roma. Ho incontrato quattro Ministri del Governo di @GiorgiaMeloni: @_calderoli @Nello_Musumeci , @LucaCiriani e @RaffaeleFitto
Today Ádám Karácsony, @EU_CoR spokesperson on the EU Strategy on Combating Antisemitism, met our former member @FidanzaCarlo MEP & Co-Chair of the EP Intergroup on Freedom of Religion & Belief to discuss about future cooperation to foster interreligious dialogue in the EU
RT @Nello_Musumeci: Questa mattina ho avuto un proficuo incontro con il Presidente della Regione Abruzzo, @MarcoMarsilio, e una delegazione di senatori abruzzesi.
RT @PLinEgypt: Owocne spotkanie z marszałkiem woj. śląskiego Jakubem Chełstowskim @JakubChe podczas @COP27P . Wśród tematów projekty gospodarcze i kulturalne. @PLinEgypt @InvestInSilesia @MSZ_RP
RT @JakubChe: Podczas @COP27P niezwykle istotne są spotkania bilateralne🤝Dziś jako delegacja @EU_CoR rozmawialiśmy z @SvitlanaRomanko dyrektor organizacji #RazomWeStand🇺🇦 o transformacji regionów i wspólnych doświadczeniach
#EUatCOP27 #LGMA #EUGreenDeal #TogetherForImpementation
RT @JakubChe: Kolejne spotkania na @COP27P potwierdzają, że łączą nas globalne wyzwania. Z @Dr_KateWilson @LGNSW @energynsw z Australii rozmawialiśmy o wspólnych doświadczeniach dotyczących transformacji energetycznej, dekarbonizacji i osiągnięciu celów klimatycznych @EU_CoR
RT @JakubChe: Szczyt klimatyczny @COP27P to doskonała okazja do zacieśniania globalnych relacji.Z @abarnadas sekretarz ds. działań na rzecz klimatu w Ministerstwie ds. Klimatu, Żywności i Obszarów Wiejskich @catalangov rozmawialiśmy o projektach klimatycznych #EUatCOP27 @EU_CoR #COP27
@ECR_CoR Group held its fourth annual Localism Summit in the Abruzzo region in Italy during which conservative and reformist local and regional leaders confirmed their willingness to strengthen bilateral relations in the form of a political declaration
RT @EU_CoR: The new seat of the Silesian Museum in Katowice 🇵🇱 is a testament to the region’s mining past and an example of the eco-friendly conversion of old industrial sites.
Learn more about this #EUGreenDeal best practice: https://cor.europa.eu/EN/engage/Pages/greendeal-stories.aspx#480
As a @EU_CoR delegate Marshal @jakubche is participating in the United Nations Climate Change Conference @COP27P: "The role of cities and regions is crucial in accelerating a just climate transition and adapting it to local and regional needs"
RT @JakubChe: Jako delegat Europejskiego Komitetu Regionów @EU_CoR👍biorę udział w Konferencji Narodów Zjednoczonych nt. zmian klimatu @COP27P Rola miast i regionów jest kluczowa w przyspieszeniu …
RT @Vox_CortesCyL: ✅ Castilla y León se convierte en ejemplo para Europa de políticas en favor de la natalidad y la familia.
@juan_ggallardo explicó ayer en Italia las deducciones fiscales a la natalidad que en 2023 disfrutarán los castellanos y leoneses gracias a VOX.
Speaking at today’s event @venetociambetti said that “regional legislative assemblies are a pillar of democracy and as such they should play a crucial role in EU decision-making in order to put #subsidiarity into practice"
Subsidiarity in the EU should not only be praised, but also practiced
Attending today’s conference in Valencia in Spain are our ECR local & regional politicians @bianchimatteo79 @venetociambetti & @RobGodek
RT @EU_CoR: 🇪🇺Daring more #EUDemocracy – this is the motto of the 10th #Subsidiarity Conference in 🇪🇸 Valencia.
🗣️Participants will discuss active subsidiarity and the recommendations of the #CoFoE.
📺Follow live from 9am CET: …
Assemblea regionale e locale euromediterranea #ARLEM: la Sardegna scelta per la sessione plenaria del 2023 https://www.unionesarda.it/economia/assemblea-regionale-e-locale-euromediterranea-la-sardegna-scelta-per-la-sessione-plenaria-del-2023-e3jdwv7m
RT @ansaeuropa: Nell'ambito del vertice annuale sul localismo organizzato dal gruppo ECR del @EU_CoR in corso all'Aquila, è stata sottoscritta dal presidente della Regione Abruzzo, @marcomarsilio, la dichiarazione politica tra i leader europei del gruppo ECR.
RT @ecrgroup: 🇵🇱 On Poland's Day of Independence, we send our best wishes to all Poles!
🇵🇱 Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji Dnia Niepodległości.
RT @PierluigiBiondi: L’Aquila ospita il quarto vertice annuale sul localismo di @ecrgroup per discutere di calamità naturali e declino demografico. Grazie a presidente della @Regione_Abruzzo, @marcomarsilio, nonché presidente del gruppo nel Comitato europeo delle Regioni, per averlo consentito.
RT @dansinibaldi: Proficua giornata di confronto con tanti amministratori e dirigenti del gruppo europeo dei Conservatori e Riformisti intervenuti durante il Localism Summit a L'Aquila.
Qui il mio intervento e un breve estratto degli amici Marco Marsilio e Pierluigi Biondi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PIeBhpDcmQ&feature=youtu.be
Il Presidente @marcomarsilio presenta la Dichiarazione dell’Aquila firmata oggi dai leader locali e regionali del Gruppo #ECR
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the @EU_CoR. A centre-right & Euro-realist political group.