"As we fight an energy war we must ensure that policies reflect the reality on the ground and are economically and socially sustainable. This is where contribution of local authorities is necessary - their role must be intertwined and be part of strong network"
President @FermiAlessandro of Lombardy Regional Council gave one of the keynote speeches in today's #ENVE conference on "local green deal: a blueprint for future-proof recovery"
"We are living in historical times and more than ever we need to be close to our territories, we need to become united, and we need to be real Europe of people", said the ECR Member
RT @UMWL_Lublin: Komisja Europejska zatwierdziła program Fundusze Europejskie dla Polski Wschodniej 2021-2027. Alokacja na województwo to ok. 440 mln EUR.
Obszary wsparcia:
1. Przedsiębiorczość
2. Energia i klimat
3. Zrównoważona mobilność miejska
4. Transport
5. Zrównoważona turystyka
RT @JakubChe: Praca w Komisji #ENVE @RegioPoland to okazja do rozmowy o sprawach ważnych dla Europy, ale również dla regionów. Łączą nas wspólne wyzwania. Wymieniamy się doświadczeniami z #WładysławOrtyl @GoPodkarpackie @Smolka_Lukasz @malopolskaPL 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱
During the debate on industrial emissions directive Marshal @JakubChe ephasizes importance of giving industry the necessary support to adapt to skyrocketing prices of energy in the wake of a pandemic & war in Ukraine
-#ENVE meeting
Today our members meet in Milan for the @CoR_EU #ENVE meeting 🇮🇹
-@JakubChe @marcomarsilio @FermiAlessandro @venetociambetti @bianchimatteo79
🔴Follow the event live ⤵️
RT @EU_CoR: 🔴Follow the event LIVE: https://cor.europa.eu/en/events/Pages/14th-enve-commission-meeting-and-conference.aspx#:~:text=The%2014th%20ENVE%20commission%20meeting,Palazzo%20Reale%2C%20Milano%2C%20Italy.&text=The%20agenda%20foresees%20the…
In debate on targets & tools for a smart rural Europe Pavel Branda calls for goals & targets to not only be measurable but also flexible: "We should have pool of targets that can be chosen depending on specific needs & context of region. This is how we will make real change"
"We must free up these areas by regulating short-term rentals with carefully defined proportional measures. It is clear from discussions today that many agree that local & regional authorities should regulate this sector autonomously"
-@venetociambetti │short-term rentals │#NAT
"However, in cities like Amsterdam, Barcelona or Venice, the phenomena of short-term rentals is causing issues for people such as gaining access to housing and even going as far as depriving local communities of having sense of belonging to their own community"
In today's NAT Commission meeting @venetociambetti presents working document on short-term rentals & their impact on local communities
"In addition to the problems there are some obvious benefits: cost, trackability & the opportunity to choose those with good reviews & feedback"
RT @EU_CoR: 🗣️ Join the discussion at #EURegionsWeek with CoR member @Donatella_Tesei!
Read the full interview to find out more about her workshop on the role of border regions in welcoming refugees and her region 🇮🇹 Umbria.
It's time for the @EU_CoR #NAT Commission meeting today!
A highlight on the agenda for us is rapporteur @venetociambetti presenting his working document on short-term rentals & their impact on local communities.
🔴Tune in to follow the action @EU_CoR live blog ⤵️
RT @EU_CoR: The #NAT Commission meets today!
⏲11:00 - 18:30
On the agenda ⤵
🔷Geographical indications system
🔷Safeguarding food security
🔷Low carbon agriculture
🔷EU Healt…
Would you like to hear 1st-hand accounts of the huge efforts & challenges of border regions in managing the arrivals of refugees on their territories?
Then sign up for our workshop – hurry!⤵️
📌1 week to go - join us online on 10/10/2022
RT @zaiapresidente: 🦁🐶🦀🐅🐘 Oggi, 4 ottobre, nel giorno della festa di San Francesco d'Assisi, si celebra la Giornata mondiale degli animali, per i loro diritti, la loro tutela e il loro benessere, con una attenzione particolare nei confronti delle specie a rischio.
Would you like to hear 1st-hand accounts of the huge efforts & challenges of border regions in managing the arrivals of refugees on their territories?
Then sign up for our workshop – hurry!⤵️
📌1 week to go - join us online on 10/10/2022
"Member States need to further invest in youth policies & support youth participation in democratic life. But we would have concerns about lowering voting age to 16 for local & regional elections in Europe. This is decision of Member States!" - Ádám Karácsony │ SEDEC │ Brno 🇨🇿
RT @Consigli_Reg: 👥 Questa mattina si è tenuta l’Assemblea Plenaria della Conferenza dei Presidenti delle Assemblee legislative delle Regioni e delle Province autonome da remoto, coordinata da @venetociambetti, Presidente del @Consiglioveneto ⬇️
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the @EU_CoR. A centre-right & Euro-realist political group.