Now, it is @jmjovellado and @LlSalvado's turn. In 2017 they worked at the Ministry of Economy alongside @junqueras. The Public Prosecutor has demanded 6 and 7 YEARS IN JAIL for offences of disobedience, administrative malfeasance and aggravated embezzlement.
Referendums are not a crime. It’s not me but the Penal Code that says so. Self-determination is not a crime. It’s not me but Art 1 of the Intl. Covenant on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights. Spain’s justice twists law to persecute a legitimate, peaceful & democratic alternative.
We demand Spain puts an end to the political, economic & judicial persecution our movement is a victim of. We ask our democratic colleagues all over Europe to promote, with us, the political solution we have been asking for in Catalonia for years. A matter of #EuropeanDemocracy.
And @natalia_garriga, the Director of Services with Oriol Junqueras in 2017 and who is now Catalonia’s Minister of Culture, faces disqualification.
Will the Presidency of the EU once again see political prisoners in European penitentiaries? Shameful!