"The efficiency of the justice system has further deteriorated and raises concerns."
@EU_Commission's RoL Report confirms corrupt @PL_Malta is Malta's biggest obstacle to a healthy democracy. Media takeover persists, justice remains weak, no progress on human rights protection.
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Television Malta: Il-KE tħeġġeġ lil Malta biex tkompli ssaħħaħ l-isforzi biex iżżid l-effiċjenza fil-qasam tal-ġustizzja https://tvmnews.mt/news/il-ke-theggeg-lil-malta-biex-tkompli-ssahhah-l-isforzi-biex-izzid-l-efficjenza-fil-qasam-tal-gustizzja/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DavidCasaMEP/status/1676602186665435136