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Three fascinating days in Berlin with @IDUalliance. One conclusion leapt out at me listening to friends and fellow conservatives from around the world. It is hard for any government, Left or Right, to be re-elected in the current mood.


100 years ago, Ireland’s Civil War was beginning, with skirmishes in Donegal and Kerry while Michael Collins shelled the Four Courts.
I stick to the unfashionable view that Home Rule might have spared Ireland three wars: the War of Independence, the Civil War and the Troubles.


@AlistairHaimes There are a few exceptions. This one, for example.
RT @DanielJHannan: Here's a seasonal and, by Larkin's standards, unusually cheerful piece to lift your spirits.


I’ve got mixed feelings about Philip Larkin being dropped from the GCSE syllabus. He was arguably the most technically accomplished poet of the twentieth century; but I almost always feel worse after reading his verses.


£37 billion is equivalent to taking 7p off income tax. A tax cut of that magnitude would have done more for the cost of living crisis than these piecemeal subsidies - and would have stimulated rather than slowing growth.


Prediction: Justin Trudeau will find a reason to stand aside before the next election rather than getting his arse kicked by this guy.
RT @PierrePoilievre: What’s up?

Well, food costs. By 10%.

1. Axe the carbon tax
2. End inflationary deficits
3. Remove gatekeepers so more truckers can deliver food


The PM is right. There is no point in arguing about what we ought to or or what we’d like to do. We simply don’t have the money.
RT @MrHarryCole: NEW: Boris Johnson tears up landmark 2019 manifesto pledge to hike Defence spending by 0.5 per cent above inflation every year of this Parliament.

PM jets to NATO summit in Madrid amid growing row over MoD budget.


RT @DanielJHannan: @DaveStudland In 2020, the UK made 7 million tons of steel, exported 4.4 million and imported 5.3 million tons. Our main sources of imported steel, in order, were Germany, Belgium, Spain and the Netherlands. This is really not a strategic issue.


A pleasure to catch up with free-marketeers and conservative friends from every continent - including, here, that flinty Ghanaian patriot @PMacManu.


Gotta love the replies here. Lots of grumpy Europhiles saying, in effect, “Here’s a bad thing that we should do to teach Brexiteers a lesson!”
No we shouldn’t. There is no reason to lumber ourselves with extra bureaucracy. A quango seeking to expand its powers is not a reason.


A fascinating presentation by pollmeister @LordAshcroft. Ukrainians think the only solution is a military victory, while 85% of Russians back Putin. Depressingly, majorities in every state in the region believe that “preventing misinformation” matters more than having free media.


RT @OnTheWoolsack: It’s a sign of falling standards when the once workaday and rudimentary becomes the (relatively) beautiful.

E.g bridges on Shad Street were used by barrowmen dockers to shift cargo between warehouses.


RT @DanielJHannan: On the one hand - reduced growth, fewer jobs in car-making and construction, risk of a trade war, slower entry into CPTPP, breach of international law.
On the other - a couple of Red Wall MPs are said to like the idea.
This is no way to run a country.


@Bloke_On_A_Bike @Tobythejogger What's it for? Democracy.
Have a nice evening.


@Bloke_On_A_Bike @Tobythejogger Right, so now it's "Let me tell you what you ought to believe as Leavers".
Most Leavers - trust me on this - are against creating extra bureaucracy. It's the quangos who seem determined to increase their powers.


@Bloke_On_A_Bike Ah. So your position is “Here’s a bad thing, but we should do it anyway to teach the Brexiteers a lesson”?


What drivel is this? For 48 years, we imported food from the EU with no checks. Now it suddenly brings “significant risks”? Why do we take these self-serving quangos seriously?


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