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The infuriating thing is that every Cabinet minister knows that steel tariffs will shrink the economy. Similar protectionism in the EU is making manufacturers relocate, and we should be poaching them. They’re going along with it because it polls well - again, driven by headlines.


RT @ChrisHBarr: What an absolutely terrific article. The Conservatives cannot win in their current guise because they don’t offer Conservatism! They are Labour! We need Thatcherites desperately that understood we must tighten our belts and live within our means!


Pushing up the price of steel will harm many sectors, not least construction and car-making. If we absolutely must maintain an uncompetitive industry here, let's subsidise it - far cheaper than damaging the whole economy through tariffs.


RT @WanjiruNjoya: "Conservative MPs used to quote Ronald Reagan: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’” Now, they quote Rishi Sunak: “This Government will never stop trying to help people.”


RT @WanjiruNjoya: "Conservative MPs used to quote Ronald Reagan: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’” Now, they quote Rishi Sunak: “This Government will never stop trying to help people.”


@MikeVa011235813 On the contrary, it's a position guaranteed to enrage everyone. But if people won't defend it, the republic is finished.


@klyphnelson Yes, both sides. Listen to the commentary. How many people are focused on the constitutional question rather than on the arguments for or against abortion?


Today, we are being reminded in spades of the single biggest threat to American democracy - namely the indifference of both sides to process when they happen to want a particular outcome.


In this country, we decided abortion law democratically. We felt our way to a compromise that most people could at least live with, and took the heat out of the issue.
In the US, both sides legislate from the bench - hence the anger. A useful warning against judicial activism.
RT @stellacreasy: You think what you see in America couldn’t happen here? Then you don’t understand who is organising in UK politics. No one thought Americ…


Marxism. It starts with talk about the many not the few. It ends with secret police, labour camps and firing squads.


RT @DanielJHannan: @JamesDelingpole I still can't get over the fact that Dolly Parton sang Stairway to Heaven - and, in a violation of every moral law in the universe, she absolutely sodding owned it.


RT @DanielJHannan: Britain was not just early in abolishing slavery. It poured blood and treasure into extirpating the foul trade internationally. Even at the height of its life-and-death struggle with Bonaparte, it was diverting warships to hunt down the Atlantic slavers.


RT @DanielJHannan: This explains a lot. The lockdown will make almost everyone worse off. Jobs will go, taxes will rise, inflation will destroy savings. But, as of now, only 26 per cent think it has had a negative impact on their income. I’m afraid the rest are in for a nasty shock.


RT @DanielJHannan: Worth remembering, too, that most Western Communists happily went along with the new line, effectively siding with Hitler against their own governments. Here is a little reminder.


RT @DanielJHannan: “Our trading partners are not our enemies; they are our allies. We should beware the demagogues who are ready to declare a trade war against our friends — weakening our economy, our national security, and the entire free world — all while cynically waving the American flag.”


RT @DanielJHannan: Corporation tax revenue was 55% HIGHER last year (19% rate) than in 2010 (28%). It's also true of income tax: lower rate, higher revenue.


Thanks to everyone from @SW_Help who has turned up to work today. Once again, my train is running exactly on time (as per the advertised reduced service). By doing your bit, you have made a lot of people's lives easier. We appreciate it.


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