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@SteveDavies365 @patrickcrozier Oh, they definitely have the right to withdraw their labour. But are they wise to exercise that right? Won’t it encourage a dash for automation so as to be strike-proof as soon as possible?


@thebirdmaniac If you're going to be rude about @charlesmurray, it seems only right to tag him in so that he can defend himself.


Under successive Right-of-Centre leaders, Colombia had become Latin America’s success story. The terrorists were defeated. The vaccine rollout was the fastest in the region. Growth is at 7.5%. Yet voters followed the trend to the populist Left. There is no gratitude in politics.


Is it really OK to argue that, because racists like the concept of inherited group differences, scientific research into heredity in pretty much any form should be "deplatformed"?


The liberal/centrist coalition in the Netherlands is restoring full output from its coal-fired power stations.
Britain, outside the EU, is becoming an outlier in sticking to what had been the old EU targets.
RT @dannyctkemp: Breaking - Netherlands allows coal-fired power stations to run at full speed again as gas supplies from Russia drop due to the war in Ukraine - @AFP


In other words, rail travel will be cheaper, more reliable and largely immune to strikes.
RT @MaryKenny4: The train companies in Britain are seeking to cut all staff from ticket offices and get rid of ticket inspectors, (and eventually, drivers.)All tickets to be bought on-line. No human interaction. Looks to me like the Unions have a case. As do passengers.


RT @UKBeanzOnToast: @DanielJHannan @StoicPolitix @stellacreasy @DominicGrieve1 He forgot GDP per capita growth.

We are currently beating every major economy in Europe on that too.


“Wouldn’t it be easier to dissolve the people and elect another in their place?”
In fact, as ⁦@K_Niemietz⁩ pithily shows, Brecht was like today’s Millennial Socialists, sticking against all evidence to the idea that real socialism hadn’t been tried.


A few commentators tried to warn during the lockdown that every day of it would mean more inflation, higher taxes and a slower recovery. They were called callous killers. Now, those who demanded the strictest possible restrictions rage about the consequences. Funny old world.


RT @felixrandal: there is a one-word answer to those who say that the ECHR is a guarantor against authoritarianism – Russia, which was a member until a few weeks ago.


In Germany, a socialist-liberal-green coalition is firing up its old coal power stations again.
In Britain, we continue to impose fuel levies - and then use part of the revenue to subsidise people so that they can afford the energy bills.
RT @SamRamani2: BREAKING: Germany announces that it will restart coal-fired power plants in order to conserve natural gas


“But the ECHR was a British invention!”
Yup. So was the spinning-Jenny. So was the steam-powered water pump. Like them, it was a product of its time, and times change.


RT @DanielJHannan: @StoicPolitix @stellacreasy @DominicGrieve1 The data here, from Prof Tombs, are a superb refutation of some of the most common Remainer complaints.
They were prompted by the Creasy/Grieve debate but serve, I think, as an excellent general summary of where we are.


@rcolvile @griffitha Tariffs, including on steel, fail at least three of the four. A pro-growth government would lift all tariffs. Or, at the very least, it would suspend them during the cost of living crisis with the option of going back to the status quo ante in, say, two years.


@StoicPolitix @stellacreasy @DominicGrieve1 The data here, from Prof Tombs, are a superb refutation of some of the most common Remainer complaints.
They were prompted by the Creasy/Grieve debate but serve, I think, as an excellent general summary of where we are.


RT @staylorish: Angus Robertson accidentally tells the truth. The SNP doesn’t just want a second referendum. It wants a “rolling process” of endless referendums.


Good point, well made.
RT @LanceForman: @DanielJHannan Actually Daniel, it would be better to scrap corporation tax.

Higher pretax profits would create either extra employment, higher wages, extra dividends, extra investment, higher cap values, lower consumer prices or a mix of the above.

And would result in higher tax take.


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