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Yes, of course I can see the funny side of @Keir_Starmer being toppled by a lockdown violation row that he insisted on stirring up.
But it would represent the triumph of partisan policing. Durham police, like the Met, would have changed their position under political pressure.


Three fascinating days in Berlin with @IDUalliance. One conclusion leapt out at me listening to friends and fellow conservatives from around the world. It is hard for any government, Left or Right, to be re-elected in the current mood.


100 years ago, Ireland’s Civil War was beginning, with skirmishes in Donegal and Kerry while Michael Collins shelled the Four Courts.
I stick to the unfashionable view that Home Rule might have spared Ireland three wars: the War of Independence, the Civil War and the Troubles.


@AlistairHaimes There are a few exceptions. This one, for example.
RT @DanielJHannan: Here's a seasonal and, by Larkin's standards, unusually cheerful piece to lift your spirits.


A pleasure to catch up with free-marketeers and conservative friends from every continent - including, here, that flinty Ghanaian patriot @PMacManu.


A fascinating presentation by pollmeister @LordAshcroft. Ukrainians think the only solution is a military victory, while 85% of Russians back Putin. Depressingly, majorities in every state in the region believe that “preventing misinformation” matters more than having free media.


RT @OnTheWoolsack: It’s a sign of falling standards when the once workaday and rudimentary becomes the (relatively) beautiful.

E.g bridges on Shad Street were used by barrowmen dockers to shift cargo between warehouses.


The kicks off with ⁦@poroshenko⁩ telling delegates that the way to bring peace to his ravaged country is to “de-Putinise” the conflict and, ultimately, to “de-Putinise” Russia itself.


The great @stephenharper used to tell his ministers: "Never include a price tag in your statement. If your statement doesn't hold together without one, you're doing something wrong".
Right-of-Centre parties should measure themselves by results achieved, not by money spent.
RT @oflynnsocial: I'm all up for helping Ukraine. But this tweet highlights what @DanielJHannan was writing about the Govt measuring its positive impact simply…


RT @DanielJHannan: Britain was not just early in abolishing slavery. It poured blood and treasure into extirpating the foul trade internationally. Even at the height of its life-and-death struggle with Bonaparte, it was diverting warships to hunt down the Atlantic slavers.


RT @DanielJHannan: This explains a lot. The lockdown will make almost everyone worse off. Jobs will go, taxes will rise, inflation will destroy savings. But, as of now, only 26 per cent think it has had a negative impact on their income. I’m afraid the rest are in for a nasty shock.


RT @DanielJHannan: “Our trading partners are not our enemies; they are our allies. We should beware the demagogues who are ready to declare a trade war against our friends — weakening our economy, our national security, and the entire free world — all while cynically waving the American flag.”


RT @DanielJHannan: Corporation tax revenue was 55% HIGHER last year (19% rate) than in 2010 (28%). It's also true of income tax: lower rate, higher revenue.


RT @holland_tom: Wishing all my followers a very happy feast day of St Æthelthryth: virgin princess of the East Angles, founder of the abbey of Ely, fearsome defender of the Fens against sacrilegious Vikings.


"The state of slavery is of such a nature that it is incapable of being introduced on any reasons, moral or political, but only by positive law. It is so odious that nothing can be suffered to support it."
250 years ago , slavery was judged illegal in Great Britain


A measure of the BBC’s reflexive anti-Britishness is that, when fictionalising this murder in Peaky Blinders, Sir Henry Wilson - in real life a brave and honourable general - is made out to be a seedy rapist, so that the series can glorify the IRA.
RT @davidtorrance: 100 years ago today the Ulster Unionist MP Sir Henry Wilson unveiled this WWI memorial at Liverpool St Station in London. He’d been elected in the North Down by-elec…


Large majorities in all four CANZUK states favour free movement. The main obstacle is the UK Home Office - which, as usual, is unable to keep people out and unwilling to let them in.


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